Starting to come home

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When you woke in the morning, you smiled softly to yourself feeling wonderfully tangled still in Bucky's arms and legs. You turned in his arms to give him a soft kiss and saw him slowly open his eyes.
"That never gets old, doll" he whispered to you with his flirty smile.
"Thank you again for the necklace" you flushed, and saw him smile even more.
"It suits you" he whispered proudly.
"I'm not taking it off" you vowed softly, looking down at it seeing it sparkle against your chest.
"I like the way it looks between your breasts" he chuckled to himself. You felt yourself flush a little bit, but leaned up and gave him a soft kiss again. You pulled away to get out of bed to look for a change of clothes.
"The others are starting to come back today" he reminded you softly.
"The reports aren't done, but at least they will be home" you went into the walk-in closet and looked over your shoulder at him with a smile. "To be honest, I miss seeing the others"
"It's been a long time, it's been weird ta be honest" he nodded, grabbing a change of clothes for the gym. You put on a pair of leggings, sports bra, and your pink shirt with the black kitten on the front. "How long till we can read the reports?"
"It's a week's worth, but Tony wants it done as fast as possible. I think he wants it done today, but unless something happens, I don't see how its possible" you shook your head. You looked down, and pulled the necklace so it was showing proudly in front of your shirt. You studied him in his black sweat pants and white Henley, pulling him close to give him a brief kiss on the lips again.
"Are you going for a swim again today? I'll join you" he offered with a mischievous grin.
"I might come in the gym for a bit, or go for a run in the woods. If I change my mind, I'll make sure you know first" you bit your bottom lip, eliciting a moan from him before he leaned down to kiss you hard on the lips. You sighed happily leaning into him.
"Did you know you're addictive?" he growled in his throat.
"The same could be said of you my love" you teased, and headed to the bathroom where he followed you to do your normal morning routine. Once you were done, you held hands as you headed to the dining room.

"Structural integrity warning came out again last night, do I have to put in steel walls?" Tony grinned as you both walked in and you flushed a deep red. Bucky chuckled and kissed your cheek while he pulled out your chair to sit between him and Nat.
"Its art" Bucky grinned in spite of himself, and sat down proudly.
"This is new" Nat peered at your necklace curiously. "Its beautiful" she gushed and you held your chest out proudly.
"Bucky got it to match the earrings" you said proudly, touching it with a smile.
"You have good taste" Pepper came over to take a look. "Are those all real diamonds?" she looked at Bucky curiously.
"Only the best for my girl" he nodded with a slight flush to his cheeks.
"You're starting to make us look bad" Tony teased, while Pepper resumed her spot beside Tony and gave him a playful swat on the arm.
"He spent a long time looking for what he wanted, it had to be perfect" Steve gave a smile, seeing how proud you were.
"Tin man does have good taste" Sam teased as Happy walked in with your morning coffee's.
"Thank you Happy" you smiled at him appreciatively.
"How are you doing this morning Sunshine?" he had taken on Bruce's nickname for you.
"Wonderfully" you beamed, taking a sip of your latte and started eating your breakfast slowly. You saw Alpine had finished eating and was crawling up Bucky's leg to get to his shoulder again. You couldn't help but giggle as Leia put her nose on your lap. You gave her a small piece of toast, before doing the same for Chewy and Harry and resumed eating.
"Wanda, Vision and Pietro are coming home sometime today. Peter confirmed he will be home tomorrow, the same with Scott. I think Scott was enjoying his time with his daughter" Tony finally announced.
"Clint's coming back today as well, he wants to start going through the report's as soon as possible" Nat offered. "I was talking to him this morning"
"Rhody is still doing government work, so it might be a few days for him. He said he would just likely stop in to grab the reports before heading back out again, unless we need him" Tony nodded.
"Are we out of lockdown?" Sam asked softly. "Once the reports are done, I'd like a day or two to go see my sister and her kids"
"Why don't you take one of jets and go today. I wanted them done as soon as possible, but Kitten was right. If we are doing the reports properly, we will need a few days to finish them" Tony said after a moment. "You got stuck here, while the others were out, and I know what your family means to you" he added softly.
"Thanks Tony" Sam gave a grateful smile. "Talking over the phone ain't doing it for me, I just need to see that they are safe knowing what's in that data"
"Check in and let us know that you're safe" Steve gave him a soft smile, and Sam nodded before finishing his breakfast.
"I'll miss you the most, sexy legs" Sam looked at you with a grin, and you blushed again. "There it is" he laughed to put his plate away and heading to his room to pack.
"I'll miss you too Sam" you called back to him, realizing you actually would.
"The painters are done with your suite by the way Nat and Bruce. Its painted the way you wanted it, they are just moving in the furniture by the end of today. You two can officially move in" Pepper announced proudly.
"I'm looking forward to more closet space" Nat grinned happily.
"I'm looking forward to that too" Bruce grinned, knowing that he didn't have half as much clothes as she did, but it was important to her.
"We can help you bring up your stuff, once its packed" Steve offered.
"Thank you, Steve, that will help" Bruce gave a thankful smile.
"Once you're moved out Nat, we can start on Bucky and Y/N's suite" Tony gave a grin.
"Oh, you should see the floor plans Bucky" you looked over happily. "It makes my cabin look so small" you admitted.
"As long as its soundproofed" he chuckled, giving you a kiss on the cheek and taking your empty plate while he went to put the dishes in the kitchen. You flushed a little, knowing you were the louder one of the two of you. "I'm headed to the gym doll" he pulled you out of your chair for a lingering kiss on the lips and a warm hug. Steve got up to follow while Happy went to go do the dishes for everyone. You heard each person leave the room, but you were still wrapped in Bucky's arms, enjoying the soft morning kiss he was giving you. "Never gets old" he pulled back after a bit. You hummed happily and grabbed your drink after watching him walk away. He looked over his shoulder twice but your eyes never left him until he was out of sight.

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