Extended Visit

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You spent most of your shift trying not to let anyone mistakenly touch you, and let the owners man the till. You made the excuse you were sick again, and wanted to only have to do what was necessary. By 10pm they told you to leave early while you were singing La Vie en Rose with Louis Armstrong softly to yourself while sweeping the floors. You didn't necessarily want to leave, since that would mean the sometimes midnight rush would leave them short. It was a Friday after-all. You thanked them softly and went out the backdoor to your old pickup and put the key in the ignition. Thoughts of what was waiting for you back at home was nagging at the back of your mind. You weren't used to being around people unless you were at the diner. Even then, you hated the interactions or being touched. You weren't used to it like when you were a kid. Now you shied away from it, because in the back of your mind, it just meant someone was bringing you more pain. You spent the last eight years, hiding and avoiding any kind of relationships since your escape. Ten years, you were held captive by Hydra. They had experimented on you tirelessly, then would punish you for not using your powers. You remember when they brain washed you, when they would force you to kill. You remember the day you escaped. You faked your death as your memories had started coming back, and laid low for weeks travelling by foot until you found this little town. You had used money that you stolen from dead hydra agents you killed to pay for food, and this old truck. Then worked until you could afford the little cottage that you now had. You had lived out of your truck for a year before someone sold the land and cottage to you, and you used to shower at work, or at the gas station. Life had not been easy.
Pulling up the driveway, you looked down at your phone and saw the time was only 11pm. You saw the lights were still on, Bruce and Natasha came out onto the porch, while the dogs came barreling out like it was suddenly Christmas and you were the best gift.
"Hello" Bruce waved awkwardly, and you nodded in response.
"They sent me home early, but I'll still sleep outside so you two can have the bed" you shrugged. "Did you eat?"
"Yes, thank you" Natasha smiled softly. "We had wanted to know if you would mind if we stayed a few days, to fix the jet of course"
"Sure" you nodded unsurely. You had a feeling that the jet would take more than a few days. "I'll probably go move those bodies into the... Hydra... jet after. I don't suppose you know a place to put that thing do you?"
"We will have Tony take care of it" Bruce sounded more sure of himself this time. "That is, if you don't mind"
"As long as there's no more Hydra coming here, I don't mind" your throat was starting to hurt from talking so much. You walked to the porch swing and the three dogs piled on top of you quickly. You sighed softly, taking in the warmth while you could. They always knew how to calm you down.
"So how long have you been here?" Natasha sat on one of the chairs by you, crossing her legs and seeming inquisitive. Bruce sat beside her and leaned forward.
"Eight years, for seven I've lived here in the cottage. Most of its all hand me downs from the village folk or the second-hand store, but I wouldn't trade it for anything. Its mine" you shivered.
"Can I get you a blanket?" Bruce asked suddenly, and you nodded trying not to meet his eyes.
"Have you checked your wounds, or changed the bandages?" you looked at them when Bruce returned. You carefully took the blanket, however his fingers brushed yours and he gasped.
"Your freezing" he seemed shocked.
"Takes a while to warm up, failed experiment remember?" you raised an eyebrow.
"I could come up with something to fix that, if you wanted" he mumbled sitting back down.
"I'd rather not be experimented on again, besides, that would mean you would need a lab. I don't have one here" you let out another long shiver. "Or that would mean that you would come back here, and I doubt that is something anyone wants to do"
"Why not? Its peaceful. I could get used to this" Natasha gave you a smile, and you looked away. They were both charming in their own way.
"Its no New York" you leaned down sideways, closing your eyes feeling the dogs move with you so you were still covered.
"We should go to bed" Bruce touched Natasha's arm, taking the hint and leading her back inside. You turned on your spotify with all the downloaded favorite songs and plugged in the charger beside you falling asleep quickly.

The failed experiment (Bucky x reader)Where stories live. Discover now