Three fears

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The following morning you woke up to the smell of caffeine as the Jet hatch opened and Nat waltzed in like it was nothing. She gave you a smirk, and sat two cups of coffee on one of the chairs and knelt beside where Bucky was still holding you close to him.
"So, it looks like someone had a good sleep" she brushed your hair out of your face.
"Shh.... You'll wake him. He had nightmares" you scolded, putting a hand protectively on Bucky's arm draped over you.
"Breakfast is almost ready, and we have a lot to do today. That creature did some damage to both jets while he was hunting us, and Tony is excited to get home to see Pepper. We need to focus" she continued to play with your hair as you weren't moving.
"Can't you just let him sleep a little longer?" you pouted.
"Nope" she popped the P, and went to pull you up but you tried to wiggle away. "Oh really?" she grinned, and reached down and started tickling your sides and you started giggling trying to get away.
"For your information ladies, I've been awake. Go away Natalia, I was busy" Bucky's voice suddenly sounded from behind you.
"You were awake?" you felt a sudden draft as Natasha ripped the blanket off of you both.
"Tony yelled for us for breakfast fifteen minutes ago" you felt him smirking on the back of your neck, but he still didn't move.
"Here, put these on. They're Bucky's. It'll match your shirt" Nat walked away for a moment and came back with a pair of sweat pants and a grin. "I'm burning those" she pointed at the bloodied clothes from the day before that you hadn't bothered changing out of due to feeling so fatigued from the use of your powers.
"They just need to be sewn" you frowned, starting to sit up but Bucky had you pinned down and you started giggling again.
"I don't want a reminder of yesterday around you, ever" Nat growled a little. "We could have lost you"
"I heal quickly. I had to..." you started, but saw that her mind was made up as she was ripping them to shreds with her knives. "Well, that's going a bit far but okay. You win" you sighed still trying to sit up.
"Bucky, can I get up please?" you finally sighed realizing that he wasn't going to let go no matter how much you wiggled.
"Fine" you felt him kiss the back of your neck again and he moved his arm from around your waist.
"Can I wear your sweat pants?" you felt compelled to ask, even though Nat had already destroyed your clothes.
"I'd rather you wore them than those leggings" he smirked at you and sat up taking one of the coffee's and drinking it quickly. You took the pants from Nat and had to roll them a few times to get them to stay on your hips, and so they wouldn't drag on the ground.
"Coffee" Nat handed you yours and you sipped it appreciatively.
"I need to do laundry while you all work on the jets" you still felt out of sorts. Your body was achey, and it was like you had a flu. Likely from using your full abilities the previous day. You looked down at where Bucky was sitting and he gave you a soft smile before standing up and heading behind you to go get changed for the day. He went into an area that was still split off from where you two were so you couldn't get to enjoy the view.
"Want help?" Nat waited for you to finish your coffee as you reached for the blankets so you could put them on the clothes line.
"I should be good, but I do need to talk to you about something serious" you bit your bottom lip, anticipating a fight.
"Lets talk about it after breakfast" she started leading you out the back. You turned just in time to see Bucky coming out in a pair of black jeans, and just finishing putting on a white t-shirt. Everything that man wore made you feel weak in the knees. He smirked again, watching your eyes travelling up and down his body.

