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"She's burning up" you heard Nat's voice waking you up. You felt a faint touch on your forehead and cheeks. "We should postpone going back" you heard her say to someone in the room, but you didn't have the energy to open your eyes yet.
"She was pretty cold last night" you felt Bucky's arms hold you closer, and could still feel Steve's warmth behind you. "I had to get Steve to lay down to keep her back warm"
"There's fever tablets in the bathroom, there's a large jar of them" Bruce's voice spoke up.
"I get sick easy" you finally breathed out.
"You need to sit up" Nat's voice was low, but sounded concerned.
"Just give me a minute" you opened your eyes a fraction, feeling really out of sorts. "The room feels like its moving" you leaned more into Bucky.
"Doll, you need to sit up" he sighed.
"You need to move away, or else you'll get sick" you tried to push against him to get away but you were securely sandwiched between two super soldiers.
"Super solider serum makes it hard to get sick" he chuckled.
"Here, give her these" Bruce was back with water and the tablets. You felt Steve move away, and Bucky pull you up with him. You were fine with that. You didn't have the energy anyways. You opened your eyes again as you felt hands grab you by the waist and turn you on Bucky's lap so he was still holding you securely to him.
"Open up" Nat touched your jaw and forced in two tablets, then put the cup to your lips. This was something you were not used to at all. Normally you would walk around in a haze for a few hours until you could go down to the river and use your powers to give your healing abilities a kick in the ass to get up and running again.
"What helps this usually?" Tony asks looking at the size bottle that Bruce had brought out, it being obvious that this happened a bit.
"River" you croaked out. "Gotta rebalance" you leaned back exhausted from the small movements. "Need to wash the blankets first" you looked around in a fevered haze.
"No, you need to rest. We will wash the blankets" Nat sighed.
"Lets give you time to let that kick in before we take you to the river. I don't think you should be travelling like this" Bruce kneeled in front of you. "Can I take a blood sample, just to make sure everything is okay?" he had his kit with him already with him. Bless him, he was so sweet. You nodded an let him take an arm and gently take his blood samples.
"I'll make breakfast, just keep her warm" Tony instructed, while you felt two blankets suddenly thrown on top of you and Bucky tucking you in kissing the back of your neck again.

You passed out while everyone was eating, even though they tried to feed you, you turned your head away not wanting anything to do with it. Bucky ate silently behind you, still not leaving your side. The heat was helping, and so were the meds.
Bruce had come back in a few hours later while the others were just helping with the laundry, or playing cards at the table.
"The rain's let up, she's right. Hydra's experiments leave her susceptible to getting sick. We can come up with something to offset that" he looked at Tony. "My findings show that if she uses her abilities it will help boost up her immune system a little bit" he admitted.
"I'm taking her to the river" Bucky didn't need to hear anything else and stood up, carrying you like a princess. You settled your head into the crook of his neck and sighed while hearing the three dogs whine while they followed him.
"Its cute you think your going alone" Nat announced while following, Tony and Bruce close behind.
He set you on the one rock beside the river and sat you up checking that you could sit on your own.
"Gotta take these off kitten" Tony went to reach for the inhibitors.
"No.... not safe" you were panting a little.
"You won't hurt us" he shook his head, and continued to pull them off. You felt fear ice your heart, and your face dropped. "See, no harm" he put them to the side.
"I could have hurt you" you looked at him terrified for them. "You don't understand"
"You won't" Bucky touched your cheek. "You don't have it in you. Not that kinda dame"
"You guys might wanna stand back" you saw Tony pull out his phone and turn on music for you. It was one of your romantic playlists. Once they were far enough away, your hands started to shimmer with ice as you summoned that first. It usually worked to bring the fever down. Problem was, it normally meant being cold again and feeling that sadness or anger again. You pushed yourself up and took a few steps out onto the river, making the water turn to ice as soon as your bare feet touched it. You took a few deep breaths in, and started moving forward sliding across the river bank to start before making your way out to the center rock. You heard Tony turn up the music while you started to sway to the music and the ice started breaking out along the sides of the rock while you danced. You shivered slightly, then the memory of the way Bucky kept dancing with you yesterday and your body an the ice that was there before turned into flames catching the others off guard. You let it burn until it started to hurt a little, then threw your powers towards the small waterfall watching the water evaporate again and slumped down on the rock, and lay down on it in a ball.
"Y/N?" Tony's voice sounded worried.
"I just need an hour, I'll be fine" you mumbled, then heard someone making their way through the water.
"Wow, that's cold" Bucky's voice was getting close.
"No" you whined seeing him get closer.
"What's wrong doll?" he was standing in front of you.
"The water's too cold for you" you pouted. He gave a smile, then put the inhibitors back on your wrists without a word, then picked you up carrying you back to the riverbank.
"Fever is going down" Nat reached over and touched your forehead and cheeks again. "We should still monitor for now" she looked at Bruce who nodded in agreement.
"I'll bring her in and put her on the couch" Bucky wasn't really asking permission, and he headed past them back into the cabin putting right on the couch with blankets again. Leia tried to get up beside you, and he tried to tell her no. For the first time, he saw her show her teeth as she jumped up and got behind your legs. Harry and Chewy took the spot right in front of the couch protectively and the others chuckled a little bit. It was a surprise to see them getting so protective after the last few days.
"Probably trained them for when she was sick" Clint remarked offhand.

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