Reports out, missions received**

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Bucky more than kept his promise in the early hours of the morning, waking you up with soft kisses as the sun was starting to rise through the skylight window. You couldn't imagine a better way to wake up. You both would make love for a few hours before breakfast, getting tangled in the sheets and just taking time to be together. In fact, this process remained for the next few days with the night before being the only exception that you weren't taking the time to make love to one another before bed. You had spent the days working on the reports and then taking some time in the gym to spar with anyone who would take you on after you took a quick jog on the treadmill. You had the most fun sparring with Wanda, since she really pushed you to your limits. Peter was always good at anticipating your movements, which thrilled you so you had to make last minute decisions. You didn't spend as much time in the gym as you wanted, where the reports took precedence over everything else. You finally finished on the fourth day, just before supper having not taken the time to go to the gym. Tony seemed to breathe a sigh of relief once you were all done. He printed out a copy for each person, including Pepper and Happy since they had the right to know why they were locked down for so long. The three of you put each report into a binder and headed to the supper table where Sam had finally come back. Bucky came over and took your stack before handing them out to people, giving you a quick kiss on the cheek. Tony and Bruce also followed suit making sure everyone had one. You kept your binder that also had your notes you had made on the legal pads tucked inside of it. Steve didn't even look at his food, but opened the binder first.
"This is everything?" he asked quickly, as the binders were all quite thick.
"It's everything, including the co-ordinates for the bases that Fury wanted us to do intel runs on" Tony nodded. "Welcome back birdman" he looked to Sam.
"We missed you" you gave him a smile from across the table.
"I missed you too sexy legs. Told my sister all about my future bride to be" he winked and you saw Bucky glare at him.
"In your dreams birdman. I'm not letting this dame go without a fight" Bucky leaned over and gave you another kiss on the cheek and you flushed a bit.
"I don't see no ring, therefore she's still fair game" Sam laughed as you blushed even more and shook your head with a laugh.
"It's a little early for that" Bucky shook his head. "Keep dreaming" he grinned in spite of himself. "Those legs are for me only" he added and you giggled giving him a light slap on his thigh.
"So, they plan on taking Peter, Wanda, Pietro, Y/N, Steve and Bucky if they can?" Pepper spoke up from her chair, having ignored her food.
"It wont happen" Vision put his hand on Wanda's to reassure her. He had gone through all the raw data, and had warned Wanda of some of the things in the reports beforehand.
"That's right, we will be taking the fight to them" Steve nodded. "We just need to be careful"
"Nat and Bucky leave in the morning for Shield headquarters to talk to Soldier 23, and we start on recons tomorrow morning. Bruce, Steve, and Y/N will be team A, while Wanda, Pietro, and Vision will be team B. I need the rest of you to be on standby in case they need assistance" Tony spoke up. "We need to eat, supper is getting cold"
You looked at Bucky worriedly, wondering if he was okay as you watched his face. He was reading through some of the data. You reached over and took the binder from him and he looked at you surprised. "Eat first" you put it on the floor, on top of your own binder and gave a small smile. "You can read it later" you promised.
"I have plans later" he gave you a wink and you flushed a bit.
"Speaking of, construction starts tomorrow on your suite" Tony warned you. "We will leave the bedroom for last, so you have a living room to sleep in while they fix the bedroom and the walls" he teased.
"What's wrong with the walls?" Peter sounded surprised.
"They need to be soundproofed, so does the ceiling" Pietro gave you a smirk and you looked down, suddenly very interested in your food. Bucky had a huge grin on his face as he sat back chewing his food thoughtfully. He put a hand on your thigh, and gave you another wink.
"Are we practicing your abilities tonight, or do you want to give it a rest?" Tony asked after a while.
"I think I want to just rest for tonight. I need to get my snuggles in before Bucky leaves for a few days" you replied easily and you saw Bucky grin in return.
"I won't be gone long, doll. I'll text you every day" he promised. "Stevie, you'll take care of her right?" he asked again, even though he had made him promise a few days before.
"Don't worry about your best girl, pal" Steve smiled.
"I'm right here, I'm going to be fine James" you flushed a bit. "I'm worried about you and Natasha" you admitted.
"We will be fine, Kitten" Nat touched you on the shoulder.

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