The morning after

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When you woke up in the morning, all you could think about was Bucky. He was still holding you tightly and breathing heavily in his sleep. You were a little sore, but you took pleasure in it. He had been so gentle with you the whole night, and had taken care of you very well. You couldn't imagine sex having been so amazing, but then again, he was the most amazing man you had ever met. You rubbed his arm while contemplating if you should get up and let him sleep in, or if you should wake him up in case someone came in. You weren't ashamed, but this seemed to be something private between the two of you. You tried to turn in his arms but had to wiggle quite a bit and finally found yourself facing him completely.
"James?" you whispered, but he was still out like a light. You leaned up and placed a soft kiss on his lips. You were about to pull away when his arm moved to pull you closer to him and to deepen the kiss.
"Good morning" he smiled at you, his eyes crinkling while he gazed into your eyes.
"Good morning" you flushed a bit, pulling the blanket up to be more secure around you.
"How are you feeling?" a flash of concern went across his face.
"Still amazing" you giggled, giving him another quick kiss. "Thank you for last night"
"No, thank YOU for last night" he chuckled and pulled on the blanket to expose you to him again. You shivered with the sudden loss of warmth but didn't move. He pulled back slightly and his gaze lazily went down your entire body and back up. "Still look amazing doll" he grinned and gave you a wink. You flushed and went to get up. "Where are you going?" he pulled on your hips bringing you back to him while he kissed you on the back of your shoulders.
"Breakfast will be soon, and I need to put something on" you tried to grab at the blanket to put around you. He groaned and pulled back on the blanket.
"I like the view better this way" he chuckled while you got out of bed. You went into the closet and put on some workout clothes, fully intending to get back into training. You just put a band t-shirt on top of your sports bra, when he came into the closet fully naked and grinning like a schoolboy who just won first prize. You smiled back at him while he pulled clothes out of his drawer and started getting dressed quickly. You gave him another quick kiss while you squeezed past him at the doorway to go to the bathroom to brush your hair and teeth. You heard him run out the door quickly, and you figured he was doing the same.
When you got to the door, he was standing there waiting with the biggest grin.
"You're going to give us away" you giggled.
"I don't even care, that was the best night of my life" he kissed your cheek and took your hand leading you to the breakfast table.

"You both look rested for once" Nat quirked an eyebrow and a sly smirk. You flushed a bit, knowing she probably heard something. "How was your night?"
"Good" you started picking at your food. Her smile got a little bigger, but she let it go while sipping her coffee.
"How was your night Natasha?" Bucky caught onto the gentle teasing that Nat was giving, and he smirked at you with a wink.
"Always good" she smirked and Bruce looked up curiously. "We have training today" she looked at you. "We are going to work out in the gym for today, you good with that?"
"That sounds fun" you nodded.
"We can also have some girl talk while we are at it" she added smoothly and you almost spit out your coffee. Now you knew she heard something.
"Are you following my training schedule I made for her?" Steve spoke up suddenly.
"Yes, we are starting the day with a run, then weight training, and then moving to sparring" Nat nodded. "This afternoon we are working on her abilities outside" she added. "Tony wants us to monitor and make sure we don't push too much. See what the limits are before she gets tired"
"Weapons training, that's supposed to be tomorrow right?" Clint asked.
"That's tomorrow afternoon. I've got this you guys" she rolled her eyes.
"But I already know how to do all these things" you were surprised at this.
"Not with us though. We need to know your capabilities working as a unit with us" Tony answered for Nat.
"I don't mind either way" you shrugged.
"Bravo team decided to start their tryouts early, so you might see them around the compound" Pepper advised from her spot. "They are doing endurance tests today"
"Bruce, I need your help with the data that Y/N and Nat brought back. Steve, I want you to monitor the sparring sessions today" Tony seemed to be concentrated on his phone.
"I'm looking forward to seeing sexy legs in the gym" Sam laughed as you blushed.
"My legs are not sexy" you puffed up a little bit.
"I agree with Sam" Bucky whispered to you and you flushed again. You didn't have any rebuttal at this one.
"I'm just going to go get my phone for while we are training" you finished your breakfast and put the dishes away.
"Want some company?" Wanda seemed excited for some reason. "Or do I wait for girl talk later?" she teased and you felt your entire chest and face go red.
"I'll be fine" you left the room while Bucky couldn't even be bothered to hide his grin.

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