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Bucky was forced out of the bedroom by Steve and Sam to go eat breakfast. He hated it. He didn't want to eat, he just wanted to stay in the suite and stare at the photos of the two of you that you had put up in the living room. He wanted to lay in bed and wait for you to come back. He didn't have an appetite regardless of what the team kept telling him how important it was that he ate. He felt lost, because he didn't want to be a world without you. He had scrolled through his phone looking at all the photos of the two of you, or of just you.
When he had gotten to breakfast, he picked at his food while Alpine sat on his shoulder purring loudly. He started giving him some scrambled eggs, just like what you would do with Frost. He was still surprised that your cat that you were so attached to was Loki. The team had been quiet the entire way through the meal. He thought he heard a crash of thunder, but thought it was his imagination. Thor didn't miss it though and looked up past the table with a big smile. Doctor Joy looked at him curiously as she continued to eat. Then there were the foot steps coming down the hallway. Steve started to turn in his chair while the others looked up curiously, as they weren't expecting company. Bucky finally turned around and a moment later you came into view. You were dressed in a long light blue dress with a dark blue robe on top, with your hair braided and looked so healthy. He stood up and his chair clattered to the floor as he took a few unsure steps before running towards you and picking you up and spinning you in a circle. You giggled and held on tight to him before he pulled back and touching both sides of your face with his hands staring at you. No words were really needed now that you could see each other. He didn't miss a beat, leaning forward and kissing you heatedly. He didn't care there was an audience, he didn't care about anything at all. There was only you to him, and that's all that mattered.
"I love you until the end of time" he pulled back gazing into your eyes.
"I'll love you beyond that" you smiled and pulled him into another hug, just enjoying the embrace. You could feel your stomach touching him and knew you would have to explain shortly but for the moment, there was only him that mattered.
"I knew you would keep your promise brother" Thor smiled from the table.
"Y/N Y/L/N, I could kick your ass right now" Nat stood up and walked over pulling you from Bucky into a hug. "You were supposed to follow protocol"
"They would have gotten to the data we have on the base, I couldn't let that happen" you smiled as you hugged her. Bucky turned and saw that Loki was standing nearby seeming a little weary.
"Thank you, Loki" Bucky held out his hand to shake his hand. "I can't thank you enough"
"You're welcome" Loki gave a small smile, and watched as Bruce came over and pulled you from Nat's arms to give you a hug and a kiss on the cheek. The entire team came over to give you a hug, eventually it ended with even Doctor Joy and Happy wanting a hug. Doctor Joy seemed to catch onto the extra roundness to your stomach and looked at you curiously.
"Tell me what happened" she held you at arms length, still holding you to the same spot while the team was still standing looking on curiously.
"I..." you stopped, not wanting to get anyone into trouble, even yourself.
"She lost a lot of blood, and the babies were endangered. In order to save them and her we had to push her pregnancy along a few weeks with a little help from magic. It stabilized them, and her. She's perfectly fine, just a little further along than when you last saw her" Loki answered for you. "It was the only way"
"May I?" Wanda came closer and held out her hands. You nodded and she put both hands on your stomach. "Oh my, they are certainly strong" she stood back after a moment.
"Likely also enhanced with flame ability, since the frost one seemed to have negative effects this time" Loki added.
"What do you mean negative effects?" Bruce seemed curious.
"She used mainly her frost form in battle, and summoned more frost energy than the fire. They seemed weakened by the amount of power she put out" Loki seemed uncomfortable answering all these questions.
"A small bit is fine, and doesn't bother them. Taking down an army seemed to have bothered them a bit" you admitted finally while Bucky pulled you back into his arms, burying his face in your neck.
"Next time, screw the data. We want you to run" Pepper admonished you.
"I did what I did to protect this family" you flushed a bit. "They would have had information on all of our families and where they live. They weren't getting that if I had something to say about it" you steeled yourself.
"Thank you Loki, for taking care of Kitten and helping to protect our families as well" Tony nodded to Loki, who gave a soft smile.
"My pleasure" he finally whispered.
"Can I take your vitals, and see for myself that your okay?" Doctor Joy asked softly. She looked worried, and it pained her to hear what you had gone through.
"Of course" Bucky answered for you.
"I need to change first" you flushed a bit.
"Kitten, you may not fit in the same size as you did before" Loki reminded you.
"I have my comfort clothes, and if not that I'll borrow Bucky's" you flushed a bit. "I do love this dress, did you need it back?"
"No, that was a gift" Loki shook his head.
"So, you were a cat the whole time?" Clint finally asked.
"You made the purrfect cat" Scott chuckled.
"I did have a hard time believing that cat was a cat" Vision nodded in agreement.
"I did what I had to do" Loki flushed a bit.
"I'm glad you pulled the fur over our eyes" Tony chuckled.
"Come on doll" Bucky was still holding you. He picked you up like a bride and carried you to the bedroom. As soon as he opened the door Leia jumped at you and started howling. Even Lily came over in excitement. Bucky set you down so you could pet them, and give them their kisses. "You scared me, again" Bucky whispered to you as you knelt on the floor.
