Dress and Suit shopping

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Bucky was feeling out of sorts. He wasn't used to being the center of attention and he was certainly the center of attention today. They had shut down a tuxedo and suit store, and had him in his boxers and undershirt in the middle of a room taking measurements while the rest of the guys looked at different suits that were for sale.
"You sure you're ready for this?" Tony asked seeing Bucky's discomfort.
"Its for her, I'll do it" Bucky gave a small grin. "I just have to keep putting that in the front of my mind"
"We will have to make the arms larger" the tailor was taking in Bucky's muscle mass and vibranium arm into account while he wrote down some notes.
"It will be done today, though right?" Tony asked making sure.
"Of course, you made the request Mr Stark" he nodded. "We also have the suit you requested for the gentleman that couldn't make it"
"Champagne?" a waiter came over, and Bucky took it drinking it down quickly. It didn't affect him, but he wished it would. His nerves were killing him. He was wondering how you were doing, but Tony wasn't giving him updates. He was worried that you would be having anxiety out in public, or that you had to get larger sized clothing or even the maternity clothes you now would start having to wear.
"She's fine" Tony finally sighed. "Pepper just checked in, and she says that they are at the dress store now"
"Did she get everything she needed?" Bucky asked hopefully.
"The girls are with her; I wouldn't worry about that" Tony rolled his eyes.
"Okay, we need the next gentleman" the tailor let Bucky jump down and he went to pull on his jeans again. Steve got up uncomfortably standing in his socks and boxers and undershirt. "Another special order I see" he sighed to himself. Bucky saw them taking all the fabric they had been marking that had been pinned to him to a back room. He relaxed a little seeing that he had a moment to breathe.
"Have you decided what to gift Kitten for the wedding?" Loki came over.
"I haven't even thought of that" Bucky admitted.
"What's something she wouldn't ask for?" Loki rolled his eyes.
"She doesn't ask for anything come to think of it" Bucky admitted.
"You must have an idea" Tony came over crossing his arms. "Jewellery normally works"
"Don't forget we have to go get the boutonnieres after this" Clint reminded.
"Those might have to wait until tomorrow, we have a full week" Tony shrugged. "There won't be much time for the newly weds to see one another at this point"
"I'll find time" Bucky promised.
"No missing meals" Sam reminded him. "That's not cool. We like seeing you both at meal time"
"Besides, Sunshine has the most fascinating cravings" Bruce grinned.
"I think its cute when she likes what she's eating she dances in her seat" Pietro spoke up.
"I love that too" Happy chuckled. "You should see when she doesn't like something as much, she does this..."
"Nose scrunch thing" Bucky grinned. "It's the cutest thing. She does it too when she doesn't like the smell of something"
"Why don't you ask me what she wants?" Loki asked after a while.
"How would you know?" Pietro asked looking confused.
"I spent over a month as her animal companion, and she knew about it for at least half the time" Loki grinned.
"What do you suggest?" Bucky finally asked curiously.
"A cuddly kitty, or a replacement of the cuffs you broke. Possibly both" Loki gave a grin and Thor chuckled.
"She does send you a lot of dog pictures too" Steve pointed out.
"Lets go back to jewellery" Tony suggested.
"I could do all three" Bucky seemed to think on it.
"We have lots of pets at the compound" Tony almost looked like he was begging.
"One less than you are counting Stark, I'm no longer a kitty" Loki reminded him.

You found yourself down to your bra and thong standing uncomfortably while the woman that dragged you in took your measurements. She kept doublechecking your chest and waist and hips. She left long enough to come back with a few choices for you to try on. The first one was satin and clung tightly to your skin making the baby bump very noticeable. You went out to show the girls, but they agreed with you that it was a solid no. You went through several dresses, where it was always a no, and the girls agreed. You finally tried on one that you liked. It was strapless and was embroidered along the bodice to the skirt, then it puffed out with a long train of satin fabric and tulle. You looked in the mirror and could barely look away. It was the most beautiful dress you had ever worn, and the baby bump was barely noticeable. You finally came out dragging the train behind you.
"That's the one" Nat grinned drinking back her champagne.
"You look like an Angel" Wanda sighed.
"That's definitely the one" Pepper nodded with tears in her eyes. You had been trying on dresses for hours before finding this one. "Do you like the train?" she asked you curiously.
"I love the train, I'm just worried about when I have to go pee" you admitted. "There's a lot to this dress"
"The train and extra layers comes off, and it turns into just one layer of white satin with some embroidery for after the initial ceremony. The bridesmaids can help you with it" the saleswoman pointed out the buttons that held it all together.
"Let me see" Pepper asked, and she took off the skirt and train while you stood there. Once it was off the baby bump was noticeable but not as badly as it was with the other dresses.
"There's still a lot of buttons to take the bodice off when it comes to be the wedding night, she may need help with that" she warned.
"Oh we doubt that, the groom likes to unwrap his own presents" Nat grinned mischievously. The saleswoman helped you put the dress back on the way it was initially and you went back to change out of your dress and back into your clothes.
"I guess its our turn" Wanda sighed.
"Wait on the bride" Pepper smiled.

