Chapter 146: Wrapped Up

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I left Atlanta the next morning to get back home. I'd dragged it out as long as I could, but at the end of the day, I had a court case I needed to prepare for, and there was no way of putting that off any longer. 

It wasn't all bad, though. Despite having to leave Chris, part of me was excited to go back to work, because it meant getting to work on something I'd been working towards my entire career. So, after getting back home, I was thrown directly back into work. 

I had to be at the office on Friday morning for the meeting with Harry and Melanie, to go over the rest of the evidence I found for the case. 

Once the meeting is over, we're all packing up our stuff to get ready to leave when Harry clears his throat. 

"Uh, Amelia," he says hesitantly, looking at me almost shyly, which is very unusual to see, "I was wondering about that, uhm.. stuff.." 

I furrow my brows as I look at him, confused about what he means, my eyes darting over to Melanie when she chuckles. 

"Harry, she forgot. Just leave it be." 

I frown, looking between the two of them before I clasp my hands over my mouth, "Oh my god!" 

I turn to Harry, my eyes wide, "Oh god Harry, I am so sorry! I forgot all about the autograph for your son!" 

Harry waves a dismissive hand as he smiles at me, "It's alright, don't worry about it. It's okay, I get it." 

I groan, shaking my head, "No, I'm so sorry, I even asked Chris about it. I can't believe I completely forgot! I'll figure something out, I promise!" 

"Amelia, it's okay, don't-"

"Nope," I interrupt with a shake of my head, "I'm going to figure something out, okay? Just give me some time and I'll get it done." 

Harry chuckles, "Okay, whatever you say. I didn't tell my son yet, so we're all good." 

"Great!" I exclaim, picking up my notes and holding them to my chest, "Let me just go make a phone call." 

I rush back to my desk and put everything down before I pick up my phone, immediately calling Chris. 

After a couple of rings he picks up, voice a little out of breath, "Hey bug, what's up?"

I chuckle, "Why are you out of breath?"

"Doing a stunt scene today," he breathes out and I can hear the smile on his face, "They just called cut a second ago. You have good timing." 

"Good," I hum, smiling from ear to ear at the sound of his voice, "Glad I caught you at a good time." 

He laughs, and I can hear a water bottle crinkle when he takes a sip before he speaks again, "So, what's up? Something on your mind or you just miss me already?"

I giggle, "I always miss you baby." 

"I miss you too," he replies, his deep voice sending a shiver down my spine, "So does Dodge. Felt weird waking up without you." 

I sigh, fiddling with one of the pens lying on my desk, "Waking up all alone felt even weirder, trust me." 

"I'm sure," he replies quietly, his voice rich and warm, "But you'll be back soon, right? Or, I guess I'll come there. Filming is over soon and then everything will be easier since I'll have time off." 

"Right," I reply with a grin before I remember the actual reason I called, "About that, uhm, do you remember that I asked if you could get me an autographed picture or something for my boss' son?" 

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