Chapter 73: A Misunderstanding

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I turn my eyes back to Chris, whose brows are now furrowed into a complete frown as he looks at Will.

"You're-" Will stutters, his finger raising into a point, "You're Captain Americ-I mean, you're Chris Evans!" 

"Yes," Chris replies before he raises a brow at him, "I am. And who might you be?" 


"This is Will," I quickly say, gesturing towards the man standing behind me, currently blubbering like a fool, "My brother." 

Chris blinks a few times before his features soften completely. His eyes move from Will to me as he whispers out a quiet, "Oh.." 

I nod, smiling awkwardly at Chris, "Yep.... And, uh, Will," I turn towards my brother who is still staring at Chris, wide-eyed and shocked, "This is Chris. I believe you already know who he is." 

"Y-yeah," Will says, taking a few steps closer before he puts his hand out for Chris to shake, "It's great to meet you Mr. Ameri-uh, Evans." 

Chris' eyes shift to me when Will brings his hand out for him to shake, before he looks down at his two very occupied hands.

"Oh, let me help you," I say, reaching a hand out for his bag, but he quickly interjects, deciding to hand me the bouquet of flowers instead.

"My bag is kinda heavy and those were for you anyway, so.." he mumbles before he lets me take the flowers and sticks his hand out for Will to shake. 

Will shakes it a bit too eagerly as he says, "I'm a really big fan, Mr. Evans." 

"Thanks," Chris replies, offering Will a polite smile, "Nice to meet you. I'm Chris." 

"I know," Will says, still shaking his hand, "Captain America." 

Chris chuckles as Will reluctantly lets go of his hand, nodding shortly as he smiles, "Yeah, that too." 

Chris' eyes shift to me shortly before looking back at Will and then back to me, his hand gesturing towards my apartment as he mumbles, "So, uhm, can I...?"

"Oh, right!" I quickly say, taking a step back and allowing him entrance, "Of course. Come in." 

I take a few steps back and Chris walks inside my apartment before I close the door behind him. He sets his bag down on the floor before turning back to me, and Will, who's still staring at him, completely star-struck. 

I clear my throat to try and relieve the awkward tension before I say, "Well, this is my apartment."

Chris chuckles and nods, looking around shortly before his eyes are back on me, "Yeah, I figured." 

I give him a teasing smile as I say, "It's not as nice as a hotel room, but it does the trick."

He laughs as he shakes his head, "Oh please, this is way better than a hotel room." 

"Liar," I joke, grinning at him as our eyes lock. 

My entire body is screaming for me to step closer, wrap my arms around him, plant my lips on his, anything really. 

But the very awkward presence of my brother right next to me keeps me from doing that. 

I glance over at Will, but he's still just staring at him wide-eyed and stunned, so I decide to turn my attention back to Chris. 

"We were just having coffee, you want some?" 

Chris nods, "Sure, that would be great." 

"Okay, well, make yourself at home. Coffee will be ready in a minute." 

I smile at Chris who reciprocates it before I make my way into the kitchen to make his cup of coffee. 

After about fifteen seconds of painfully awkward silence, I realize I've made a mistake. I yell out, "Will, stop acting like an idiot and show Chris where the living room is, please," as I quickly grab a cup and pour coffee into it. 

I can hear my brother mumble something inaudibly before I hear some movement and once I make my way back into the living room, they're both sitting on the couch but on opposite ends. 

Will is sitting stiffly in his seat, practically staring at Chris, while Chris is looking down at his folded hands. 

I put the coffee cup down in front of him with a smile as I say, "It might not be as good as Craft's, but it's what you get, so no complaining." 

Chris chuckles, shaking his head, "Wouldn't dream of it."

I sit down in a chair and pull it up in front of the couch before I clear my throat, turning myself towards my brother. 

"So, Will, there's something I didn't really have the chance to tell you yet-"

"You think?" He quickly interrupts. He looks at me before glancing back at Chris and then turning to me again, whispering loudly, "What the fuck is Chris Evans doing here?"

"Well," I say as I glance towards Chris for a moment, "He uhm.. Well.. He-" 

"I'm her boyfriend," Chris interjects, turning himself towards Will on the couch, "We've been dating for a few months." 

Will blinks in surprise as he looks at Chris, then at me, and I nod slowly. 

"Boyfriend?" He asks, now looking only at me, "You have a boyfriend?" 

"I do," I reply with a small smile. 

"And.. your boyfriend... Is... Captain America?"

"No," I quickly say, putting a hand up to stop him, "My boyfriend is Christopher Evans. I am not dating a fictional character." 

"Right," he says, nodding quickly, "Right, right..."

Then he turns towards Chris, "But you are... Captain America... Right?"

Chris nods, "Yes, I am, technically." 

"And you.. Did the movies.. And you wear that costume and carry that shield and stuff.. And you're famous..." 

"Yes," Chris replies again, his brows furrowing slightly when he glances at me before looking back at Will. 

"And you're dating... Ames?"

Chris chuckles as he nods again, "Yes, I am dating Ames. Amelia. Whatever you prefer to call her." 

"I usually call her either sis or Ames."

"Okay," Chris says, "I certainly won't be calling her sis. But I am dating your sister, yes." 

I chuckle at his reply as I try to decipher this entire exchange happening before me. 

Will scratches his head as he tilts it, eyeing Chris a little before he says, "Why are you dating her?" 

"I like her," Chris replies, "She's smart, and funny, and kind, and sweet. And she's really pretty, too." 

Will smiles with every word coming out of Chris' mouth and chuckles at the last one, "Okay, that's good. So you guys are like.. Dating-dating?" 

He looks at me and I nod as I say, "Yes, Will. We are dating-dating." 

He quickly looks back at Chris, "Do you love her?"

And before I can even reprimand my brother for the question, Chris just casually replies, "Yes, more than anything." 


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