You came out a few minutes later and they offered you some apple juice in a flute and a comfy chair to sit in while the girls went to try on their dresses. You wanted them to pick what they felt comfortable in, you just wanted Nat's to be dark blue, while the rest were light blue. They went through several dresses before they finally came out in what would be the final dress and you smiled happily.
"Perfect" you sighed.
"Now onto the bakeries" Pepper went back to change. One thing you loved was they all had gone with a dress with a train just like you. Wanda and Pepper went with spaghetti straps while Nat went with a halter dress. It was going to be the perfect wedding in your mind.
Pepper led you out and you ended up in the back seat headed to several bakeries trying different cakes. All of them were chocolate cake with peanut butter icing and strawberry filling. You found the one you liked the best, and Pepper ordered a 4 tier cake to be ready in a few days and delivered to the compound. She also got a bunch of cupcakes as well. Some were vanilla, and some were chocolate with standard icing just to give people a choice. There was more cake than you knew what to do with.
"What are you getting Bucky?" Nat asked as you were driving back to the compound.
"I already ordered it online, its going to be delivered tomorrow. I got him a new watch, but it's engraved in the back, and there is a rose in the face of the watch. He seems to love them so much" you gave a shy smile. "He breaks his watches easily, this one is supposed to have a life time warranty and supposed to be more durable"
"That's perfect" Pepper smiled.
"I also got him some cufflinks, since he doesn't have any" you admitted. "They are engraved the JBB on each one" you smiled to yourself.
"That's thoughtful" Wanda nodded. "I never think of those things" she sighed.
"The boys are still waiting on their suits to be done" Pepper announced. "Tomorrow morning we are going to get our nails and pampering done"
"I'm exhausted, I imagine Bucky must be chomping at the bit to leave" you giggled.
"Tony's mentioned it" Pepper nodded. "He keeps saying he wants to come see you"
"We need to hide the dress" Nat shrugged. "Gives me more time to put it away"
"Do you think we spent too much on the dresses?" you bit your bottom lip unsurely.
"Its for your big day, you deserve the best" Wanda shook her head. "That dress looked amazing on you, its perfect for what Bucky has planned"
"What does he have planned?" you asked gently.
"No no, there's no ruining the surprise. He's put a lot of thought into this after watching what you liked in those magazines that we got you" Pepper shook her head. "You're going to be very surprised"
"Are we doing rehearsal dinners?" you were hoping to get some kind of hints.
"Not enough time, but we will be having a big party when you get back from your honeymoon. Tony's throwing it, so you'll be wearing your dress twice. Don't let Bucky tear it apart" Pepper warned you as she parked at the compound. The four of you went to the back of the car and started grabbing bags, and the dresses to bring inside. Your dress was huge, and Nat had to use both hands to carry it.
You carried your new clothes to your and Bucky's suite and put them in the closet putting everything away dutifully. You sighed a little, putting the larger panties to the side, but changed your bra immediately. You went online and ordered a light blue garter to go around your leg for the wedding itself, and had it express shipped. You then ordered each of the girls in the wedding gold bracelets with a diamond rose pendant on it with express shipping. You thought of Penelope, and wanted her in the wedding as well. You wanted to talk to Bucky about it, but ordered the extra bracelet just in case.
"Hey mama" Nat waltzed into your room as you were sitting on the swing beside the bed.
"Hey Nat" you smiled at her.
"Did you make a registry yet?" she sat beside you putting her arm around you.
"No, there's not really any time" you shook your head.
"Take the time with Bucky tonight" she winked at you. "You know, instead of your normal extra curricular activities" she looked pointedly at the walls that had been cracked or dented from the two of you. You flushed a bit.
"I can't think of anything we need" you shook your head.
"Just try" she grinned at you. "Why don't you go put on your bikini and we can go swimming until supper"
"I doubt I'll still fit" you flushed.
"You didn't grow that much" she gave you a playful slap. "Come on, we wont even do laps, just take a leisurely swim together"
"I suppose" you stood up and she left to go get changed. You put on your dark blue bikini and looked at yourself doubtfully seeing your stomach popping out a bit along with the stretch marks. You put on one of Bucky's t-shirts just to walk around in, and grabbed a towel wondering what Nat was really up to.  
AN: Oh my goodness! 20.2k reads on this book! This is seriously a dream come true. Thank you so much for reading this, a huge thank you for those that voted or left comments as well. Regardless I am grateful to each and every one that took the time to read this ♥️♥️♥️❤️

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