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When you got to the gym you started with your morning jog on the treadmill listening to your music at the highest volume your headphones would allow. You continued to dance as you went, keeping your eyes closed trying to keep your focus on how you would spar today. You planned on not taking it easy on anyone. You needed to get used to using your powers while sparring, and they were after all, Avengers long before you arrived. You had your mind set to take it seriously.
"Alright Kitten, its time" Nat was in front of you, so you turned off the treadmill and nodded unsurely to yourself. "You have to bring your A game today. Your going against the four of us"
"Any requests for music?" Tony was standing by the sparring ring.
"What are you doing here?" you giggled a little.
"I want to see your progress" he shrugged taking a bite of a cookie. "For science" he added with flourish. You couldn't help but giggle again.
"Hey Friday, play Why by Collective Soul" you took off your t-shirt and slipped into the ring, while double tapping the inhibitor. Bruce came in and joined Tony standing to the side. You rolled your eyes knowing that there was probably a bet going.
"Ladies first" Nat slipped into the ring. You both took your positions and she went to make her move first. You threw up an ice wall and she let out a yelp while you let it disintegrate you threw a punch and hit her in the shoulder. You jumped back and she shook her head at you as she started to run at you, and you threw up another ice wall. She slipped past it, and you blocked her hits before kicking her legs out from under her. She went to kick your legs out and you jumped up on the side of the ring letting the ice wall go down again. You saw her getting frustrated, and went to kick you in the stomach and you called on an ice pillar to block it, you reached around and pulled her leg so she hit the pillar with her head.
"That's three, next!" Tony called out.
"My turn" Sam tapped out Nat who looked at you with surprise. You barely let Sam take a moment before you leapt at him throwing yourself over his shoulders and locking your thighs around his head. You did a backflip and he landed hard on the ground while you threw a punch to his shoulder and jumped back.
"That counts as two" Tony grinned to himself. Sam went to throw the kick to your ribs, with a follow up punch that you blocked easily. You called on the ice wall when he went to throw another punch intended for your head and heard him let out a yelp.
"That trick just worked twice, come on man" Bucky called out. Sam growled a bit while the ice wall went back down and he lunged at you. You dodged his hit, then twirled around him giving him a kick in the lower back.
"That makes three" Bruce grinned and smiled at Tony.
"Alright, enough games" Steve got in the ring and took on a defensive pose. You smirked and relaxed your posture a bit. He went for a hit, and you threw up the ice wall at the last possible second and his hand went through it but didn't touch you. You arched an eyebrow, and licked your lips in anticipation. You called on an ice ball, and let the wall go down and hit him in the stomach with it. He seemed surprised and took a few steps backwards. You ran at him and he ducked as you went to jump on his shoulders. You kicked your legs back to hit him in the back as he stood up and did a flip. He turned and threw a punch and you ducked quickly to avoid it punching him in the leg.
"That's three" Tony grinned looking at Bruce.
"That leaves me" Bucky tagged Steve and jumped in. "I hope you saved some moves for me"
"Always lover boy" you giggled and dodged as he came at you. You threw up ice walls that he just punched through and you jumped back. You summoned butterflies of flames to come up and hit him in the face to stun him, but not burn him and jumped onto his shoulders. This time you flipped so his face was between your thighs and you gave him a punch before pulling your weight backwards. He started to slip forwards but grabbed you as you twirled off of him. He pulled on your leg so it lined up with his waist, and you put your hands on the floor so you could wrap your legs around his waist and used the momentum into a forward cartwheel putting him over your head. He turned quickly and got a jab on your arm and you hit him with butterflies again in the face while you both got up. He went to lunge at you again and you threw up an ice pillar and slipped around it pushing his face at it.
"That makes three. She took one hit. Pay up" Tony looked at Bruce expectantly.
"I really thought there would be at least a few more hits" Bruce sighed handing Tony five bucks.
"That was fun" you gave Bucky a kiss on the cheek. You saw Sam hand Nat a twenty dollar bill and she smirked putting it into her sports bra.
"I knew you could do it" Nat shrugged.
"Doll, that was pretty good. I want a rematch sometime" Bucky kissed your cheek with a smile. "But first, I think we are supposed to go swimming"
"Great idea! Lets see how many laps we can get in" Nat brightened up at the prospect and you saw Bucky glower a little as you slipped out of the ring. She grabbed your hand pulling you out of the gym. You both giggled on your way with Bucky, Steve and Sam coming quickly behind you.
"You fight dirty" Sam finally said something with a bit of a laugh.
"No, we told her to use her powers" Steve shrugged. "Should have anticipated that. I want to see how she does against Wanda now"
"You boys wait outside until we are changed" Nat warned them as you got to the pool doors. You both went to your lockers, and you pulled out the bikini that Bucky put in your locker for you. You saw it was the dark blue one that he liked so much and started getting undressed quickly. "You sure you want to wear that one Kitten?" Nat giggled when she saw you put on the bottoms. There were kiss marks all over your thighs, stomach, chest, and shoulders.
"He got my thighs again?" you blushed a deep red, pulling on the top.
"I swear I'll have a hard time looking him in the face again" she laughed as you marched over to the door and pulled it open to see a grinning Bucky, a flushed Steve, and a surprised looking Sam.
"Really?" you put your hands on your hips trying to glare at him.
"You look great doll" Bucky chuckled to himself. "Looks like someone really wants to make sure their claim was made"
"James Buchanan Barnes" you growled a bit.
"No one is ever going to doubt you staked your claim man" Sam walked past you to go to the changing room, quickly followed by Steve.
"I can't help it, you taste too good" Bucky smirked and walked around you before giving you a quick slap on the ass. You yelped out and saw that Nat was laughing to herself.
"When did you do these ones?" you demanded.
"This morning" he winked at you and you sighed in defeat walking to Nat. You both dived in and started heading for the deep end in a race again. By the time the boys made it in, on the other side you were both headed back and evenly matched. Steve and Bucky started a race of their own, which you both knew that you couldn't even join in on. Sam jumped in with the pair of you and started racing with the two of you. Nat pushed herself and went a bit faster, while you started to lag a bit behind. You tried to speed up, but couldn't get past her. Sam was catching up quickly. By the tenth lap, Nat had definitely won, while you and Sam were evenly matched. Bucky and Steve barely looked like they were even tired and kept going.
"Shower, then back rub?" Nat didn't forget her promise.
"Sure" you nodded heading to the locker room. You grabbed your clothes and just wrapped up in a towel to head back to your room.
"Where you going doll?" Bucky stopped for a moment.
"Shower and a promised back massage" you smirked at him. "I earned it"
"I can give ya that doll" his eyes held promise.
"I'm sure you can Barnes" Nat chuckled. "But I made a promise yesterday. I'm bringing some of my oils over" she added to you.
"Ooh... fancy!" you giggled and walked out knowing you were going to get it later.

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