First Dance

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When arriving back at the compound the boys were all waiting out front. You figured Happy must have let them know you were on your way. Nat got out first and smiled proudly, walking to the trunk.
"Boy's" she grinned even more as Wanda jumped out and went to give her a hand. When you got out, you saw Bucky take a second look, then looked you slowly up and down for good measure.
"Good, I was afraid you'd show up in overalls again" Tony grinned.
"You look beautiful doll" Bucky finally found words. "I mean, you look great normally" he started flushing, then giving up after a moment.
"Lady Y/N, Lady Natasha, Lady Wanda... allow us to help with these packages" Thor walked over seeing the trunk was over flowing. Nat shrugged and took some of the Victoria's secret bags. You grabbed the rest, and the bag of books. Wanda just grabbed some of the dresses.
"We will put these in Y/N's room for now" Tony grabbed some of the boxes and started following.
"I'm not taking all of this back to my cabin" you shook your head as you followed Nat into the room that was being renovated for you. "I don't have the room"
"Did you make a decision?" Tony asked hopefully.
"Not yet" you admitted. "I'm still trying to wrap my mind around all... this" you looked around wondering if you could really leave your quiet life behind.
"Just bring a suitcase with you for now. If you decide not to, we will bring the rest to the cabin after. Its not that long of a flight" he shrugged like it was nothing. "It will take a few more days to fix the jet, maybe a week"
"You, the great Tony Stark, will take that long to fix a jet?" you raised an eyebrow.
"I have a good reason to procrastinate" he shrugged as Bucky came in with some more of the packages.
"Have you been procrastinating all this time?" you laughed a little.
"Possibly" he admitted. "I'll go get that suitcase" he walked out of the room.
"What's in your pocket doll?" Bucky stopped for a second.
"A book" you blushed again, looking down.
"What book?" he pushed.
"A good one" you danced away from him as he took a step forward.
"What kind of book is it?" he grinned.
"Never you mind mister" you backed up into a wall while he looked like he was going to pounce on you like a cat. "Can't you ask about the ones in the bag?"
"Your protecting that one, makes it more interesting" he chuckled.
"It's silly" you pulled it out of your pocket, and put it behind your back. He stood right in front of you, putting his metal arm against the wall beside your head, leaning forward he snagged the book out of your hand and grinned like a school boy that just won first place. Not moving away, he looked down at the cover and chuckled.
"A romance novel?" he grinned.
"I like them, I've read all the ones at the library already" you blushed even more. You weren't sure if it was his close proximity or if it was the fact that he now knew what your favorite kind of books were that was making you feel heated. You looked into his eyes, and bit your bottom lip and you saw his eyes flicker down to look at your lips then up again.
"That's very distracting doll" he whispered in your ear, putting the book back in your pocket. Thor took that moment to walk in and Bucky backed away blushing a little himself but gave you a smile.
"Got the suitcase" Tony came back in.
"Thanks Tony" you felt like your pulse was still going a million miles a minute. They all had just left the room when Wanda came bouncing in.
"Are you going to stay?" she seemed giddy.
"I didn't decide yet" you frowned a little. "Well, I want to, but...." You trailed off.
"Don't worry, take your time" she opened the suitcase and started taking some of the clothes you just purchased and putting them in. You picked out enough for a week, but that also meant a weeks' worth of matching bras and panties. It took up more room than you anticipated. She also insisted that you put in three work out outfits. You still weren't impressed that you couldn't fully cover up with those. You added a pair of sneakers, to have variety and closed the bag up. Nat had bought you a ten pack of butterfly socks, which you shoved in the front pocket. The room still had a lot of bags everywhere. It felt like overkill for the shopping spree.
"How often do you do girls day?" you finally asked Wanda.
"Oh, at least once a month. Tony normally pays for it. He calls it team building" she giggled. "Pepper, his wife agrees. She sometimes comes with us, but she's so busy this week running Stark Industries"
"Does she know about me?" you bit your bottom lip unsurely.
"Of course! She is very excited to meet you" she pulled out some of the nightgowns she had picked out for you.
"Oh I can't wear those at the cabin, they'll get dirty" you realized you didn't have any choice either.
"It'll be fine. Clothes wash" she stuffed a few in the front pocket. They looked thin and flimsy which worried you even more. You were used to being out in the cold until the snow started falling.

The failed experiment (Bucky x reader)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu