Chapter 33: Room Service

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Chris kisses my cheek before we walk back towards the set together. He opens the door for me and once we step inside, he whispers, "Oh, and by the way. I am smitten. So you better get used to it, baby," and his words makes me blush profusely, the smirk he shoots me before walking away doing nothing to help it subside. 

I walk back to my chair and Chris walks back onto the stage. 

As soon as I sit down, Pierre cocks a brow at me and chirps, "Where's your bottle of water?"

I stiffen in my seat before quickly recovering with a shrug, "I drank it outside. Soaked up some sun, it's good to stay hydrated."

"Mmhmm, sure it is," Pierre says and when I look at him he has a teasing glint in his eyes. 

I roll my eyes at him, muttering, "Just watch the scene you nosy bitch." 

Pierre laughs at that, turning his eyes towards Taylor and Chris as he says, "Yes ma'am."

Sebastian takes his seat next to me again, apparently he walked off during the break, and he sighs, "Alright, let's hope Evans got his head out of his ass during the break." 

I chuckle and look at him, "What?"

Sebastian shrugs, "He kept messing up. Usually that means somethings going on with him. He wears his emotions on his sleeve." 

"Oh," I say as my eyes fan over to Chris, one of the assistants adjusting his suit as he practices his lines, "I didn't know that." 

"Not a lot of people do," Sebastian says, "But I've known him for a long time. It's always so obvious when somethings going on with him." 

I smile and nod, trying to ignore the guilty feeling inside as I say, "Good to know.." 

I keep my eyes on Chris and his flick up for a second, as if he felt it, and then his lips quirk up in the smallest smile before his eyes drop back down to the script. 

I feel guilty as I look at him. I didn't really mean what I said to Pierre, because I can't deny my emotions, but at the same time I know that I have to be careful with this whole thing. 

Be careful not to get swept off my feet, if theres a chance I could land on my ass. 


I watch Chris and Taylor do the scene again and this time Chris doesn't mess up, not even once. 

Whenever they yell cut, his eyes find mine and I feel like I have a constant smile on my face for the rest of the day. 

After several hours Taylor finally comes over to us with a sigh, "Okay, we're finishing up. Should only be around an hour longer." 

I smile up at him, "Okay T. You must exhausted." 

He nods, "I am. I can't wait to go back to the hotel and crash." 

"So we're not going out for dinner, I take it?" 

He chuckles, "Fuck no. I need to go home and eat shitty food and watch shitty TV while I cuddle my man. I hope that's okay."

I laugh, nodding, "Of course it is. Don't worry about it." 


After Taylor gets changed out of his costume we get back into the car to drive home. 

I take out my phone and to my surprise, I have a text. 

I saw Chris as he left the stage but we are keeping a low profile, and although he's not visibly ignoring me now, that means we still didn't really have time to say goodbye. 

Christopher Wish I could have kissed you before you left

I chuckle at his text as I type out my reply. 

Amelia Getting clingy already, Evans? ;)

Christopher You got a problem with that?

Amelia Not at all

Christopher Are you having dinner with Taylor and Pierre?

Amelia Nope, Taylor wants to eat greasy food and cuddle his man. I'll probably just have room service

Christopher Okay, fair enough. He must be as tired as I am right now 

Amelia Yeah probably. You two worked hard today, it's understandable :)

Once we make our way back to the hotel I trudge my way up to my room. Even though I didn't really do much today, it's still been a very long day and as soon as I place myself on the couch, I can feel how tired I am. 

Not even ten minutes pass by before I hear a knock on my door. 

I get up from the couch begrudgingly, making my way towards the door slowly. 

When I pull it open the sight before me is very surprising. 

"Room service, miss." The man in front of me says as he wheels in a cart filled with food. 

I furrow my brows, "Uh, I didn't order room service? Not yet, at least." 

"It was ordered for this room, courtesy of Mr. Evans." 

I blink in surprise as he says it, "Oh. Okay.. Well, thanks." 

I tip him and he leaves my room quickly, leaving me with an entire cart filled with food. 

I grab my phone, snapping a picture before sending it to Chris. 

Amelia Are you trying to get me to like you?

Christopher Depends on whether or not it's working

Amelia You certainly know the way to a woman's heart

Christopher Food is always the answer, no matter the question

I chuckle before I press on his name. The phone rings for no longer than a second. 

"Hey," he says as he answers, "You're supposed to be eating dinner." 

I laugh, "I can't eat all of this! You ordered too much!" 

"I wanted you to have options," he replies with a chuckle. 

"Uh-huh, you definitely got me options.." I look over at the amount of food again before asking, "Did you have dinner already?" 

"Not yet." 

"You ordered dinner for me but not yourself? Don't you know the rules? It's like on an airplane. Help yourself before helping others." 

Chris barks out a laugh and it makes me smile. 

"I'm sorry," he says through laughs, "I'll keep that in mind for next time." 

"You know," I say, chewing on my bottom lip nervously, "Instead of you ordering for yourself and wasting all of this food you could just.. Come help me eat it?" 

Theres a moments pause as I wait for his answer. 

"Give me five minutes." 

We hang up and I feel the excitement bubble through me, making me giggle softly. 

But then I stiffen. 

He's coming over. And you look just as tired as you feel.

I run into my bedroom, fixing my makeup and putting on cozy clothes and just as I finish, I hear another knock on my door. 


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