More Enhanced

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Neither of you slept much that night, continuing to make love leaving you deliciously sore by morning. Both of you were guilty again of waking each other up to continue to make love during the night.
"Good morning my love" you opened your eyes slowly, feeling Bucky holding you tightly from behind.
"Good morning beautiful" his voice was raspy in your ear. "How are you feeling?" he started kissing along your shoulder.
"Wonderful" you felt his hand start to move towards your hip. He pulled you closer, and you knew he might be going for another round when a sharp rap came at the door. You both stopped looking up at the door in shock.
"Hey Kitten, I've got your latte. Its almost time for training. Happy left strict instructions that you needed this to start your day" Tony's voice came through the door.
"Where's Happy?" you sat up, knowing that the moment was over and you were going to have to get up.
"He had to go back to his normal duties of being Pepper's bodyguard. Are you going to open the door?" he sounded amused.
"Just a second" you grabbed Bucky's shirt and went to the door, Bucky watching you with interest and a huge grin on his face. "Hi" you opened the door with a smile and Tony chuckled handing you your latte.
"Morning Manchurian Candidate" he looked over your shoulder.
"You have terrible timing Tony" Bucky shook his head.
"Remind me to put in a soundproofing system in your room" Tony started to head away. "Also, breakfast is almost ready. Get a move on"
You took a grateful sip of your drink and paused taking in the moment of seeing Bucky in your bed only covered by the blankets. You loved seeing how his hair was all over the place, and the smile on his face made your heart swell.
"Don't move" he whispered to you, and got up to came over. He tipped your chin up and kissed you softly, rubbing his nose against yours. "That does taste good" he commented after pulling back from the kiss.
"You could have had a sip" you giggled.
"Not how I wanted it" he grinned going into the closet to grab some clothes for the day. You followed closely behind grabbing a pair of actual sweat pants and a t-shirt to go over your sports bra. You took another sip before putting on your sneakers. "I emptied a drawer in my room for you to bring over some clothes" Bucky's voice was low, and you grinned ear to ear.
"Great, now that there's room for me, I'll bring some over" you gave him a kiss on the cheek while you slipped by. "You need to refill that drawer too" you commented while grabbing your phone noting that Leia was the only dog waiting on you, and that Harry and Chewy had already left for the morning along with Lily. You waited by the door for him to catch up then went to breakfast together holding hands.

"Please tell me you have been remembering to take the birth control" Nat whispered as you were both working out on the treadmills.
"Every day" you nodded while dancing to the music that Tony put on the speakers for you.
"Thank God, or else we will have babies here the rate you two go at it" she chuckled and you flushed a deep red.
"Are we that loud?" you looked over worriedly.
"Bruce and I were in my room last night, and yes, we heard you" she admitted while your face burned an even brighter red. "I can barely look Bucky in the face right now" she added and you giggled.
"I'm very lucky" you were watching him at the punching bag with Steve. He looked up and made eye contact with you and gave a smile that you knew he was thinking about the night before again. "He has the most adorable smile" you added.
"You look like a woman in love" Nat said after a moment and you stopped momentarily almost falling off the treadmill.
"Nat" you whispered.
"Don't worry, your secret is safe with me" she assured.
"I don't want to scare him off" you stammered a little.
"I doubt that would happen" she shook her head and slowed her pace. "We are going to hit the weights again today, do you think you can handle more than last week?"
"I already started heavier while you were gone" you admitted. "At least when I wasn't on a mission"
"How long was your mission?" she seemed surprised you brought it up as you came to a stop and jumped off.
"Three days, three missions. I didn't get to come back to the compound, we just flew to the next one so I got naps in between and bugged Happy a bit" you headed to the chin up station. "I gave all the intel and reports to Maria before I came home" you jumped up and started pulling yourself up.
"What kind of intel was it?" she seemed curious.
"Honestly, I don't know. It was just small Hydra hotspots, and it was all encrypted. I didn't have time to look into it too much. I trust Maria and Fury must have needed it badly though" you flipped yourself over the bar.
"Did Maria go into the bases with you?" she asked as you were on your tenth rep of going on top of the bar and flipping yourself back down.
"Nope, I did it by myself. She helped me bring in the prisoners though. She just kept the jet running in case I needed a fast escape" you shrugged standing beside her. "Speaking of..." you said as you heard a ping on your phone and opened it quickly. "I gotta go" you saw a message from Fury telling you to be outside in 10 minutes.
"Wait, these are supposed to be approved by Tony and/or Steve too" Nat seemed to be worried. "Your still pretty new. Maybe you should have backup"
"I'll be okay Nat" you gave a wan smile, and hugged her quickly. You pulled away and went to where Bucky was lifting weights with Steve. "Bucky... I have to go for a bit" you bit on your bottom lip. "I should be back tonight" you added.
"Where are you going doll?" he put the weights down and sat up.
"Mission for Fury" you leaned down giving him a quick kiss on the cheek.
"Was it approved?" Steve had a tick in his jaw, looking unimpressed.
"I guess I'll find out" you shrugged and went to leave before Bucky pulled you back and onto his lap so he could kiss you thoroughly. You moaned softly and leaned into him a bit.
"I'll miss you" he whispered as he pulled back.
"I'll miss you more" you whispered to him, and got off his lap.
"Its supposed to be approved Y/N" Steve cleared his throat seeming to be a little upset.
"Fury has sent her on a few missions already, it might be testing" Nat spoke softly as you were walking away.

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