Trigger Words

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"You smell like a girl" Tony commented to Bucky as you both walked into his lab. You flushed slightly while Bucky had a huge grin on his face.
"I was just dropping off Y/N" he leaned down and gave you a soft, but long kiss on the lips.
"Hey, come on now. It's not like you won't see her in a few hours" Tony rolled his eyes. Bucky grinned and walked out backwards keeping his eyes on you until he was out the doorway. "Now that lover boy is gone, I want you in the chair" he pointed to a metal chair. You fidgeted a little, wondering what kind of tests he was going to be doing.
Bruce came over and started putting sensors on your skin and giving you a small smile while he did it. You noticed he was being extra gentle, almost like he was afraid of hurting you. When he backed up Tony nodded, and looked at you expectantly.
"I want you to make something small on fire. Like one of your spears. Think of Hydra when you do it" He instructed. You did as he asked while Bruce watched on one of the computers. Tony came over with a high tech thermometer and stuck it inside the flames. "2000 degree's Fahrenheit" he assessed. "Now I want you to think of us, and make something smaller"
"Tony..." you sighed, and did as he asked. You made a small figurine in your hand of a couple dancing, which made you think of Bucky. He tested it with the thermometer and both his face and Bruce's lit up like candles.
"That's fascinating" Bruce smiled.
"What is it?" you asked letting the fire go and turning the inhibitor back on.
"It was only 200 degrees Fahrenheit. Your emotions manipulate the temperature as well, just as I thought. My suit shouldn't have been able to take anything as hot as you were running when you fought Damien, but when I hugged you, it barely touched me" he turned the inhibitor back off. "We have more tests to run"

Bucky couldn't keep the grin off his face when he went to go for a jog around the compound with Sam and Steve. Clint had opted out, and the others wanted to stay in the gym for today.
"Shut up man" Sam exclaimed as Steve said 'on your left' for the fifth time that day, Bucky behind him saying the same thing. "Why do I even bother going with you fossils"
"Because you would be running alone" Steve slowed down, making Bucky slow down to jog beside Sam instead.
"Yeah, and you two old timers keep passing" he stopped for a moment to try to catch his breath. "And you shut up too" he pointed at Bucky.
"I didn't say anything" he shrugged stopping at the same time.
"Your face is doing all the talking Jerk" Steve gave him a playful punch on the arm. "You've been smiling since we left the cabin, and came home"
"Can't a guy smile, or be happy for no reason?" Bucky folded his arms grinning.
"You are not that kind of guy" Sam laughed. "There is a reason, and her name is Y/N. She is pretty cute, I'll give you that"
"She's gorgeous" Bucky shook his head. "Cute is what I would call her when she does that nose scrunch thing, when she doesn't like the smell of something, or when she's trying to learn something she gets that line between her eyebrows..." he started and both of them just stared at him. "What?" he asked.
"You realize you are talking like a man that's in love, right?" Steve shook his head. "I never thought I'd see the day you would settle down"
"I just really, really, REALLY like her" Bucky flushed a deep red.
"Keep thinking that, you don't want to say that too early" Sam gave his input.
"She's just different from other dames. I don't want to screw it up" Bucky licked his top lip deep in thought.
"Are you going to be okay to be away from her for the big mission coming up?" Steve asked honestly. "Or are you going to be okay with it when she's mission ready?"
"Of course" he shrugged. "I mean, I can still text her or call her"
"As long as you can keep your focus punk" Steve responded softly giving Bucky a soft punch on the arm.
"I mean, at the end of the day I'm the lucky guy that gets to come home to her" Bucky grinned.
"Screw it up, and I call dibbs" Sam laughed and started back for the building. Bucky turned and glared at him.
"No no, I get dibbs" Steve joked, and got a warning punch from Bucky.

When you got to the supper table, you frowned seeing that you were the last one there. A new vase was right in front of your spot with pale blue roses, as well as red roses. You took a smell of them as you went to sit down, and Bucky put a hand on your leg briefly.
"I thought you would like these ones since they reminded me of your powers" Bucky whispered.
"You got me more flowers?" you looked at him surprised.
"I even remembered a new vase this time, so you can put them in your room" he gave a grin, and you rewarded him with a kiss on the cheek.
"They're beautiful" you cooed at him.
"You two are going to give me a cavity" Tony rolled his eyes.
"I think its sweet" Wanda announced from her spot beside Pietro.
"I got a phone call from Fury, that data we sent is being put to good use. The mission might be pushed up a bit" Tony started passing the food down the table. "Y/N, you're going to be alone here for a few days, maybe a week" he studied your face.
"That's alright, I just hope its not the base you think it is" you put some mashed potatoes in your plate, and a piece of chicken.
"Fury might want you for recon missions while we are out. He will have an agent fly you in and out to be your backup if needed" Bruce added. "Will you be okay with that?"
"As long as my comm works, I'll be fine. You guys need to worry about yourselves. Not me. I can handle more than you think" you shrugged.
"We have a report that Jeanette is in Europe, so we wont be seeing her anytime soon" Tony added, and saw you visibly relax.
"Good, she's dangerous" you nodded while taking a small bite of food. "What about the sleeper agents?"
"Friday's working on it still" Bruce decided to tell you, since Tony hesitated.
"Do we have any names out of it yet?" Steve cleared his throat.
"Not yet, but I'm not worried. It looked like there was only a handful. Its not like there's a lot of people that can get close to the compound or Fury" Tony shook his head. "We find them, and arrest them. They don't know we have the data yet, so surprise is on our side"
The rest of the meal was more lighthearted conversation, and when it was over you grabbed your roses to bring back to your bedroom. You grabbed a book and went to the balcony to read thinking about Shuri showing up the following day. You were excited to see if she really could remove the trigger words that still haunted your nightmares. Bucky said that she could, and you trusted him. He had, after-all, been through the same ordeal.
You hadn't meant to nod off, but you felt Bucky pick you up from the swing on the balcony and carry you into your bedroom laying you on your bed. He pulled off your socks and jeans before crawling in beside you and pulling you close to go to bed.

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