"I didn't mean to, I wanted to protect the family" you looked over your shoulder at him.
"We almost lost our family" he seemed chocked up.
"But we didn't, I knew it was Loki since Christmas. I also knew he wouldn't let anything happen to me" you stood up and touched his cheek. "My love, I knew in my heart of hearts I was safe"
"Please, no more taking unnecessary risks" he had a few tears come down.
"Never again, I promise. I was scared too" you leaned up and gave him a kiss, wiping his tears away. "You have my word"
"Lets get you changed, I want to see the changes" he gave a smirk and followed you into the bedroom. He helped you get out of the dress, and watched as he studied the scars that were now on your skin. He leaned forward kissing them each individually, then knelt on his knees and pressed his forehead against your belly.
"I'm just a little rounder" you flushed.
"I feel like I missed too much already" he sighed, giving your stomach a few kisses.
"Well, I missed you. Tonight, I expect to show you how much I missed you" you gave a flirty smile.
"Oh doll, you have no idea" he stood up and kissed you hungrily pushing you further into the closet.

You ended up wearing a pair of sweat pants and one of Bucky's t-shirts. He carried you again towards Doctor Joys office where you saw everyone from the team already assembled inside, including Loki. Bucky had taken the time to marvel at the changes of your stomach, and kissed every inch that he could.
"She has scars from the battle" Bucky sat you on the side of the table Doctor Joy indicated to.
"I don't mind these ones, they were for a good cause" you gave a soft smile.
"We will be putting you in the regeneration machine regardless" Bruce shook his head. "I don't want my daughter to have that reminder on her body"
"Our daughter" Tony corrected him.
Doctor Joy nodded, and lifted your shirt and seemed to take a moment to take in the baby bump that was there.
"How far did you push the pregnancy?" she looked to Loki.
"A few weeks, we did only what was necessary for their survival. Kitten slept through it all" he gave a small smile to you. "She didn't fight us, except when she demanded to see Bucky"
"Was this safe to do?" Steve seemed worried.
"Of course, we wouldn't have done so otherwise" Loki shook his head. Doctor Joy put the gel on your stomach after lifting your shift. You saw Nat studying you closely, most people were just looking at the size of your stomach at this point. When she started the ultrasound machine, Tony called for Friday to put it on the big window for image and stood in front of it watching as the two strong heartbeat sounds filled the room. Bucky who had been beside you, holding your hand, visibly relaxed and looked up at the image of two much larger fetus'.
"You put her about 14 weeks, she's almost out of the first trimester" Doctor Joy seemed astounded. "I need to do some bloodwork to check everything" she warned you and you nodded. Bruce didn't miss a beat but went and got the kit and knelt beside you taking blood without a word. "They are going to be big babies, they are both almost full size for a normal baby, not twins"
"They'll be perfect" you gave a smile looking at the screen. "I need new clothes now" you looked to Pepper, Wanda and Nat who all grinned. "And underclothes" you flushed a little.
"Sounds like a girls day, and I'm driving" Happy grinned.
"They look so much more formed than before" Peter whispered.
"They will be growing quickly now" Doctor Joy nodded. "Even her bump is a bit bigger than it should be" she admitted.
"They look perfect" Bucky smiled at you. "Just like you" he added with a wink.
"Id be careful if I were you, her libido is going to pick up and so are her eating habits" Doctor Joy grinned.
"That's not going to be a problem" Steve chuckled. "Knowing these two"
"Poor Sarge has his work cut out for him" you gave Bucky a wink and saw him break out in a large grin.
"Super soldier, I can handle it" he kissed your knuckles.
"Don't need to know, that's still our daughter" Tony chuckled.
"I hope one day to evolve enough to give Wanda this dream as well" Vision was holding Wanda close to him.
"You will, my friend. You evolve more daily" Thor smiled at him.
"Time for the regeneration machine" Bruce announced and you frowned a little.
"Its okay, it wont hurt the little ones" Doctor Joy promised.
"I don't mind the scars, they were worth it for what I was fighting for" you pouted a little as Bucky helped you sit up after she wiped off the jelly.
"For our sake" Pepper asked you gently.
"Besides, you look like you've been through enough" Nat added.
"Did the equipment work on the base raid?" you finally asked.
"Like a charm. Bravo team took a lot of enhanced to Shield. Some of them seemed to want the freedom you had always wanted. Thanks to you, they have that chance now" Tony smiled at you. "We came out with mainly bruises, and a few cuts. It was the most successful mission we've done to date"
"Thank goodness" you sighed and held Bucky close to you for a moment.
"You should have seen how well the widow bites worked" Nat smirked proudly. "They fell to the ground like flies"
"Those arrows were really well balanced, I had a little too much fun with them" Clint added.
"Come on, lets go" Bruce started leading you down to the room the regeneration machine was in. Bucky quickly followed.
"I'll stay with her" Bucky warned him.
"I'll just turn it on, you help her get in" Bruce nodded and did as he said before walking out and closing the door behind him.  

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