Second date

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"Time to get up, breakfast is almost ready lovebirds" Tony opened the back hatch in the morning carrying two cups of coffee for you both. You moaned a bit and felt Bucky pull you closer.
"Thank you Tony" you yawned as he came over and sat the coffee on a chair by you.
"Any nightmares?" he had a bit of a smirk on his face as Bucky yawned from behind you.
"Buck?" you asked him softly.
"No" his arm flexed around you.
"I guess not" you gave a shy smile.
"Excellent" he smiled and grabbed the blanket that was on top of you both, and pulled it with flourish. "You wont mind the early morning then" he chuckled putting the blanket onto the swing. You both groaned feeling the cold air hit you. "Natasha said it was hard to get you both up, and suggested I do this. I'll see you inside" he walked out with his hands in his pockets.
"Coffee?" you wiggled in Bucky's arms, giving yourself a stretch and rubbing your eyes.
"Coffee" he nodded, and kissed the back of your neck. You were almost getting used to him doing this to you at this point. It was sweet and affectionate. He lifted his arm enough for you to shimmy over to grab the cups and you handed him his taking a sip. "Are you ready for today?" he gave a lopsided grin.
"For our date?" you flushed, with a genuine smile. "Yes, I'm excited. What all did you want to do?"
"Walk around town, maybe, drive around and look at the fall colors. Get dinner" he added.
"You wanted to go to the diner?" you gave a small smile, enjoying the idea.
"If that's okay. I thought it would be nice to take you to dinner" he finished his coffee, and started putting the blanket and pillow away.
"Should I wear jeans or a skirt?" you raised an eyebrow.
"Wear whatever you want doll, I just wanted to spend time with you" he gave you a kiss on the cheek and headed to the other end of the jet while you headed into the cabin.

Nat chased you into the bedroom, grinning from ear to ear as you started going through your drawers looking for something to wear. She rolled her eyes as you started to take out some jeans, and took them from your hands. You went to say something but she put her hand over your lips and gave you a mischievous smile. She pulled out a blue lace sun dress, and your leather jacket with a pair of flats you hadn't remembered packing. She sat you down, and started on your makeup doing a natural look with a bold red lipstick. She braided your hair before handing you your undergarments. You quickly changed and put the full outfit on. She finally grabbed you by the shoulders and grinned looking you in the eyes.
"He's a lucky man, and you look beautiful" she kissed you on the cheek and you flushed at the compliment.
"I look pretty because of the makeup" you rolled your eyes and she glared at you, slapping you on the butt. You yelped.
"Don't let me hear it again. Take the compliment, it's the truth" she led you to the door to go back out where everyone was already seated and had started eating. Nat pushed you into a chair while Bucky looked up and smiled licking his top lip a little bit, then biting his bottom lip a bit.
"You look beautiful" he gazed at you.
"Thank you" you stammered a little, while Nat sat beside you giving you your plate and putting down hers.
"So where are you taking my girl?" Sam looked over, and Steve chuckled.
"You're funny" you rolled your eyes.
"I'm taking her on a date, don't wait up" Bucky grinned and winked at you.
"Don't be out too late punk" Steve chuckled. "We should be leaving tomorrow"
"We are?" you looked up, feeling your heart in your chest start to pound.
"We will be finishing the jets today, and start packing up" Tony nodded. "Anything you want to bring?"
"My scrap book" you mumbled. "I guess since I can come back anytime, just that and my clothes"
"You started to say you wanted to talk about something important yesterday" Nat reminded you. You instantly turned beat red and shook your head.
"I wanted some of my old clothes to bring with me" you spoke softly.
"No, we didn't just go get you a new wardrobe for you to bring any of that" Tony shook his head, and Nat nodded her agreement with him.
"Just some comfort clothes" you added hopefully.
"We will buy you comfort clothes" Nat rolled her eyes.
"Nat..." you rolled your eyes back at her and leaned forward and whispered softly in her ear. "For when I'm on my period. It gets really messy" you tried not to turn red, but you couldn't help it.
"I'll bring some, but we are just going to go buy you some new ones for that" she took your hand and held it for a moment. There were confused looks from the men in the room that Nat suddenly gave in but she just shrugged at them.
You all finished your meal in relative silence. Tony and Bruce were discussing some of the modifications they needed to look at for uniforms, cat suits and even the jets. Nat reached out and held your hand when you were done eating, and took your plate.
"Ready?" Bucky asked once Steve and Clint started on the dishes.
"Sure" you stood up unsurely, wondering how you went from not wanting to be touched to suddenly this, wanting those small touches. You almost craved them in a way. You also were unsure of why Bucky was so focused on you, when he was clearly out of your league. You knew you wanted to get to know him more, and you knew you were attracted to him. He seemed to be attracted to you for some strange reason, it mystified you.
"Mind if I drive?" he held up your keys teasingly. "Or is your truck off limits?" he grinned running his eyes up and down you lazily biting his bottom lip.
"You can drive, this time I guess" you gave a half smile.
"Better drive carefully, and bring her back in one piece" Tony warned.
"I don't need to warn you what will happen if she's not back before bedtime" Nat added in.
"I'm not a kid" you looked at them, feeling embarrassed.
"Sure Kitten" Nat grinned. "We have an early day tomorrow. I'll have your swing on the porch for when you get home. But I want details"

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