Feeling Loved

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Bruce took your arm and threaded it through his while walking you towards the dining room. You hadn't even realized that it was almost supper time already. He had a calming presence about him that you never seemed to cease amazing you. You knew that he had the capabilities to be the strongest Avenger if he so chose, but he preferred to remain calm and focus on his science and being a doctor.
"Will you show me how to do things in the lab sometime?" you asked as you started to pass one of the labs. "Its fascinating what you and Tony do, really. I'd like to be able to help, if that's possible"
"Really? I'd love an extra set of hands in there. Plus you'd be able to learn how to make your own inhibitors in case something happened. You could even start working on your own projects if you wanted to" he smiled at you.
"There's my kitten" Nat came into view and walked over giving you a hug, then Bruce a kiss on the cheek. "How are you feeling?" she touched your cheek.
"After the initial freak out of Tony saying my trigger words, I'm good" you smiled softly.
"He deleted them from all our servers" Bruce assured you quickly.
"And burnt the printed copy in front of me. It's a relief" you gave a small smile.
"Fury was on board with it once he found out there's more rats in SHIELD again" Nat nodded putting an arm around Bruce's other arm and the three of you continued to walk. "Almost everyone is out training right now, the mission got moved up to tomorrow" she saw you looking around at the empty dining room. "You'll be on your own for a few days to a week. Happy will be here, and Pepper said she would try to stop by. Peter took some time from school to go with us"
"And I'm on call for recon missions" you acknowledged. "As long as someone makes sure the dogs and the cat are fed, I'm fine either way"
"Speaking of, I was instructed to get you ready" Nat saw you looking out the window, but she pulled you back quickly.
"Ready for what?" you raised an eyebrow. "I just came out of a procedure, and I'm sticky and gross" you chuckled.
"You have a date tonight, and you don't have a lot of time to prepare" she took your hand pulling you to your bedroom while Bruce waived as you both left.

Nat gave you enough time to take a quick shower before she started putting your hair up in a simple but elegant up-do, then gave you a more dramatic make up look.
"Nat, I don't remember a date being planned" you said as she put on your ruby red lips.
"When Bucky found out the mission started tomorrow, he said he wanted tonight to be special and started making arrangements. Say what you want, but that man is crazy about you" she went into your closet grabbing the red dress that looked much like the blue one you wore to the first Avengers party and a pair of red heels. "You're wearing this" she announced with a smile. She pulled out a red set of garters, nude stockings, panties and bra placing them on the bed.
"You said you were going to train me to fight in heels" you smirked starting to put on the stockings first.
"When I get back, we will work on it. You'll be a pro in no time" she winked while you continued to dress.
Once you were done, she pointed to the balcony and you raised an eyebrow at her.
"Just head down the stairs" she grinned, and waved you away. You slowly descended the steps, wondering what the hell Bucky was up to. You were so focused on not falling forward on your face you almost missed the fairy lights as you always called them (Christmas lights), all in white wrapped around a few of the tree's near the lake. Between the trees was a table already set with candles, beside it was Bucky standing in his full black tux with a red tie holding a single red rose. You saw Leia, Chewy and Harry were even groomed and sitting with little bows on their collars by the table. You had to take a moment to take in the scene. Music started to play softly, and you knew the song immediately as being one of your favorites from your love songs list. It was 'Runnin' home to you' by Grant Gustin. You felt a hand come up to your lips as you tried to hold back a few tears of happiness. It seemed there were a lot of happy tears in your life today. Bucky met you halfway, and slipped the rose behind your ear before pulling you in to dance with him slowly. You stood mesmerized, staring into his eyes as you swayed to the music.
"How...?" you couldn't even get the words out.
"You never really lock your phone. Its one of the more listened to songs" he whispered. "I wanted tonight to be special for you. You're free now" he leaned down giving you a soft kiss on the lips. "And to be clear, I'll be running home to you after this next mission"
"This is..." you still couldn't get the words out, feeling overwhelmed with how much you loved him. It was like he knew what you wanted or needed before you even thought it or said it.
"I had help" he gave a flirty smile. "Shall we?" he led you to the table where the dogs had stayed dutifully watching over you both. He pulled out your chair, and you sat down looking at the meal in front of you. He had a peach pie in the center of the table, and what looked suspiciously like one of Ma and Pop's famous burgers and home cut fries. You waited for him to sit down, and took a bite and moaned a bit. It tasted just like the diner would make it.
"How much help?" you finally asked while wiping your mouth.
"A lot" he chuckled. "Its fresh from the diner" he admitted. "Ma and Pop's send their love, and want a photo of us together. Morgan said it was your favorite meal to order, and I knew about the peach pie"
"This is amazing" you looked around again. "You are such an amazing man James" you gushed, putting a hand over his metal one. "This is incredibly thoughtful, and romantic, and ..." you drifted off not knowing how to continue.
"I told you romance isn't something ya would find just in a book" he grinned eating a French fry.
"You've proven that wrong several times over it seems" you gushed, barely able to concentrate on eating, let alone anything besides him.
"We have more dancing to do, you should eat" he grinned at you, and you couldn't help but giggle digging into your burger and fries. Once you had finished your plate, he put a large slice of peach pie in front of you which you knew you would hate yourself in the morning for eating it, but couldn't stop yourself.
"Are you worried about this mission?" you asked once you were done.
"No doll, I'm just excited to come home when its over" his eyes crinkled as he smiled. He took your hand kissing the back of your knuckles and pulled you out of your seat for another slow dance. You both were so lost in the moment, you barely registered anything happening around you. He pulled you close and brought you in for a breathless kiss. You took your time, drinking in every aspect of this moment. His body flush against you, swaying to the music; his lips firmly against you, his tongue rubbing the inside of your mouth expertly taking away your breath. You couldn't imagine a more perfect moment. When you pulled back for air, he put you into a turn and pulled you back quickly for another long kiss that mesmerized you.

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