Chapter 122: Adore You

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Once we enter the restaurant, Chris and I follow Taylor and Pierre inside, his hand firmly planted on the small of my back the entire time. The hostess greets us, sending the boys a dazzling smile and myself a warmer one, and it's a bit of a relief in a way. She's clearly used to... Important people, showing up, and the fact that she's not swooning or giggling like a schoolgirl is a welcome change. I haven't had many interactions with strangers while Chris was with me, but up until now they haven't exactly been great.

I almost wince when I think back to the tour guide who worked at the botanical garden. She was such a bitch.

The restaurant itself is very modern but with a classic twist. The colors are light, mostly beige and neutral colors, but the vibe is very good. The music isn't too loud - but it's just loud enough - and everyone is sitting in booths which gives you a bit more privacy. Clearly they're used to high profile people coming here.

The hostess guides us to our table, Chris gesturing for me to slide into the round booth before he follows me. The leather seats are soft and sleek, the booth big enough for at least six people.

Taylor and Pierre slide in as well, sitting opposite of us at the table. The hostess hands us four menus and says she'll be back shortly, and I pick mine up just as Chris leans back in his seat, his arm resting on the back of the booth behind me.

He picks up his own menu as well, quickly scanning it before he nonchalantly leans closer to me, whispering while keeping his eyes on his menu, "If you can't decide you just let me know, okay bug?"

I nod, glancing up at Taylor and Pierre to see if they've heard anything but they both seem hyper focused on their menus. My eyes move over the page, my side leaning into Chris a little as I whisper, "You know I like when you do it even if I'm not feeling overwhelmed."

Chris chuckles quietly, a short nod before he replies, "I'll do it if you want me to, I don't mind baby." He tilts his head down, pressing a kiss to my shoulder, his eyes moving from his own menu to mine as I hold it up.

"I think you'd like this," he whispers, his fingers moving to my page and pointing to a pasta dish, "It's usually delicious and you always get excited when you have pasta."

I giggle quietly, my cheeks heating up a bit, "You notice that?"

He snorts, eyes meeting mine with a warm smile, "Yeah, of course I do, bug. I know you try to hide it but I also know you make those little happy noises whenever you eat it. Of course I notice."

I smile shyly, my eyes scanning his as I whisper, "You're fucking perfect."

Chris chuckles with a shake of his head, and just as he's about to protest, I quickly lean in, planting a kiss on his lips to shut him up.

He smiles into the kiss, mumbling against my lips, "So.. Pasta?"

I nod, "Mhmm, pasta please."

"Atta girl."

He pecks my lips again, the arm splayed on the back of the booth moving to rest on my shoulders, his fingers caressing my arm soothingly. Then he turns to look at Pierre and Taylor who seem to have decided as well.

"You guys ready to order?"

The waitress' voice makes me look up with a smile, and just as I'm about to reply, Chris does it for me, "Yeah, we're ready. For drinks we definitely need a pitcher of water, but we'd also like a bottle of white wine for the table. And I'd like a beer, too. Stella Artois, preferably, if you have."

The waitress writes it all down with a smile, nodding along as Chris orders. He asks her about what wines she would recommend, to which she mentions a few, and he picks one without a second thought. He quickly orders for us as well, the pasta dish for me and a similar dish for him, but with fish instead.

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