Chapter 138: Holiday Plans

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Just as we're finishing up our dinner, Lisa turns to look at Chris, "So, Thanksgiving is coming up." 

Chris chuckles, nodding shortly as he looks at his mother, "I'm aware. It usually always does towards the end of November." 

Lisa rolls her eyes before she looks at him pointedly, "Stop being a smartass. Will you be done with filming before Thanksgiving?" 

"I should be," Chris replies with a smile, cocking a brow, "Why, you miss me?"

I chuckle at his antics, taking a sip of my wine as they go back and forth. 

Lisa scoffs, "Obviously. But it's also good to know how many people I should set the table for." 

Then her eyes move over to me, "So how many people is that, exactly?" 

My eyes widen as I swallow my sip, looking from Lisa to Chris quickly, and then back at Lisa, "Uh, sorry?"

"Should I be expecting just Chris, or an extra person too?" She asks, tilting her head at me, a warm smile pulling at her lips, "Have you two talked about where you will spend Thanksgiving, yet?" 

My brows furrow as I glance over at Chris, and I can tell he's thinking the same thing as me when I notice his brows pulled into a frown. 

We haven't talked about that, at all. I haven't even considered it. 

Is that what couples do? Do they spend holidays together? And what about my parents? If we go to Lisa's, my mom will surely be upset. Does that mean we have to go to my parents place for Christmas?

Oh god, this is already snowballing. 

"Uhh, well, we.. uhm-" I look at Chris, whose eyes shift from mine to his mothers, "We haven't really talked about it, Ma." 

"How could you not?" Lisa immediately asks, frowning at her son, "It's next month. Surely you must have considered where you're going to spend it?" 

I clear my throat nervously, my fingers fidgeting with the napkin on the table, "Lisa, we uh.. We haven't even really talked about whether we would spend it together, or not." 

"Really?" Scott interjects in surprise, "Not at all?"

I shake my head, smiling at him, "Uhm, no, actually." 

"Do you want to?"

I turn my head to look over at Chris when he asks the question, my head tilting slightly, "I don't know.. Do you?"

Chris shrugs, "Well, yeah, of course. I would love to spend the holidays with you." 

I blink in surprise, glancing down at the table for a moment as I gather my thoughts, "Okay, well, I mean.. I would obviously love to spend them with you too, it's just-"

"Great!" Lisa exclaims, clapping her hands together, "So you'll come for Thanksgiving?"

My eyes dart up to look at her, a bit of panic running through my veins, "Oh, uhm.. I would love to Lisa, truly, but I think I also need to clear it with my parents beforehand. This would be the first Thanksgiving ever that I won't see them. I'm not sure how my mom would feel about that.." 

Chris smiles warmly at his mother, "Ames and her mom are very close. Kinda like you and me." 

"I see," Lisa nods, smiling brightly, "I'm so happy to hear that you two are close. You should speak to them first, of course." 

"Yeah.." I trail off a little before my brows furrow, "And how does it work, exactly? Like.. if we spend Thanksgiving at yours, do we go to my parents' for Christmas?" 

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