New Years Day Part 2

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"Dude, I'm so excited for tobogganing" Scott announced as you both came in the room. Bucky pulled out your chair for you to sit, and you gave him a quick kiss on the cheek before sitting down.
"We need a good fun day before the mission" Tony nodded, giving a small smile.
"When is it?" you finally asked, knowing that they had a few meetings about it already while you were either in your room or in the lab. Steve looked at you worriedly, knowing you weren't going to like the answer.
"The day after tomorrow" Bruce finally broke the sudden silence. "We weren't able to track the phone number again, and we don't want to risk them coming for us here". You read between the lines on that one, and gave a small nod. "Tomorrow we will be restocking the jets and getting ready to move out" he added and Nat rubbed his back gently.
"Can I help with the jets?" you asked, feeling like if you didn't say something you might start crying. You were especially worried about Bucky leaving on this mission.
"Too much heavy lifting" Steve shook his head. "We don't want to risk hurting anything"
"Can I make cookies for while you are all gone?" you looked up, and the tears were in your eyes.
"We would love some of your cookies" Sam smiled kindly at you. "We need those cookies that are made with love from our sexy legs, don't we Tin man?"
"That would help a lot" Wanda nodded enthusiastically.
"I'm sure the freezer will be restocked by the time you get home too" Happy gave a small smile, knowing you too well. You felt a few tears fall down your face and tried to hide it looking down. Bucky leaned over and rubbed your back knowingly. He gave you a quick kiss on the cheek, then wiped away your tears.
"Its warm in here" you shook your head and gave a forced smile and double tapped your inhibitor. The room was suddenly swarmed in frost butterflies and birds of different sizes flying around. You tried to call it back, but it wasn't working. Your emotions were getting in the way. No one dared to complain as Bucky glared around the table at people suddenly shivering.
"Can you call it back a little bit?" Pietro asked gently.
"I'm trying" you admitted, feeling sweat on your brow.
"You need to try a little harder, your back..." Bruce was worried telling you your wings were coming out, you got up quickly and ran outside onto the balcony as you felt the wings form completely.
"Y/N" Bucky was close behind you, studying you closely. "Are you okay doll?"
"I just need a minute" you admitted.
"You need to call those back, you're hurting yourself" he took a step towards you.
"Wait, you'll get cold" you shook your head.
"Then I'll get cold" he took you into his arms and held you closely.
"What if you get hurt?" you finally whispered.
"Is that why your sad?" he asked gently.
"I'm sad I'm being left behind, when I could come and protect you" you whispered against his chest. "I'm sad that I have so little time left with you, and you'll be gone for I don't know how long"
"I will call you every chance I get" he promised. "I'll text you when its safe, if I can't call. I won't leave my phone on the jet this time. I'll keep it close to my heart, just like I keep you close to my heart"
"Just be safe and come home to me" you asked gently.
"I have three very important reasons to be safe and come home to you. And someday, I'll have ten reasons to hurry home to you" he gave a wink and you flushed. "Do you feel a little better?" he asked and you gave a nod trying to call back your frost ability. It was agonizingly slow process, but the wings slowly went away. Once they were gone, Bucky tapped your inhibitor and all the birds and butterflies vanished. He looked at your back and frowned slightly. "Its not as bad as usual" he informed. "Lets go see Doctor Joy and have her take a look"
"I'd rather eat first" you admitted. "I'm hungry"
"Okay, then after, before I go" he gave you a quick kiss on the lips. You smiled and followed him back inside.

"Let me see" Bruce stood up as you came back in the dining room. "You need to have that taken care of, its not as bad as usual"
"After I eat" you promised moving away from him. "I'm starving"
"Do you feel a little better?" Pepper asked gently.
"I do, I just had to let it out for a moment" you shyly nodded.
"You won't be alone here. Happy, Doctor Joy and I are staying with you" Pepper reminded you. "Aunt May would have stayed, but she has work. Laura has the kids, so Clint had to bring her back home last night"
"Its not being alone that's bothering me" you quietly admitted and the room went silent. "I want to help"
"You just made us bulletproof suits that won't slow us down" Peter chirped up. "Plus, all that equipment"
"I gotta admit, I'm looking forward to those new trick arrows" Clint grinned.
"Those missiles for the Iron Man and War Machine suits are going to be a blessing" Rhody added.
"You've done a lot for the team, we have it from here" Steve gave a small smile. "We have Bravo team coming with us"
"You say that, but can you imagine the impact of a frost dragon overpowering their base?" you gave a knowing smirk.
"The risk is too high; they want you there. We have the upper hand having you here" Tony shook his head. "You've done more than enough"
"Agree to disagree" you took another bite of your food. You grabbed another helping of eggs and bacon, continuing to eat until you were full. You leaned back in your chair and winced a bit, feeling Bucky pull out your chair.
"Come on doll" he held his hand to you and you took it while Nat took your dirty dishes for you both.

The failed experiment (Bucky x reader)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें