Forever isn't long enough

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When you got home you rushed into the suite looking for Bucky who wasn't there. You pouted a bit, and gave Alpine a pat on the head. You took off your boots and put on a pair of slippers before heading towards the dining room.
You didn't see any of the guys at the dining table when you got there, and the girls were just grabbing their seats.
"I thought that they would be back by now" you pouted as you sat down.
"They are just filling the jet" Pepper reassured you. "They have to leave right after supper"
"But, I wanted to spend time with Bucky" you pouted even more, and crossed your arms.
"Oh my God, you're adorable" Nat leaned over and gave you a kiss on the cheek. You heard footsteps behind you and a pair of arms wrapped themselves around you. You snuggled into the flesh arm, while the vibranium arm held you a little closer.
"You didn't think I would leave without coming to see you first, did ya?" Bucky's voice whispered in your ear.
"I wanted snuggles" you turned to look at him, and he chuckled softly.
"I'll give you snuggles before I go" he kissed your cheek and sat beside you while the others started coming in. You saw Sam, Steve and Clint share a smirk. "I promise doll" he whispered, leaning over to give you another kiss.
"This is only Y/N's" Tony set a box of pizza in front of you and you rubbed your hands together excitedly. You saw everyone start taking slices of pizza and you opened yours slowly taking your time to look at it feeling almost giddy. You pulled out a slice and started eating it happily, giving a small moan as you started chewing.
"Is it that good?" Steve looked over curiously.
"Its so good" you moaned happily. "Want to try a slice?" you raised your eyebrows.
"No, I'll leave that to you" he shook his head. You saw Bruce putting something into his phone quickly while you did your happy dance as you ate. Bucky chuckled and put a hand on your thigh looking at you lovingly.
"She also craves cheeseburgers with bacon and extra pickles" Nat told him gently. "Ma and Pops, but we just did a drive thru earlier"
"Its funny, I was craving a cheeseburger earlier too" Bucky grinned. "Great minds think alike"
"It's your babies" you shrugged. "Probably craving things you would too"
"Why not plums then?" he arched his eyebrow at you.
"Plums sound terrific. We should make a plum pie" you grinned.
"Stop giving her ideas" Pepper spoke up. "Its her night for resting"
"I don't want rest, I want Bucky" you pouted eating another slice of pizza.
"You'll have me alone for two weeks straight" he promised.
"That does not help me tonight" you shook your head. "I know what I want" you looked at Bucky meaningfully.
"No, we don't have enough time for that" Tony shook his head.
"Its because I'm getting bigger isn't it?" you started tearing up. "Your just helping Bucky get out of it"
"Told you man, the breakdowns are bad" Clint whispered as Bucky looked stunned.
"No, no pumpkin" Tony shakes his head furiously.
"We have to get on the road soon, that's all Sunshine" Bruce reassures you.
"No, I get it" you felt a few more tears fall down your face. "I like weird food, I have a belly, I'm needy..." you drifted off.
"Listen doll, I love you when your needy, I love your belly, and I love your cravings. I'll make time to give you some snuggles" Bucky leaned over and kissed you on the neck softly. He wipes some of the tears on your face.
"No, its fine" you sniffed, having finished half the pizza. You were feeling way too hormonal, and closed the pizza box. "I'm tired" you got up and left the table heading back to your suite.
"Are you an idiot?" Clint looked at Tony. "Genius yes, but she's full of hormones right now. Anything can set her off"
"Is she really not going to finish eating?" Scott seemed surprised.
"We will make sure to keep it out for her" Nat assured him. Bucky finished by shoving a slice of pizza in his mouth and got up.
"Where are you going?" Steve asked.
"Take care of my dame" Bucky shrugged. "Like Clint said, she's hormonal and I like it when she's needy" he grinned.
"You don't have time" Tony called to him.
"I can make time" Bucky called back heading into the suite.

