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You woke up to hearing Thor's booming voice demanding to see you. You looked over and saw Frigga's calm face as she smiled at you.
"Go back to sleep, you are still healing" she whispered.
"My Bucky" you shook your head. "I need to get home to my Bucky"
"You need to rest, the Allfather has allowed you to come on our lands because of who you are. We have been watching with interest. You need to heal before we send you home, for the sake of your children, rest now" Frigga spoke to you gently.
"Mother" Thor's voice boomed again.
"Quiet down you oaf" Loki snapped at him.
"You've been masquerading as a cat and helped her. How could you brother?" Thor demanded.
"I was protecting her. It started as curiosity to see what the new team mate would be like, but she became my friend. She knew it was me, much to my surprise" Loki admitted. "She was alone when she realized she was pregnant, but she wanted to protect those lives. I couldn't let her do that alone. Not as her friend"
"Boys, calm down. You'll upset her" Frigga got up from beside you. "She needs to rest, she is healing"
"Mother, is she well. Are the children well?" Thor came over.
"Your brother brought her to me for healing, and that is what I'm going to do" Frigga spoke serenely. "Y/N Barnes needs to finish her healing, it will be a few days"
"She has advanced healing" Thor admitted.
"We have already noticed. Now out of my healing room before you upset her further" Frigga shooed him out.
"Let me see her, I have to go back to the team" Thor requested.
"Very well" Frigga led him to where you were sleeping again. He looked down at your sleeping face, and you were in your uniform. He reached out to touch you, but Frigga slapped him. "She's in a healing sleep. We took out the metals that were lodged under her skin"
"Midgaurdians call them bullets" he spoke softly.
"Let her sleep, tell your friends she is in good hands" she patted him on the shoulder. "She is asking for her Bucky every time she wakes. Y/N Barnes will be home soon"
Thor gave a smile and a nod before walking out.
"Bring her home soon brother" he looked to Loki. "Also, they all know you were the cat now"
"It wasn't for them, it was for her" Loki seemed upset, but walked away to go sit beside you again.
"You need healing as well" Frigga pointed at him. "Sit still" she started using her magic on him.

Once the base was emptied of all prisoners, the team took the jet back to the compound to see that Shield had already started on clean up. It was night time, and some of the structure had taken hits from not only the tractor trailer, but the dragons as well. Bucky had spent the entire time on the jet staring at the last text you sent him, unable to look away. Even though he knew you wouldn't see it, he texted you back, saying he would love you until the end of time as well. He was beside himself. He saw the damage to the building and felt tears on the back of his eyes. Tony looked around assessing the damage, and took out his phone to call Fury to ensure that the Enhanced were all given a choice, with the exception of Jeanette. He spoke passionately that the only place he wanted to see her on was the raft.
"We have a data mine to get through" Nat came over looking around at all the damage. They could see the ground was burnt severely, and large pieces of ice were everywhere. They could tell one hell of a battle happened here.
"Shield is going to take over protecting the compound. We need to go to Bali to meet with the others. I'm sending for a construction company to start fixing this place up for when we get home. Should just be a few days. I needed to see the damage for myself" Tony pinched his nose between his eyes. "She could have let Loki handle the building"
"With all due respect Mr Stark" a shield agent had come over. "Had it not been for Kitten and Loki, we would all be dead right now. You should watch your footage again" they stopped at looked at him. Tony looked at them curiously.
"I saw enough of it" he admitted.
"But did you see it all?" they parried and walked away. There were a few dead bodies littering the ground being put into body bags. Tony took it all in, wondering if it was a trap sending them to the other base. Tempting them where they were hesitant before, only to attack the compound. He walked inside and saw most of it was still in pristine condition and headed to the lab. He barely registered the team had followed him, even though they were still battle worn and needed rest.
"Friday, I want you to play it quickly, but I want to see what happened" Tony pointed at one of the largest screens in the lab and the moment the truck had come bursting through the gates came on video. They saw that Shield agents were getting overpowered quickly when Loki opened the door and you were already in your frost form. They saw the size of the dragon you produced to breathe frost and bite down on several agents and soldiers, freezing many in their place.
"That's the biggest dragon I've ever seen her make" Bruce seemed astounded.
"She's always holding back" Nat reminded him. They saw Loki going around and using the equipment that they had recently used against enhanced individuals as well. They saw the first gun shot, and how Loki had tried to protect you, they had seen you get burnt... then they saw you release the flames all over that had protected Loki and the Shield agents. It looked like an inferno that quickly turned to ice as you got shot again and fell back. They saw Loki kill the man that had shot you, running to you and calling for Heimdall, and you both disappearing. Bucky sat down, looking beside himself. He had seen you fighting hand to hand with Jeanette and another enhanced and he couldn't help but worry that it had been too much for you. You were the love of his life, and he was so scared of losing you. They heard thunder crack outside and shortly saw Thor walk in with a bit of a grin on his face.
"Relax my friends, she is healthy and strong. Y/N Barnes is in a healing sleep" he chuckled. "That is the name she gave to my mother. She was awake enough to ask for Bucky, but they keep putting her back to sleep"
"Our children?" Bucky looked up with tears still in his eyes. He couldn't help the small smile that you told someone your last name was Barnes already. He couldn't wait for that to be official.
"Safe, and well. Loki will be bringing her back once she is healed, and there is no danger. Heimdall will be able to find us anywhere" he added, knowing that Tony wanted to check on Pepper.
"Friday, I want all data in deep cover mode. Everything inside the compound on lockdown. We are taking a vacation while they clean up" Tony announced. "Lets get to the jets, and once Doctor Joy has checked us all over we are going to rest"

