The Big Mission

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"She's going to be fine Punk" Steve assured Bucky as they flew to the base. It was supposed to be in the middle of nowhere and in snow country.
"I know, I just have a feelin" Bucky shook his head.
"We all do" Wanda confirmed for the rest of the team. "They are safe, and we soon will not be" she told him.
"You need to get your head in the game" Tony added for good measure. "This is what we do, and its even more important that we do this now"
"I know, I know" Bucky sat down looking like he felt defeated.
"Lets go over the game plan one more time" Rhody took out the maps that Steve had brought and put them on the table.
"Aerial support goes in first" Steve nodded. We want in, but we need to secure that front door first. Nat is going to be in charge of getting to the security room and then to their servers and getting as much data as possible. We are going to take down as many as we can, and save the enhanced that we can. Its important to Kitten they are given a choice. If they look like they are out to trick you, get the cuffs on them quickly"
"I've got the enhanced and super soldier arrows" Clint grinned. "I'm really excited to see how these work"
"It will put them on their knee's" Tony gave a proud smile. "The arrows for the soldiers will put them on their ass pretty quick. She put a tranquilizer in those"
"It's a little harder to breathe in this suit" Peter mentioned quietly.
"It's going to protect you from bullets" Bruce reminded him.
"I'll have her modify it for the next time" Tony shrugged. "Now don't forget, they want our enhanced team members too, so keep an eye on each other"
"Its going to be a bit of a flight, get some rest team" Steve decided.
"I'm going to check on my girl" Bucky walked away. They had been in flight for three hours, and it was already too long for him. He felt like something wasn't right, and wanted to turn around and head back immediately. He texted you that he missed you, and was thinking about you. You replied with a photo of you laying in the living room with Frost and Alpine on your stomach. He smiled at the photo and added it to his photo collection. He kept wondering if maybe he should have taken you to the cabin instead to keep you safe. What if when they got back, that's exactly what he would do. He wondered if you would want to go back to the cabin for a while so it could just be the two of you for a while. He remembered how the last time you both were there you had spent so much time together in bed, just being with one another. He thought of how it would feel with two little ones between you both under the white sheets and gazing at one another. He felt so full of love thinking of the moment you would be together as a family with two little ones running around. He looked forward to teaching them how to play baseball, or if there was a little girl putting her in gymnastics or ballet. He wondered if the twins were going to be girls, or boys, or one of each. It didn't matter to him. What mattered is that they were safe, and healthy, and you would be there with them. He wondered if this would be the last battle for a while, if maybe this could be the last base that would force Hydra back into hiding. He hoped it would be. He wanted to make sure that his children didn't have to worry about the same things that you did for most of your life. He wanted them to feel free. Free to be themselves, and free to walk down the street without having to look over their shoulder all the time, worried about the next threat. He wanted them to have the opportunity to keep their innocence.
He wanted to talk to you about you staying closer to the lab after they came, and possibly staying off the birth control. He wanted to keep making a family with you, and you were good at what you did. He loved you and just wanted to expand your little family as fast as possible. He couldn't wait to spend the rest of his life with you, raising children and loving one another.
He started to wonder what kind of wedding dress you were going to choose. He saw you eyeing a few in the magazines, and secretly hoped you went with the lace one that looked like it had a long satin underlining and a long train down the back. He knew you would look perfect in it. You had looked at it a few times over the few days that it was just the two of you in both your suite.
Steve came over and sat beside him, and gave him a soft smile.
"She's fine jerk" Steve whispered gently.
"You'll be my best man, right?" Bucky looked at him expectantly. Steve's face broke out into a grin and he nodded.
"It would be an honor" he nodded.
"She was looking at this dress, it was lace and satin. I was just thinkin I hope she goes with that one. She'd look real nice in it" Bucky admitted. "Wondering if I can talk her into staying in the lab once all this is over, so we can keep raising more babies"
"She's chomping at the bit to get back in the field man, you know that wont happen" Sam came over.
"I know, I guess I was just hoping" Bucky shrugged.
"She could be like what Bruce does, stays behind unless absolutely needed" Tony offered.
"Did you check in with her yet?" Steve asked, already knowing the answer.
"She's relaxing in the living room with the cats" Bucky grinned.
"Get some sleep pal" Steve nudged him. "You'll need it"
"I just need her" Bucky leaned back and started going through his photo collection on his phone looking at photos of you.

