Tearful Goodbyes**

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You barely slept that night, keeping your eyes solely on Bucky while you snuggled in closely to him. When you did doze off, you would wake up with a start only to gaze up at him again. You couldn't imagine loving someone more than you did him. You couldn't help but fantasize about the future with him, with the wedding and the twins on the way. You could see him on the front porch of your cabin, with one twin on each of his knees laughing and playing with them. You imagined that Lily, and Leia would be happy with the new additions, and even thought of Frost being with you. You knew he would be protective over the children, no matter what the age they would come to be. He was good, inside and out. You wondered if he would always remain as a cat, or if he would show himself one day.
As the sun started to rise through the windows and the skylight you continued to study Bucky, taking in the warmth of his body against yours and how even in his sleep he used both arms to hold you close to him almost protectively. You were going to miss this when he was on the mission, but knew it was inevitable. Part of being one of the Avengers meant that you had missions that needed to be completed. You were still sad that you couldn't join them on this mission, but understood their reasoning. Your thoughts went back to how the team seemed entranced by the live video feed of the babies inside of you and a smile graced your lips. You supposed it really did bring the fact that there were two little beings living inside of you that were going to be raised here with them. You remembered Steve seemed to be one of the most intrigued, knowing now that he could have children too one day. You hoped that day would come for him to meet the right partner. He deserved the world.
As the sun finished rising, you felt Bucky start to stir from beside you and gazed at his face waiting for him to open his eyes. Slowly they opened, and you were pierced with those beautiful blue eyes. He smiled, and little crinkles went around his eyes.
"Good morning beautiful" he leaned down and captured your lips gently.
"The best of good morning's handsome" you breathed softly.
"How did you sleep?" he pulled you closer.
"Off and on" you admitted, giving him another kiss on the lips. He nipped at your bottom lip and pushed you on your back as he deepened the kiss. You found yourself letting out a small moan as his hands trailed down towards your breasts, and once you both needed air, he moved to kissing you down your neck leaving another few love bites.
"We should be late for breakfast" he mumbled against your skin.
"You know you can't. Its mission day" you pouted and he pulled back slightly to capture your lips again.
"Then I need my fill of kisses" he breathed against your lips and you happily opened your lips to him. You loved the way he knew to kiss you, knowing each way to move his lips against yours or how to make you feel needed without any words. How much he loved you, with just a simple kiss. You reveled in it. You felt him reach down with his flesh hand to touch you intimately, only to find you already soaked with your own juices. He pushed your legs apart and settled himself between them as he continued to kiss you and his fingers started working on your clit. You felt him line himself up at your entrance as he pushed in slowly as if savoring the moment. You let out a small whine as he lazily thrusted himself in and out of you, like he had all the time in the world to make love to you. He slowed his pace and leaned his forehead against yours smiling as he gazed into your eyes, but continued to move torturously slow. "How can I love someone this much?" he smiled at you.
"I ask myself that question every day" you placed a hand on either side of his cheeks and he leaned down to start kissing you again. He started to pick up the pace, continuing to use his flesh hand to toy with you while using his other arm to keep himself propped up slightly. You felt the coil of your orgasm starting to release already and he captured your lips again while he continued to move inside of you. He moaned your name as your orgasm released, and he felt the walls fluttering around him. His movements became erratic as he chased his own release as you continued to move with him, running your hands over his back until you felt him spill inside of you. He continued to kiss you as he collapsed on top of you, keeping some of his weight off with his vibranium arm. When he pulled back you both needed a moment to catch your breath.
"Next time, I'll be taking my time more" he promised giving you a chaste kiss.
"It was a great start to the day" you giggled. He pulled out of you and started to get up but stopped to put out his flesh hand for you to take to get out of bed. You took his hand and followed him into the closet where he started putting on his uniform and you put on jeans and a blue t-shirt with a large rose on the front. You watched him unashamedly as he got completely changed and put on his holsters that he would need. He took your hand once he was done and led you to the bathroom for your morning ritual of brushing your teeth together, and brushing your hair. Once he was done with his, he reached for the brush and helped you finish your hair. You didn't know why he kept doing that, but you didn't mind. It was sweet that he took the time every morning to help you brush your hair. You decided to leave your hair down and he took your hand to lead you out. You both stopped in the living room to grab each of your cats before making your way to the dining room.

