Chapter 13: Overslept

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I dart my eyes to the ground, taking a step back to hide a little behind Taylor. 

My behavior is completely and utterly childish, I realize that, but getting caught staring by Chris fucking Evans might be the most humiliating moment of my life. 

When I shyly look back up he's not looking anymore, to my relief. I release a breath I didn't even know I was holding, my cheeks probably a completely different shade by this point. 

He might have noticed but at least he's being nice enough to not make a big deal out of it. 

Or so I thought. 

After a second of looking back up at him his eyes dart to mine again and then he does the most annoying and heart melting thing ever. 

He smiles. 

A soft, genuine, warm smile that makes my stomach flutter. 

I do my best to smile back without it seeming too awkward, and then I quickly look back down as I tuck a strand of hair behind my ear nervously. 

Then I hear the director yell action again and I look back up to watch the scene, mainly because I can now be sure not to get caught staring again. 

Taylor turns to me, whispering, "Let's get out of here and let them work. We have to go get ready for tonight anyway." 

My eyes light up as I nod excitedly at him, smiling widely. 

I'm excited about finally going out with Taylor again, it's been too long. And with my busy schedule lately it's long overdue for me to go out and have some fun. 

Taylor leads the way out of the set and I chance a look back at Chris, taking in his entire appearance one last time before following Taylor out the door. 


We quickly eat some food from Craft Services before getting into the car, driving our way back. 

Once we get to our hotel, Taylor and Pierre leave me at my room to go back to their own. 

I go to the bathroom and happily discover that it has a tub. 

I may not understand why Taylor wants to throw himself into this crazy world, but I do understand why he likes the perks. 

I grin as I turn the knob, the tub starting to fill with water as I undress. I sigh happily when I lower myself into the warm water, pouring soap into it to make bubbles. 

I stay in the bath for longer than I intended but it just felt too good. 

I needed to wind down after the - frankly - very stressful day. At least, emotionally stressful. 

Once I get out of the bath I wrap myself in a robe, compliments of the hotel, and yawn. 

Maybe I could take a nap? Just for like an hour.. Or perhaps two.. 

I dig out my phone from my bag to check the time but when I unlock it, I see a message pending. 

My heart skips a beat and I quickly open it, the name flashing across the screen confirming my hopes. 

MysteryMan So, how's your day been?

Amelia Good. Almost had several panic attacks lol. But otherwise good. 

MysteryMan What? Are you okay?

Amelia Yeah I'm fine, I was just being an idiot. How was your day?

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