You didn't think your face could be any redder. Sam saw you walk in wearing Bucky's clothes and started insinuating you had done more than just sleep with Bucky. Clint couldn't stop laughing, more at the way you puffed up and tried to protest, but also at your face when he came into the cabin and just kissed you on the cheek and let Sam continue his teasing and ignored him.
"He is a gentleman, and wouldn't do such a thing" you finally sat down, your face more red from embarrassment than anger.
"Ah huh... and you didn't flinch when he kissed you" he grinned even more.
"That's because its comforting" you took a bite of your bacon.
"Really?" Clint came over and put his hands on your shoulders and you sat very still. "Because we still can't touch you that easy" he was adding fuel to the fire.
"Natasha..." you looked up exasperated.
"Gentlemen, I shredded her clothes from yesterday. She wasn't about to walk up here naked" Nat smirked and gave you a swift kiss on the cheek which you leaned into. "And your just not working with the touches enough. I can kiss her too"
"Alright, let me try" Sam went to stand up to lean towards your cheek when Bucky's hand shot out to stop Sam from getting any closer.
"Sam" Bucky's voice was deeper than usual, and Sam sat back laughing again at how red your face went.
"Hurry up and eat gentlemen, we need to work on the jets today. Pepper wants girls day next week, and I already promised to have Y/N there to meet more of the team. Fury is even going to meet us at the compound" Tony spoke up.
"Who's Fury?" you felt confused finishing what was on your plate while Nat started on the dishes.
"Director of Shield. He was also in charge of the Avengers Initiative. Technically he kind of still is, but we run ourselves. After you agreed to join us, I had Pepper show him the footage from back at the compound and he's on board with making sure you pass the exams mandated by Shield" Tony seemed unphased by bringing up exams.
"Exams?" your voice hitched up a bit.
"Physical, Abilities, and Psychological" Bruce pipped up.
"I don't like to be touched" you reminded them.
"Don't worry, the doctor's exam is simple, and then its just sparring from there" Nat tried to soothe your nerves.
"The last doctor that touched me was Hydra. I killed him" your voice broke a little at the memory.
"You'll have your inhibitors, and it wont be like that" Bruce touched your shoulder. "I'll be there for every step of the way"
"What if they need to do a pap smear?" you bit your bottom lip.
"Then Natasha will be there" he promised, still rubbing your shoulder.
"What if the inhibitors don't work?" you chewed more at your lip.
"We will be making you stronger ones as soon as we get back. You won't have to worry. Just be yourself. Show them what your made of. If they see what we've seen, it will be a cake walk" Tony sighed.
"I like pie better" you admitted.
"Speaking of, what grade did you make it to before you were taken?" Tony had been looking at your books and seen that some of them were scientific journals, and university reading material.
"I was 10, but I skipped a few grades. I was in grade 11, and had applied to MIT" you shrugged.
"Are you serious?" Clint's jaw fell open.
"I liked to read" you admitted. "I've read all the books at the local library a few times already"
"Whats your favorite?" Bucky leaned forward, sipping his second coffee of the day.
"What genre?" you grinned.
"Here" Bruce wrote down a complex math problem on a piece of paper and you looked at it for a moment then took his pen and scribbled down the answer.
"Fantasy" Bucky responded finally watching curiously as to what Tony and Bruce were doing, making more math equations for you to answer. You barely flinched as you continued to write down the answer.
"I loved the Hobbit, it was such a good story. I also love the Harry Potter series" you gave a small smile. "You wrote the question wrong" you looked at Tony. "If you going to stick to generic formula's, you need to at least write it correctly otherwise the answer will be wrong" you reached over and corrected the question then scribbled down the answer. Bruce had to sit down while Tony went pale.
"Why didn't you just make your own inhibitors?" Tony asked.
"I don't know how" you seemed surprised at the question. "I have a generic understanding, but I don't know how to do that"
"We can teach you" Tony grinned ear to ear.
"How are you just a waitress?" Bruce said in spite of himself.
"What else would I do if I'm trying to lay low?" you rolled your eyes.
"Didn't you say you needed to work on the jets? She's not a toy" Nat chided them, and ruffled your hair as she walked past you.
"She's right, sorry" Tony apologized quickly. "Capsicle, tin man, bird men... I need your help with moving the parts over to the downed jet" he announced.
"I have to look at your blood samples again" Bruce murmured to himself walking out.
"Thank you Nat" you looked at her with a grateful smile as Bucky leaned down and kissed your cheek before leaving. You leaned into his touch again feeling the delicious butterflies floating around your stomach.

The failed experiment (Bucky x reader)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon