A Promise to go slow

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"Are you two trying to kill me?" Tony demanded as you walked into the dining room the next morning. You blushed wondering if they had heard the two of you making love all night long. You knew you had let go a little more than usual, but you both had really counted on the soundproofing. "Three days to Christmas, and I'm certain you're trying to kill me before it happens"
"What did we do this time?" Bucky asked, pulling out your chair.
"Front page, and center fold. If anyone reads the papers, they are going to know all about your little romantic date last night" he handed you the newspaper. "I'm stressed, and you know why. You are flaunting that you left the compound"
"We just needed a night out" Bucky frowned while you looked at the photo on the front. It was a picture of Bucky dipping you back and kissing you.
"Oh, can we get copies of these?" you asked opening to the center and saw the photo from in the diner, there was one of him holding you with his jacket around you. There was another one of the two of you holding hands in the museum in the space area, Bucky was gazing at you while you were pointing at something.
"Kitten, you are supposed to be keeping a low profile. Bounty on your head, remember?" he rubbed his temples.
"We will get the photos" Pepper smirked at you.
"A few five by sevens and eight by tens?" you giggled and she nodded.
"Y/N, you two are supposed to be careful" Bruce spoke a little more firmly than usual.
"We were careful" you pouted. "We just went on a date. Its not like Hydra or some assassin is going to know where we are going if I don't even know where we are going" you put your hands on your hips.
"It was one night, we just needed some time alone" Bucky added, wrapping his arms around you and saw the photo's that you had just looked at. "Someone was watching us for a while, did not notice that" he seemed concerned.
"It could have been a few different people. What's the story this time?" you started reading the paper. "Wedding bells, seriously? We haven't even talked about marriage"
"Is there much to discuss?" Bucky whispered in your ear, and you flushed.
"Not really, I already know what I want" you smiled in spite of yourself.
"You are grounded young lady" Tony finally broke the small silence.
"What?" you asked, not sure you heard him right.
"Grounded. No more dates for a while" he responded quickly.
"What about dates at the compound?" Bucky seemed quick to have a comeback.
"Fine, its fine at the compound" Tony threw his hands up.
"You're going a bit far Tony, what if they want to go to the cabin?" Pepper asked.
"The cabin is fine as long someone else brings the groceries" he gave in.
"Is this your way of saying you are worried, and want us to stay out of the papers?" you bit your bottom lip, looking at Tony expectantly. "Because I'm not grounded, but I'll listen to you if its because you are worried Tony. Next time we will go in disguise"
"Thank you" he sat in his seat with a huff. "Was that so hard?"
"Apparently" Nat chuckled from beside you.
"Let me see the paper" Steve held out his hand and Bucky handed it over. "Well, at least they don't have just pictures of you scowling like they normally do"
"I don't scowl" Bucky rolled his eyes pulling out your chair, and you gratefully sat down and he followed suit.
"Man, you are the king of scowling until you met sexy legs over here. Now you're annoying as hell happy all the time" Sam grinned to himself.
"You're just jealous because I have this beautiful woman by my side" Bucky grinned.
"No, you're happy all the time. Its unnerving after working with you for years and you barely smiled" Sam laughed to himself, and Steve shrugged slightly.
"I smiled" Bucky frowned a bit.
"At pretty girls, until after the second date and you were back to miserable" Nat chuckled. "You also were miserable the entire time you were on missions without Y/N, and not to mention when we had to go to HQ for a month"
"Well, there won't be any more of that in my future. I have all I need" Bucky pulled you close and gave you a kiss on the cheek.
"Your drink, my lady" Happy came in handing you a large cup. You sniffed at it before sipping it.
"What is it?" you finally asked.
"Peppermint tea with honey" Happy gave a smile. "I heard its great for the mornings"
"It tastes good" you secretly wished it was a latte.
"Are you coming to the gym today?" Peter asked as you started eating your eggs and bacon.
"Is there another dummy for me to play with?" you leaned forward excitedly.
"Yes, we replaced it. No using your powers on it though" Nat smiled at you.
"What about weapons training? Can I do that?" you looked up hopefully.
"How about a swim, doll?" Bucky asked gently. "I think Clint wanted to monitor your weapons training" he added after thinking about it for a moment.
"Are you joining" you raised an eyebrow, and rubbed his thigh under the table. You saw him flush a bit and bite his bottom lip.
"Of course, he is. I will too" Nat grinned and you saw Wanda giggling.
"I'll come too, since Bucky needs someone that can keep up" Steve decided and Wanda snorted a bit while laughing even more.
"What's so funny darling?" Vision asked her with a smile.
"I'll tell you later" she smirked in your direction and you flushed a bit forgetting that she probably had been reading your thoughts. Frost came over and climbed up onto your shoulders meowing softly. You broke off a piece of bacon and fed it to him.
"Can I borrow that corset you made?" Nat asked after you were almost done eating.
"Sure, why?" you asked not thinking on it too much.
"I want to try shooting it. If it works, I want to see if it fits" she shrugged. "Even if its heavy, it would be good for an undercover mission until you get the kinks out of what kind of fabric to use"
"Sure, its on my desk" you nodded consent. Frost meowed again and you gave him a piece of egg instead.

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