Tests and Bonfires

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"Are you sure this is safe?" you stood in the middle of Tony's jet with sensors stuck all over your body, and machines scanning your body.
"I just need you to do little things. Lets start with your ice power" he was staring intently at a monitor while Bruce was typing furiously into a computer.
"What did you want?" you raised an eyebrow.
"Surprise us" Bruce answered for him.
You thought about your time with Hydra, and the memories that still plagued you. You felt your hands starting to tingle but then the thought of the run this morning and you lost focus.
"I can't focus" you admitted.
"Here" Tony turned on one of the songs from your older playlist. You didn't even question how he knew you liked that song, however started swaying your hips to the music. You focused again, on the thought of Hydra finding you again. Of what happened to you while you were their prisoner. Your hands sparked again with renewed vigor. You could hear the rhythmic chopping of the tree's outside, and felt the air around you start to cool down. You stopped feeling the sensors on you as you continued to sway with the music subconsciously. You raised a hand, dancing with the movement, in the center of your hand a small sculpture of a swan started moving with the music. The ice continued to build around the swan, making the wings larger and more detailed while in the swan's head became a crown.
"We will have to find a way to put music into her comms" Bruce mumbled while studying the screen with fascination.
You opened your eyes finally and smiled at Nat, handing her the small ice sculpture which stopped moving the moment your hand stopped touching it. She had been watching from beside Bruce, but you didn't know exactly for how long.
"Next one, lets go with fire" Tony flipped through screens in front of him. You couldn't make out what was on them he was going so quickly. You changed your focus, thinking of the last week. You thought of last night, and willed the flames to come to you. Your hands started shimmering again, and they quickly started taking over your whole body. You closed your eyes moving with the music again, trying to decide on something small. You raised a hand, and a flame of a ballerina started dancing on your palm, following your movements.
"Whoa" Bruce and Tony mumbled at he same time. "This is fascinating" Bruce continued.
"What are we looking at?" Nat still held the sculpture in her hand.
"Okay, you can stop now" Tony turned off the music, and you stopped in your tracks trying to recall your powers.
"It's the power receptors in her brain, when she's scared this happens, and the frost comes out. When she's thinking of something hopeful, this happens and the flames come out" he was pointing to the diagram. "Her body can handle them both, because it automatically adapts to both extremes. I've never seen anything like it. The fact that she can do both at the same time is some kind of medical marvel"
"So what I'm seeing is, you have a better idea of how her powers are triggered from her brain" Nat said in easier terms. "So, what was the failed part of the experiment?" she looked at you with concern.
"I remembered, even when they wiped me. My recovery time for my memories came back too quickly so I didn't finish my assignments. They got a few through, but the timespan for me to complete their missions was only a few hours before I started becoming me again. It was quite infuriating for them, and me. I'd give anything not to remember some of the things they did under their influence" you had weighed your words carefully before admitting this. "I was also supposed to be able to use nature, but it never came into play. I faked my death before they could try a new serum"
"Do you have trigger words?" Tony was putting it together.
"Yes" you looked down, feeling ashamed. "It only would work for a few hours, but it still works. I don't want to be their puppet again"
"You wont be. We know how to fix that part now. Its painless, unlike what they put you through to put those words in" Nat hugged you, then reached over and kissed your cheek. You jumped at the feeling and touched your cheek automatically. "Your safe now" she assured you. You didn't know how to react to someone kissing you all the sudden. The touches were one thing, but that was more intimate however felt almost motherly.
"I should go get the firepit ready" you blushed a little, and backed out of the jet.

The failed experiment (Bucky x reader)Where stories live. Discover now