I'll follow her wherever she goes

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You both were indeed late for lunch. Nat just gave you a knowing smirk, while the others seemed to be understanding that you were "tired" after sparring this morning and took a few minutes to lay down after Nat's massage. Bruce reminded you that you might need another rest again after testing the taser and collar. You bit your bottom lip and gave a small nod. When you all finished Bucky gave you a soft kiss on the lips before going with Sam back to the gym, while Pepper went back to her business meetings. Nat decided she was coming to the lab to watch while Steve tried out the leg shackles and cuffs you designed for super soldiers, you knew she was curious as to what you all had been up to in the lab.
"I want to see Y/N's testing first" Steve announced as you all walked in. You had put on a pair of leggings and one of your tank tops under Bucky's hoodie that he was wearing earlier. You gave an unsure nod, and took off the sweater padding your way to the center of the lab. You double tapped your inhibitor and nodded to Bruce who held the taser unsurely turning it down as far as the adjustment would allow. You knew this was going to hurt, but it was necessary. You let yourself get covered in flames, and nodded again.
"I can't" Bruce shook his head.
"Bruce, this is necessary. We can't test it in the field first, we need to know it works" you shook your head. "Hit me with it"
"No, I can't do it" he put it down shaking his head.
"I'll do it" Nat came over and you could see a slight tremble in her hand. "Are you sure this is what you want?"
"Yes" you nodded. She pointed it at you and turned her head after hitting the firing pin. You felt the flames die out immediately as you hit the floor convulsing. You tried to call on your frost but felt like your eyelids were getting heavy and shortly after passed out.

"Come on doll" Steve was slapping your cheeks. You were up on the metal chair, leaned back. "Are you okay?!" he demanded as you started opening your eyes.
"Did anyone get the license plate on the truck?" you finally found words. Your whole body was aching and you wanted to just close your eyes again for a few more minutes.
"She's delirious, I knew we shouldn't have tested it" Bruce sounded beside himself.
"It was a joke. It worked" you groaned trying to sit up. "How long was I out?"
"A few minutes. Take your time doll" Steve seemed worried about you moving so soon. You called on your flames but they weren't coming initially. You started to break in a sweat while you concentrated and slowly they started taking over your body. Steve didn't move, letting the flames lick at his arms seeming startled but trusted you.
"Okay, how long did it take the flames to come out?" you knew Tony was supposed to time it.
"Four minutes, forty five seconds" he hit the timer. "That's longer than the cuffs"
"Okay, so the stronger the enhanced, we hit them with the taser first" you sighed, calling back the flames.
"Here, have some water" Nat brought over a bottle of water. You took it with a quick thanks and chugged the whole bottle.
"Get the collar" you said after an extended silence.
"Y/N, I think you've done enough for today" Steve shook his head.
"Soldier 23 is still in processing, because they can't break him. I designed the collar with him in mind for when someone else goes to take a crack at interrogations. If he wasn't created in a lab, then it will make him human enough to ID him and find out who he really is. If we can do that, maybe we can help him" you looked at him earnestly.
"You've been watching the interview footage, you know he doesn't want help Y/N" Bruce interrupted him.
"And I didn't think I wanted help either, but you showed up in my backyard and as far as I see it... you saved my life, and you gave me the will to live again. I can understand his anger, and his mistrust. Hydra does that to you. I spent eight years of my life hiding, not living. Can you imagine if I gave into them, you would have been fighting me too. The thought of that I cannot bear. We have to try something" you felt close to tears. "I was a lost cause..." you felt a tear fall down your cheek.
"You were not a lost cause, one look at you and we knew you deserved more. You treated us with kindness instead of mistrust. You had no reason to trust us, and you chose to. We will try our best with him, but not everyone wants to be saved. Think of Damien, he wanted the life he chose. Soldier 23 might be the same. You can't save everyone, Y/N" Nat put her arm around you and gave you a kiss on the cheek.
"I don't see how anyone chooses to stay with Hydra" you shook your head and wrapped your arms around her, leaning your head in her shoulder.
"Y/N" Bruce came over and knelt in front of you and Nat. "You've watched the footage, you've studied his DNA, you've gone over his file with a fine-tooth comb. He's on the first enhanced you've met since you regained your freedom. There will be others that you might be able to save. I don't think you can get him to switch sides Sunshine. But we will try our best to see what we can do to help him" he promised.
"Thank you" you wiped your eyes, and took a moment. "Wow, I'm super emotional today" you chuckled, trying to break the silence while they all stood there studying you.
"Lets try to collar" Tony sighed bringing it over to you. You looked him in the eyes and gave a grateful smile while calling on your fire again.
"I'll do it" Steve took it from Tony and looked at the metal device curiously with the soft leather on the inside rim.
"Just put it on her, we have the key. The point is to use it after the taser if they are still moving but willing to come in willingly" Tony instructed. Steve grimaced and put it around your neck letting it snap into place. You cringed as you felt it take the blood sample, and felt the flames die out immediately. You tried calling on them again, then tried the frost but it was making you exhausted.
"Take it off" your eyes were getting heavy. Maybe this was a bad idea. "It works" Tony walked over and quickly pulled it off after unlocking it. You started to fall forwards and Bruce caught you.
"How about a nap now?" Bruce suggested and you were already half out of it. You felt Steve pick you up out of Bruce's arms and carry you away. You opened your eyes long enough to see him putting you on the swing on the living room balcony and Happy came out to sit beside you. You fell asleep quickly, feeling safe knowing Happy wouldn't let anything happen to you.

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