Christmas Eve

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When you woke up in the morning, Bucky was already gone. He had left you a note on his pillow saying he would be home soon and not to worry. You untangled yourself from the sheets noticing Frost had been sleeping at the top of your head again. You hurried into the bathroom and started being sick again. You heard your bedroom door swing open and Steve suddenly was in the bathroom beside you holding your hair and rubbing your back. When you stopped to rest your forehead against the side of the toilet you looked over your shoulder at him feeling confused.
"I promised Bucky" he shrugged.
"You don't need to see this" you double tapped your inhibitor and let the butterflies come out.
"You're family doll. We are here till the end of the line" he started rubbing your back again as you started vomiting again. You waited until you were sure that you were done, and flushed the toilet. Steve helped you to your feet and followed you to the sink where you looked at him curiously while you brushed your teeth. He took the hairbrush and started brushing your hair down.
"How thorough were the instructions?" you gave a small chuckle.
"Very" Steve grinned in spite of himself. "Did you need to lay back down, or do you want to make your way to breakfast and have your tea?"
"Breakfast I guess" you went into the closet and closed the door behind you. You changed into a pair of black jeans that seemed a little tighter, but you had read that you would be bloated at this stage. You grabbed a red lace shirt, putting your hair in a bun and putting a red bow in the bun itself. You took the time to put on a pair of black sneakers, and the time to put on some makeup for today. You'd likely have to fix it again later, but for now it would do. When you came out Steve stood up and was holding Frost and Alpine. Frost looked miserable and meowed pitifully.
"Frost, he's family, just like you. You need to be nicer" you sassed him and he stopped meowing.
"I don't get it, that cat seems to understand everything you say" Steve shook his head and you took Frost from his grasp.
"You think Harry doesn't understand you?" you raised an eyebrow as you both walked into the living room. "You talk to him, don't you?"
"More than I should admit" he chuckled.
"Animals understand more than you think. They feel your emotions, and they understand that too" you gave a small smile. Steve opened the living room door and the two dogs and Lily followed you both out. "Their love for you is unconditional too, which is something that is rare to find" you added.
"Bucky's love for you is unconditional" Steve whispered. "So is yours for him, I can tell"
"That goes without saying. I never thought that it would be something I would experience" you teared up a little bit. "I'm a little overwhelmed when it comes to how much I love him. Now I'm worried about where he is, and if he is okay" you admitted.
"I guarantee, he's fine" Steve promised you and led you to the dining room.
"Will I ever find out where he went?" he looked at Steve as you went to sit. He had pulled out your chair for you as you sat.
"Yes" he answered after thinking about it for a moment.
"How is my Sunshine this morning?" Happy came in with your tea.
"I'm swell" you grinned, using one of Bucky's words. "How's my Happs?"
"The very best" he grinned. "Are you excited for Christmas?"
"Of course! I'm very excited" you admitted. "Aren't you?"
"Very excited" he grinned taking a seat.
"My sister is going to arrive in the morning. The kids want to wait for Santa" Sam admitted. "Apparently Santa might not find them here" he frowned a bit.
"Why not go take a jet, and spend the night with them?" Tony offered. "Clint wont be back till tomorrow either"
"You don't mind?" Sam seemed to like the idea.
"Go for it" Pepper smiled. "You'll get to see them for an extra day"
"Thank you" Sam finished what he was eating and got up quickly to leave.
"Aunt May will be here in a bit" Peter updated everyone as soon as Sam left. "She's been worried about my grades since we were gone for a week on that mission. I told her I'm still straight A's"
"You're smart as a whip, she'll see when she gets here" Tony grinned.
"What's your plan for today, Sunshine?" Bruce looked over. "Tony gave us all the day off" he added for good measure.
"I still have a lot of wrapping" Tony admitted.
"So do we" Nat admitted. "We got distracted yesterday" she grinned. "Yelena should be here later, so we need to get it done quickly"
"I think I'm going to spend the day with Steve" you decided, and he looked up and smiled at you.
"What's the plan?" Steve asked quickly.
"Go for a walk around the compound?" you sipped your tea while Frost got up and sat in Bucky's spot so you fed him some of your breakfast.
"We can join you for that" Wanda grinned excitedly. "You need to dress warmer, its still snowing"
"That's a lovely idea darling" Vision grinned.
"Just a walk?" Pietro seemed a little put out. "We could go running" he added.
"Just a walk" you nodded, and he smiled.
"I'll follow your lead princessa" Pietro grinned and you flushed.

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