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"You're awfully quiet this morning. I thought you were excited to use your powers again? Are you feeling okay?" Tony broke the silence at breakfast.
"I used them already" you whispered, not liking the results still. It had taken all of your concentration, and it made you feel weak using them for something so small.
"What's wrong sunshine?" Bruce caught on already, leaning forward in his chair to look at you. You just shook your head, feeling pissed off that you struggled for something so small. "You know, you had to have a blood transfusion, it may have impacted you more negatively than we thought. If you want, I can do some tests. You can sit in the lab with us" he knew he was resorting to bribery.
"I'll just stay in the living room" you put your unfinished plate in the kitchen and went to the living room putting in your headphones with Leia by your side. Bucky watched you worriedly and looked to Steve.
"I think I'll skip on training today" he waited to make sure Steve understood without words that he wasn't coming.
"Are you sure Buck?" Steve's eyebrows furrowed.
"I'm sure" he nodded, and finished his breakfast before grabbing the coffee you left behind and went to join you on the couch. He found you listening to music, curled up with Leia under your head, and Lily laying on your side. He sighed to himself, thinking how the day had started so well but now you seemed almost depressed. He pulled up your legs and put them on his lap while he sat down. He turned on a documentary on space while keeping the volume low.
Bruce came in with the vials and needles and sat on the floor close to you touching your arm to get your attention. You didn't even take your headphones out, but gave him your arm to take the blood. He ruffled your hair when he was done, then touched the side of your face. You barely registered it, seeming to be deep in thought.
"I'm going to go do some tests, but I'll come back and we will go test your powers" he stood up nodding to Happy who came in with his news paper and sat down to read and watch the tv a little bit. You shrugged and turned so your back was to the room and curled yourself more into a ball. You couldn't help but feel depressed that your powers were so hard to use. You didn't feel like you had the right to be there if you couldn't use them. The suggestion that Tony made about you going back to the cabin seemed like a good idea, maybe you shouldn't be there. You wouldn't be able to help the team if you were struggling with your powers that much. It was just one time, but you felt depleted of all your energy. Normally you could count on your powers to boost your healing abilities, but right now your mental health took a hit. You hadn't felt this sad in so long, or so alone. You knew you had Bucky, but you worried that telling him about how much this was affecting you.
Doctor Joy came out close to lunch, and you still hadn't moved. Bucky had turned on another documentary and Happy had left briefly to get lunch. She took your vitals and frowned seeing that you seemed so low compared to when you first walked in just that morning.
"Maybe you just need to get up and move around" Doctor Joy brushed some of your hair out of your face. "I know I told you to rest, but you can get up. Maybe go do some of your baking, go practice your powers again" She watched your face darken, and Bucky didn't miss the exchange. You shook your head, and turned away from her again. She sighed heavily and looked at Bucky. He nodded, and rubbed your leg that was no longer on his lap since you were curled up in a ball again. Leia leaned back and gave you a small lick on the arm.

Happy came back with your lunch and he set it beside you before handing Bucky his lunch. You ignored the food, keeping your back to it. Happy grimaced and Bucky sighed heavily.
"Baby, you need to eat" Bucky whispered to you.
"Im not hungry" you shook your head, and turned up your music.
"Just take a few bites" he rubbed your arm trying to coax you. "I'll dance with you" he offered hopefully.
"I don't feel like dancing" you shook your head, and a few tears fell down your cheek. Happy frowned and walked into the dining room. Moments later he came back and shrugged looking at Bucky. Bucky sighed heavily and stood up to pick you up and sat back down with you curled up on his lap. Happy handed him the food and he tried to feed you but you shook your head and just put it in the side of his neck. Harry and Chewy jumped up on the couch and took the spot that you had been laying in beside Leia. Bucky finally gave up and ate some of his food before putting it to the side.

The failed experiment (Bucky x reader)Where stories live. Discover now