Chapter 133: Second Chair

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I can feel my own cheeks warming rapidly as my brain slowly registers what's happening, and once it does, I yank my earbud out of my ear before I whisper-shout, "Chris!" 

His head turns to the side to look at me, eyes meeting mine before his lips break into a wide smile, "Hey bug, are you done working? I was going to ask you to join me for my show-" 

"I'm in a meeting!" I hiss in panic, interrupting him before he says something beyond mortifying, "And they can see you!"

It takes a moment before he processes my words, but once he does, his eyes go wide and he scrambles to grab a hold on the towel covering his lower body, lifting the other one to cover up the rest of him. He immediately ducks down to hide behind the couch, which helps a little but not completely as he utters, "Shit! I'm sorry! Fuck! Shitshitshit..." 

He scatters back into the bedroom, slamming the door shut once Dodger has followed him inside, and it's not until then that I turn back to look at my two superiors on the other side of the screen. 

My cheeks are completely flushed as I look at them, eyes wide, "Oh god, I am so sorry!" 

Harry chuckles heartily, and after a beat Melanie joins in, her cheeks slowly returning to their normal color. 

"That's alright," Melanie says quietly, clearing her throat as she adjusts something on her desk, "It happens." 

"I guess this is why you wanted to work from home, huh?" Harry asks with a hearty laugh, making my cheeks burn hot again. 

I cover my face with one hand as I chuckle, "I'm so so sorry. And yes. That's my boyfriend. We have a long distance thing going at the moment, so we're both trying to make it work as best we can." 

"No problem," Harry replies politely, "We understand. That kind of thing isn't easy." 

I smile, "No, it isn't. It really isn't." 

Then Melanie joins in with a chuckle, "He's a handsome guy. I get why you'd want to make it work." 

I snort, nodding shortly, "Yeah, I'm only in it for his looks." 

They both laugh loudly at that, until Harry says, "I feel like I've seen him before somewhere, though. Is he a lawyer, too?" 

"Yeah, you know what, I think I've seen him before, too. Did you guys meet at Columbia? I've taught a few classes there so that might be where I've met him," Melanie says with a smile. 

I shake my head, clearing my throat as I try to sound normal, "Uh, no, nope. Not a lawyer. Didn't go to Columbia, either." 

"Huh," Harry says as he furrows his brows for a moment, "Odd. Guess he just has one of those faces." 

I contemplate it for a moment, wondering whether I should tell them or not. Technically, it's not really any of their business, but part of me also feels like I shouldn't be hiding it. We're publicly dating, just one click on my social media would confirm that, and it's not like the interns at the office haven't noticed yet. 

Would it be worse if I didn't tell them now and then one of the interns did, instead?

Or am I just overthinking it? I'm sure it's not expected for every employee to inform them of their relationships. 

Before I can talk myself out of it, I offer them a small smile as I say, "He's actually an actor. So that might be why you recognize him." 

Harry's brows raise in surprise as Melanie says, "Ohh, yeah, you know what, that might be it." 

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