Mission ready

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Nat dressed you in an old shield uniform for this test, and handed you a gun.
"Don't forget, I can get stunned too" Nat ruffled your hair. "It's a rescue mission, so don't let your hostage get hurt"
"How long until I go in?" you started stretching your muscles in anticipation. If you thought of it like a game, it would be a lot more fun.
"When the door unlocks" she turned and left, locking the door behind her. You waited with baited breath, continuing to stretch. You checked your gun and made sure there was no safety to worry about. It was pretty simple. Point and shoot.
The door opened slightly as it unlocked and you took to the side of the door and nudged the door open more looking down the corridor. Someone took a shot at you but missed. You waited for them to shoot again, but instead you heard their footsteps come closer. You listened closely, and once you knew they were close enough you hit the ground and slid past the door aiming at their heart. The stun hit them quickly and they hit the ground. You got up on one knee and kept your eyes on the corridor. You stood slowly and saw two doors across from each other. You could tell this was likely a trap, and grabbed the stun gun from the person on the ground already with an apologetic smile. You tapped the door closest to you and heard movement from inside, but the door across from it flew open. You shot and aimed for the chest again. They hit the floor quickly. The door beside you burst open and it was the big guy you had knocked out. He went for hand to hand combat first, you blocked each of his movements before sliding under his arms and placing the stun over his heart and firing. It took a moment to realize that he did get one hit in while he was falling down. Your face stung from his fist, but figured he's probably in more pain as he convulsed on the floor.
You took the hallway to the right keeping an eye behind you as well as in front of you. You continued to clear each room as you went, and when someone came across your path you didn't hesitate to fire them in the chest. You did end up getting hit in the leg, but it would have been a through and through. The electricity that was going through your body when it happened felt unbearable, but you didn't want to give up yet. You had a mission, and it was Nat.
You made your way to the very last room and heard muffled voices inside. You heard Natasha speaking hurriedly in Russian to whoever was with her. You kicked open the door and slid in on the floor aiming for the other agents legs. You almost missed the second agent in the room, but shot them quickly in the chest. You quickly took their guns and grabbed Nat taking her out of the room. Everyone you had shot was still playing dead on the ground, and you grinned to yourself as you got to the entry door and brought Nat out with a smile.
"Well done" Nat grinned, looking down at your leg noticing you did get hit once, and your lip was bleeding.
The other agents came out, but the big guy looked pissed. You were bouncing on your feet a bit smiling to yourself.
"Can we go again?" you finally asked the one burning question that you had. Nat started laughing while the others grumbled walking away. "It was fun, thanks team!" you called to them with a huge grin on your face.
"One of these days your going to get in trouble Kitten" Nat laughed seeing the leader seeming to want to punch you again.
"I honestly thought it was fun" you pouted following her back to your room.
"Your catsuit has been added to your closet, put that on in the morning before you come down. Don't forget to put on a gun holster and knife holster. You need to be protected" she announced as you opened your bedroom door. Leia was up on the bed, but Harry and Chewy seemed to have wandered off. They were really enjoying their newfound freedom.
"Need me to stay tonight?" Nat asked as you walked in the bedroom.
"I'll be fine. I'm going for a run first" you went into your closet and changed into shorts and a sports bra. The scar tissue didn't look as bad as it did a few days ago. It was still there, but you didn't look quite as disfigured.
"Come get me if you need me. I'll be in my room" she nodded to you as you started to head for the balcony door.

You got back from your two hour run through the woods with Leia, and nearly crawled up the balcony steps. You had a few extended workouts today, and enjoyed them immensely. Your brain was even tired from everything you learned about computers this morning. You were worried about Bucky not being back yet, and wanted so badly to curl up and just talk to him for a bit. You always enjoyed his company, even when you didn't know him that well you had enjoyed his company.
When you got into your room, you dragged yourself into the bathroom and took a quick shower. You put on Bucky's shirt again instead of a nightgown and slipped into bed where Bucky would normally sleep just so you could try to take in his scent from a few nights ago. A knock came at your door, and you looked up curiously.
"Who is it?" you sat up rubbing your face.
"Sam, did you want some company?" he asked through the door. "I can stay if you want"
"No, I'll be okay" you called back, not wanting to get up. "Thank you Sam" you said warmly.
"Good night sexy legs" you heard him walk away towards the stairs to an upper floor.

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