You felt lonely without Bucky already, but you had Alpine and Frost laying across your stomach and chest. You laid across the couch in the main living room watching a space documentary again while Leia laid on the floor to your side. Harry had walked in and curled up next to her, seeming to be whimpering.
"You okay Kitten?" Happy asked softly from his spot reading the newspaper.
"I'm missing my Bucky already" you admitted.
"He's trying to keep you safe" he reminded you.
"I know" you admitted. "Who knew he could be such a softie" you grinned in spite of yourself. "He's really looking forward to the wedding" you admitted.
"I think you both are" he pointed to the stack of magazines that were on the table beside you.
"I picked the dress, I'm pretty sure he's going to like it" you smirked. "I'm just scared it wont fit"
"They will fit, you know that Pepper will hire a professional dress fitter. You just need to order it in your current size. Tell Pepper what your looking for" he made it sound so easy. "What about kind of food do you think you should serve?"
"I don't know, I need Bucky to help decide that, same as the cake" you flushed. "I want to make sure that he likes what's served"
"You know him pretty good, I doubt you have anything to worry about" Happy shrugged. "You should work on the wedding invites"
"We don't know he will be back for Valentine's Day, or where it's going to be" you admitted softly.
"I doubt they will be gone that long; they seem determined to make this as quick as possible, and as thorough as possible"
"How about we order the dress, and we can keep it in my room after they get back" he offered. You went online and started going through the different bridal shops trying to make sure you found the exact dress you had seen in the magazine. "We could have the bridal shop bring over a bunch of dresses and have you try them on too" he offered.
"Let's do that" you nodded. "That way we can be sure it will be the right size"
"Lets talk to Pepper at lunch, Doctor Joy finally agreed to come and join us for the meals since she has to stay on site while they are gone" Happy let you know. You nodded and texted Bucky quickly that you loved him, and that you missed him already. You received a heart in response, and he told you he loved you and missed you too. You took your phone and put it in your bra so it was close to your heart. Frost went and curled up closer to your neck and started purring loudly as you started to drift off to a deep sleep. You always found it amazing how easily he was able to relax you and put you to sleep.

When the jet landed, the team was prepared. They were armed to the hilt, and had all the enhanced and super soldier equipment on them that had been printed.
"This is a bit heavy" Peter admitted pointing to his utility belt that he rarely wore.
"Its for your safety" Tony reminded him.
"Aerial support goes first" Steve reminded the team. "The rest of us are going to go by foot, Bruce, time to suit up"
"I'll carry Nat to the side door" Bruce looked green already as he stepped out of the back of the jet and completely hulked out. He turned back and offered his hand and Nat got in his hand then jumped onto his back holding on as he started making his way to the base. Tony, Rhody, Wanda, Vision, and Sam took the skies immediately and Tony let out a series of missiles to hit the base before Bruce would get there. They had the plan of taking the base by surprise and starting out by hitting them hard. There was mass confusion as hydra agents started filtering out of the base, some of them injured. Bravo team landed shortly after they started their assault already. Most of the team was there except the one that had already been on assignment. They started following Pietro, Steve, Bucky, Scott, and Peter as they started running towards the base. Bucky tucked his phone into his shirt by his chest, wanting to make sure that nothing happened to his phone as he went. He started aiming and shooting as the agents were coming out of the doors in droves, taking out several at a time. Steve threw his shield knocking out several. Pietro made his way inside with Peter while Scott started using his smaller size to slip in. Tony and Rhody continued to let out an assault of missiles. When the first enhanced came out of the building, Clint got them in the shoulder and watched them fall to the ground and took out his next arrow waiting to see for more. Bucky was quick to go over and cuff them, leaving them on the ground but away in a safer spot. They hissed at him and he could tell they were pissed, but he didn't care. He promised you that they would all have the chance to change sides, since they likely never had a choice. He would keep his promise to you.
Steve yelled out a warning as a bullet came for Bucky, but he used his vibranium arm to deflect it easily. Another shot came and hit him on the flesh arm but the bullet fell to the ground uselessly. He silently thanked you for the new armor.  

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