You had gotten undressed down to just your t-shirt and curled up in bed feeling upset while rubbing your baby bump. Leia was with you and licking your face. You were embarrassed you had gotten so upset, and now you were missing out on pizza or seeing Bucky before he left. He was all you were thinking about all day, and you were getting anxious about the wedding. You heard the door open, and figured the girls coming to check on you.
"Go away" you called out. "I want to be alone" you sulked grabbing a pillow and snuggling in.
"I'm not going away doll" Bucky said as he opened the bedroom door and coming in. You were not done pouting, and were still embarrassed. He pushed you into the bed more and laid down behind you and pulled you close. He put his hand over yours where you were still holding the bump. "I love this bump, and I'm going to love it no matter how big it gets. I'm going to love you even if you don't go back to the same size. I'm going to love you if you eat pickle pizza, or normal pizza. I'm going to love you if you're needy, or if your independent like when I first met you" he spoke gently. "I'm going to spend the rest of my life proving that to you"
"I'm nervous about the wedding" you spoke gently. "What if I fall on my face"
"You're going to be fine, tomorrow I'll be the one waiting at the end of the aisle for you" he kissed you on the back of your neck.
"I'm sorry I got upset" you turned in his arms and looking at him.
"I don't blame you, I was looking forward to our cuddle time too" he kissed you on the tip of your nose. "But now I get to have you to myself tomorrow night and for two weeks"
"You promise, I don't have to share you for two weeks?" you asked gently.
"I've made arrangements that ensured that its going to be just the two of us. You wont even have to wear clothes if you don't want to" he chuckled. "Unless you want to see people, we wont see a soul"
"I get snuggles too?" you whispered.
"Oh you are going to get more than snuggles. You wore me out last night, I want to see you do that again" he chuckled.
"You still love me even when I'm a hot mess?" you asked gently.
"I love you even more for being a hot mess" he leaned forward and claimed your lips softly. "Now I'm going to go get you the rest of your pizza, and a few bottles of water. I want you to relax the rest of the night and get ready to meet me tomorrow"
"That wasn't enough kisses" you pouted.
"I was just thinking the same thing' he grinned leaning forward to capture your lips again. He nipped at your bottom lip and pushed you softly onto your back. You opened your lips to him eagerly as he brushed his nose against yours and you let out a soft sigh. His hand reached up touching the side of your cheek as he continued to deepen the kiss. You could still taste the salt of your tears in the kiss itself. You felt his vibranium arm start to pull you closer from behind your head and you eagerly moved more towards him. He pulled back for air for a moment, then went back to kissing you as if it would be the last kiss he would get to share with you. You wrapped your arms around his neck and played in his hair while he continued to explore your mouth. You never wanted the kiss to end, you felt so fulfilled with him kissing you as though this is exactly where you belonged for an eternity.
"I'm going to go get your pizza, and I'm coming back to kiss you goodnight. Be a good girl and stay right here" he leaned forward and put another chaste kiss on your lips.
"And some orange juice?" you asked hopefully.
"Anything for you doll" he smirked and kissed the tip of your nose before giving a small sigh and getting off the bed. He gazed down at you lovingly, and bent over kissing your baby bump. "I'll be right back" he promised.

"What are you doing?" Nat asked as Bucky came back into the dining room. Most people were done eating and they were putting the pizza away.
"Getting my dame her pizza, water and orange juice" Bucky grinned proudly. "She's fine now"
"You weren't gone that long" Sam gave him a knowing look.
"She just wanted a snuggle" Bucky flushed a little. "I know my girl"
"We need to get going here Manchurian Candidate. We don't have that much time" Tony reminded him.
"Let me get this to my girl, and I'll be on the jet before you know it" he smiled to himself grabbing some napkins, a handful of water bottles, an orange juice and the rest of your pizza.
"You should bring her, her cookies as well" Loki reminded him.
"How could I forget" Bucky ran into the kitchen to grab some of your cookies for you.
"Cookies?" Bruce asked. "What flavor?"
"Salted caramel with whipped cream, but we are out of whipped cream" Bucky smirked knowingly.
"I'll have the fridge restocked for when you both get back" Tony chuckled.
"Thank you" Bucky waved over his shoulder heading back to the suite.
When he walked in you were already out in the living room waiting on him in just your t-shirt still and he set everything down in the kitchenette.
"Do you have any idea how hard it is for me to leave you here?" he moved in closely and holding you in a warm embrace.
"But you'll see me tomorrow at the end of the aisle" you leaned into him. "And we are going to dance together all night" you added. "I sent you a link on your phone, its something to remind you of me for the night"
"What is it?" he asked pulling back and taking out his phone quickly.
"A love song playlist" you giggled. "Songs that remind me of you" you added softly.
"I love you" he leaned down to give you a soft kiss on the lips. "I can't wait to see you tomorrow" he gave you another kiss. "Eat your pizza, and your cookies"
"I'll dream of you" you leaned up kissing him lingering at his lips for a moment.
"My dream of spending the rest of my life with you is about to come true" he leaned down and gave you another kiss, deepening it quickly and dipping you back. You giggled and sighed against him. "I'd better go before Stevie comes knocking" he sighed as he put you back on your feet. He gave you a few more reassuring kisses before he backed out the door, keeping his eyes on you. "I love you Y/N"
"I love you James, forever" you whispered and he gave a small smile.
"Forever wont be long enough for us" he whispered back and slipped out the door. 

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