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After finishing eating you were the only patrons left in the diner for the moment. Ma turned up the music, knowing it was some of your preferred music and grinned knowingly at you. Bucky didn't miss a beat, he grabbed the dessert dishes of peach pie and put them on the counter for Ma, then pulled you to him for a small dance. You hummed to the music while you both moved, enjoying being in the moment again. He seemed to holding you closer than usual, and when he put you into a dip at the end of the song he gave you a brief kiss on the lips not caring who was watching. You flushed, but returned the kiss. He paid the bill while pops came out to ask how the food was and Ma was ringing you both up.
"Its good to see you so happy kid" he ruffled your hair before giving you a brief hug. Ma came over and made sure to give you a hug as well.
"Send my love to everyone, especially Maria, I think we leave tomorrow" you announced as you were almost at the door. "But I'll be back"
"Don't forget to call and check in" Ma smiled waving, wiping a small tear that escaped her eye.
"I wont" you grinned.

As soon as you both got outside Bucky grabbed both your hands and pulled you to him.
"Just wait here, for one second" he went into the truck turning on the lights and letting the music play a little higher. He came back and pulled you in for another dance.
"You're not tired of dancing with me?" you giggled as you started swaying to the music.
"Never will I get tired of dancing with you" he annunciated his words, his gaze boring into yours. You flushed as his blue orbs got a little bit darker and pulled you closer. "I will dance with you every single day for the rest of your life if you let me" he whispered into your ear.
"Is this dessert?" you moved your hand from his shoulder to his chest.
"Not all of it" he kissed beside your earlobe, and moving his way down your neck to your collar bone again, paying attention to certain spots that made you moan his name. "But I'm starting to get my fill" he chuckled his hand dropped from your waist to the top of your ass, slowly moving down. You sucked in a bit of air as he continued, not even caring if there was a possible audience. He came up and started to kiss you on the lips hungrily, something you were starting to anticipate, but it made your thighs clench wanting some kind of relief. You knew he had super senses, and wondered if he could tell how turned on you were. He had this effect on you that you couldn't help but want more and more of him now that you didn't have to worry about burning him. You hadn't even realized the song had changed, or that it was starting to rain a little bit. You were so focused on him, and his lips, and the movement of your bodies together.
"Please say I can take you on that third date as soon as possible" he pulled back, his voice husky.
"Yes please" you nodded, your voice raspy and eyes barely open from being so into the moment.
"Thank you for dessert" he leaned in and kissed you softly again before pulling away regretfully. "Your getting soaked" he chuckled.
"Thoroughly" you meant that as a double entendre and he stopped for a moment, his eyes growing dark again as he looked at you hungrily.
"Fuck it" he leaned in pressing his lips to yours again, grinding himself close to you. You couldn't help yourself when you moaned his first name against his lips. His metal hand pulled your ass closer to him, coaxing you to jump up and wrap your legs around his waist while his other hand was holding you by the back of your neck trying to keep you as close as possible while maintaining his lips on yours. You opened your mouth automatically for his tongue to enter, wanting to feel every part of him that you could. If someone said a week ago you would be doing this, you would have laughed until you cried. Now you couldn't imagine your life without kissing this man. Time didn't matter anymore, your powers didn't matter, nothing else mattered except for him and his touches. You felt your back hit the truck, but that just made you buck your hips against him more. He moaned your name pulling back, then rested his forehead against your trying to get his breath. "Baby, I'm not going to be able to drive home if we keep this up" his voice was hoarse, and you could tell it pained him to even mention stopping.
"Nat and Tony did threaten you if it wasn't before bedtime" you teased moving your hips against him again, making him suck in a breath of air.
"Just sit still for a sec doll" he put his head in the curve of your neck and you started combing your fingers through his now soaked hair. The rain had picked up and you were both soaked, but you didn't even care. To you there was only him in this moment. "I'm gonna put you down, and put you in the truck before I get us both in trouble" he chuckled and slowly started putting you down and you unwrapped yourself from around him.
He opened the truck door, and you got in and he leaned in giving you another brief kiss on the lips. He took a moment to reposition himself and ran around to the drivers side and jumped in.
"Don't worry, I'll give directions back" you promised when he hadn't moved for a moment, he seemed to be lost in thought.
"I'm not worried doll" he smiled. "Was just thinkin I'm a pretty lucky guy to be out with such a great dame"
"You flatter me" you rolled your eyes, trying not to blush however failing.
"Just being honest. I've never been so glad that someone crashed a jet in my life" he chuckled, putting the truck into reverse.

The failed experiment (Bucky x reader)Where stories live. Discover now