The entire team was there already suited up except Rhody and Tony. Pepper and Happy both looked anxious as you felt as you sat down when Bucky pulled out your chair.
"Now, as I was saying. We will be checking in as much as possible. I want daily updates Happy" Tony had his no non-sense voice come out. "I will be watching for them in my suit. If anything happens, I want to know about it. Kitten, I want you to make sure that you call out to Friday if you all need a fast exit. You're closest to the front door, and spend more time outside. No risk taking" he added with finality.
"The base we are going for seems still to be quite busy with heat signatures, unless they found a way to make it seem like there's more there than there should be we are going to be pretty busy" Bruce mentioned. "I'm not going to wait for the code green, I'm coming off the jet when we get there"
"You'll all be safe, right?" you asked gently. "As safe as you can, and come home to us, right?" your bottom lip trembled a little, and you saw Pepper was mirroring you.
"I promise doll" Bucky reached out and held your hand.
"We all promise" Nat gave a small smile. "You gave us an arsenal, and suits that we needed" she rubbed your arm comfortingly.
"I'm really excited to try out my new arrows" Clint grinned.
"The more they fight it, the weaker they'll get" you smiled at it. "Its in the design"
"That's fantastic" Peter grinned. "I'll have some of the cuffs with me, and the collars"
"Try to save some of them, if they are willing to leave use the collar especially. It has the same effect" you flushed. "I can't be the only one that wanted a real life, even if it was a little fake"
"Don't worry Kitten, they'll get their chance" Tony nodded.

Once everyone was done eating you went and helped Happy with the dishes. Pepper paced the floor behind both of you.
"This is the biggest battle they've had in so long" she finally spoke softly.
"They seem confident" you reminded her.
"Tony is always confident" she rolled her eyes.
"But they seem confident as a team" Happy reminded her as you both finished putting everything in the dishwasher. "I'm ordering in sushi for lunch" he warned.
"Lets go see them to the jet" you took Peppers hand and led her out the back door. As each person came out with their bag of clothes that they were bringing with them, you stopped to give each of them a hug. Thor's almost seemed bone crushing when he picked you up. Wanda had given you a kiss quickly and told you she could check in. Clint hugged you then ruffled your hair before Nat and Bruce gave you both a hug and a kiss on the cheek. When Tony came over with Rhody you gave them both a hug. Tony gave you a small kiss on the cheek, then went to Pepper and pulled her in for a very passionate kiss. You almost flushed watching it, then politely turned away. Bucky and Steve were the last ones out. Steve gave you a warm hug, lifting you off the ground and a chaste kiss on the cheek. When he put you down, you felt Bucky pull you to him quickly, and he dipped you back as he captured your lips and deepened the kiss quickly. You felt him reach up and double tap the inhibitor and the flames surrounded you both. You immediately touched the side of his cheek and felt him moan throughout your whole body. He pulled you back up to your feet and pulled you flat against him and continued to kiss you with wild abandon.
"Come on Tin man" Sam called. You felt Bucky's hands travel all over your body unabashedly and you did the same to his chest and back. He pulled back momentarily for air, and then went back to kissing you like it would be the last time. You felt a few tears fall down your face, but focused on only the flames and your love for him.
"Text me, every day" he whispered against your lips. "I'll do it as often as I can, I'll try to call when its safe to do it" he added. "When I get back, we are getting married" he kissed you again, and you leaned into the kiss. "I don't want to wait, when I already know I'd rather spend my eternity with you" he gazed into your eyes, and you felt a few tear drops fall again. They quickly evaporated.
"My heart and soul will love you for all time James" you leaned up and kissed him gently on the lips. "Please check in for my sanity"
"I love you doll" he whispered.
"I love you too" you gave a smile and he leaned down to kiss you again.
"Come on jerk, you'll see her again soon" Steve called out.
"Its not soon enough" Bucky sighed pulling back. You stepped forward and kissed him gently one last time.
"Never soon enough" you smiled. He held your hand and kissed your knuckles before walking backwards towards the jet, keeping his eyes trained on yours. Slowly he had to let your hand go and turn to walk into the jet. He kept looking over his shoulder at you.
"I love you" he called out as the back of the hatch started to close.
"I love you!" you called back, and felt Happy pull you back away a little bit and Pepper put her arms around you.
"They'll all be back" she promised.

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