Chapter 101: (Fucking) Captain America

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Monday came way too soon, which meant Chris had to go back to Atlanta. 

We had another difficult goodbye, although not as gut wrenching as last time. This felt different because it was clear to me that it was more of a see you soon than a goodbye

Technically, the last one was too, but I was still so unsure about us back then, unsure of what was going to happen, where we were going. This time I don't feel those insecurities. 

I know where we stand, I know where we're going, and it makes it just a little bit easier to be apart from him, because of that. 

After Chris posted the photo of him and I at the birthday party, the internet went into a frenzy. We both stayed off social media the entire Sunday, except for when I posted the picture of him, but it was apparent that it had been the talk of the town. 

I guess it's not every day Chris Evans makes his relationship instagram official. 

After kissing him goodbye this morning, he left my apartment to get on a plane back to Atlanta, and I only had about ten minutes before I had to get to work. 

I'm finishing my cup of coffee, my heart aching a little bit from the knowledge that he just went out the door and I didn't go with him, which makes me bring out my phone, looking for a distraction. 

I take a deep breath before opening up instagram, bracing myself for the worst. The first thing I notice is the insane amount of followers I've suddenly gained - like, an actual insane amount. I click the picture of Chris sleeping on the couch, choking on my coffee when I see how many likes it already has. Nothing I've posted has ever gotten that amount of likes before, not even mildly close to it. 

Then I chuckle when I see Chris' instagram handle in the comment section, his comment already having a ton of likes. 

I snort as I type out my reply, a giddy smile on my face. 

Then I go to my camera roll, finding a shaky picture I took of him when I was visiting on set. I have a lot of pictures of him and I might as well share them with the world, now that I'm finally allowed to. Besides, I would love to tease him in the comment section if I got the opportunity. 

Once I'm done posting it, I quickly look at my watch only to realize that I need to leave for work in less than five minutes if I don't want to be late. 

I quickly put on my shoes and coat before rushing out the door, towards the office. 


I'm sitting at my desk, typing out a legal document for the case I'm working on. I'm completely focused on the screen in front of me, my mind enveloped in the legal procedures and the evidence we found as I write. 

Once I finish a particular section, I take a deep breath and lean back in my chair to take a short break before continuing, and it's not until then that I notice it. 

I glance a little to the side, noticing three interns standing around, whispering to each other as they're all staring at me. One of them is Ashley, the intern who has just recently started working here, and who I am currently in charge of, making me frown a little when I realize she's just standing around, not working. 

I gave her very clear instructions on her tasks for the day, and I also gave her a pretty strict deadline. 

I push my chair back to get up before I start walking closer to where they're standing. The two other interns, who aren't working on my project but on different ones, both quickly scatter, leaving Ashley to stand alone where they all were a second ago. 

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