Final wedding prep

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That night you ate everything that Bucky had brought you and sat in the kitchenette thinking of the upcoming wedding feeling anxiety about it. You wondered if there was anything else you should be doing, and also felt embarrassed about your earlier outburst. You texted Bucky without a second thought to apologize, and he wrote back to tell you to stop being worried over small things. He said he loved you regardless, and would see you the following day, then told you to get some sleep.
That was going to be a problem. You never dealt well with sleeping if Bucky wasn't there to hold you. You bent and scratched Leia behind the ears wondering if you really would be able to sleep tonight. Lily mewed at you as you got up to start putting away the garbage and the bottles into recycling. You were about to go to try to sleep when you heard a knock at your door. You went and opened the door timidly and Nat stood there with a grin.
"Good, I was worried you were still sulking" she walked past you and headed towards your bedroom.
"What are you doing?" you asked a little caught off guard.
"You sleep better with someone, right?" Nat smirked at you. "Come on, lets go to bed" she held out her hand, and you gave a shy smile and took her hand as she led you into the bedroom. "Now I'm used to being the little spoon, but for tonight as your maid of honor I'm going to be the big spoon"
"Now you're just making it sound weird" you giggled.
"Is that what you were planning to wear to bed?" she asked raising an eyebrow.
"Well, yes" you blushed.
"Good, get in bed" she prompted and you slipped in under the covers. You heard another knock and Nat was quick to go answer the door. You saw Wanda and Pepper coming in with their own pillows and making their way into the bedroom.
"We are making it a girls night" Pepper gave a smile.
"I've always wanted to try out this swing bed" Wanda giggled while Nat slipped in behind you wrapping her arms around you. You felt the bed swing a little while Wanda jumped on and Pepper took the other end. Leia whined and took the space at the foot of the bed, and Lily jumped up and lay on your hip.
"At least its going to be a warm night" Nat chuckled.
"No room for nightmares if there's three of us here" Wanda announced and you felt her wiggling in her spot.
"Wow, you guys really did a number on the walls in here" Pepper giggled. You felt your face flush a bit, and decided to ignore the comment.
"Did you turn off your inhibitor?" you heard Wanda.
"A few times, but I lost control once" you finally stammered out.
"At least you control the temperature" Nat shrugged, and held you tighter. "Get some sleep, it's a big day tomorrow"
"What if he changes his mind?" you whispered.
"Bucky?!" Wanda asked loudly.
"No way" Pepper sounded decisive.
"That man's crazy about you, trust me, he's not changing his mind" Nat sighed. "Get those thoughts out of your head"
You reached down and unconsciously rubbed your stomach. Nat put her hand on top of yours and you felt her smile against the skin on the back of your neck.
"You'll both make great parents" Nat whispered to you.
"I'm worried I wont fit in the dress in two weeks, they are growing so fast" you spoke softly.
"We will get it fixed if it doesn't, don't worry so much" Pepper had a smile in her voice.
"I hope he's not marrying me because of the twins" you wondered out loud.
"No, he wanted to ask you before he found out" Wanda spoke up. "He planned to ask you at Christmas regardless. I knew when he came back from his month long mission"
"I caught him looking at engagement rings online while we were away" Nat chuckled. "Trust us, he wanted to marry you before he knew he knocked you up"
"You should have seen Tony's face when he asked him for permission" Pepper giggled. "He didn't see it coming"
"Neither did Bruce" Nat giggled as well. "He came into the bedroom that night, and he was talking to himself about already having a son in law"
"We have a big day tomorrow ladies" Pepper reminded you all.
"I'm too excited, and this swing bed is so relaxing" Wanda sighed happily. "I want one now"
"Does it move a lot when you guys have sex? You know, when its actually on the bed?" Nat mused out loud.
You felt your face starting to burn a little bit. "It works very well in both our favors" you finally admitted and heard the three of them giggling. You snuggled more into the pillows and felt yourself drifting off.

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