The team arrived in a paradise, the water was a beautiful blue and the mansion was huge. As the jet landed beside the tall mansion, birds could be heard in the background as they all got off the jet. Pepper, Doctor Joy and Happy came running out looking at them expectantly. Tony ran to Pepper and embraced her lovingly, giving her a hungry kiss.
"The mission?" Happy asked expectantly. "The compound?"
"The compound is damaged, the mission was successful" Steve limped off the jet. "We just need to rest up" he watched Bucky come down the ramp looking distraught.
"Come inside, I need to take a look at all of your wounds" Doctor Joy seemed to be looking in the group.
"Where is Kitten?" Happy finally asked as everyone was off the jet.
"She's with Loki" Thor's voice boomed as they walked into the spacious mansion. There were a lot of windows that allowed the scenery to come in. Doctor Joy had set up an infirmary in the living room already, and was taking a look at Pietro's leg that was bruised. All of the armor that you had made, had been more than successful and the worst they had gotten were bruises from impacts of bullets or a few knife cuts where their skin would show.
"Where is Loki?" Happy helped Sam get out of his suit.
"Asguard" Tony spoke gently, looking over at Bruce who was still upset. "They protected the compound, but Kitten got hurt, and he took her there"
"Wait, what about the twins?" Doctor Joy looked up in surprise.
"Safe" Thor spoke gently. "I saw her for myself. My mother is in charge of her healing"
"How are you holding up Bucky?" Pepper asked gently.
"I just want to see my dame" he shook his head. "I thought knowing that they attacked the compound would be bad enough, but now I can't even see her with my own eyes to see that she is okay" he shook his head and sniffed a bit.

For the next week, the team tried to regroup. They felt broken, even though they knew they were successful in the mission, it felt like a failure in some way, shape or form. They were in a literal paradise, and even Nat couldn't shake it off. They all wanted to go back to the compound where it was home to them. Doctor Joy had patched everyone up, but the mental hit they took was hard on the team as a whole. Steve spent a lot of time trying to get Bucky to talk, but he completely shut down after a day. He started screaming in his sleep again, and Steve or Sam would try to calm him down. Wanda offered to use her powers to give him a better sleep but he refused. He didn't want anyone in his head. He missed the swing bed that the two of you shared, he missed you. He missed Alpine, Lily and Leia taking up most of the bed. He even missed the odd cat named Frost that was never a cat.
"She's going to be okay" Nat finally said at breakfast one morning.
"Of course she is, my mother is the best healer of the nine realms" Thor's voice filled the room.
"We just need to see our sunshine again" Bruce looked sadly at Bucky who looked distraught.
"Can't you just, go back and bring us with you?" Tony asked gently.
"We will behave ourselves, and Vision has proven himself worthy before" Pietro nodded.
"Its not like we haven't been off the world before" Scott nodded.
"It is not that simple, Heimdall wouldn't let us past the bridge" he shook his head. "When she is healed, and ready, Loki will bring her. I saw for myself he cares"
"Its not that we doubt him... okay maybe a little. But we saw the miracle that they have created together, and we just need to know she's okay" Clint spoke up.
"I think its better if we go back to the compound and start working on the data, so we have something to focus on" Steve spoke gently.
"I'll have the pets brought back to the compound" Tony started typing in his phone. "Its not like we can focus as it is anyways"
Bucky stood up from the table and went to pack his clothes back up, leaving everyone at the table looking at one another worriedly.

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