Another Girls Day

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The next morning, you didn't have anyone knocking at your door. You woke up on your own, with no nightmares. You were comfortably still in Bucky's arm encircled around you. You thought of the previous nights activities and flushed looking over your shoulder at his adorable sleeping face and couldn't stop a grin from coming across your face. He looked so peaceful, and you didn't want to interrupt that. You finally turned fully in his arms, and traced the side of his face with your fingertips.
"Good morning" his eyes opened slowly and leaned down to kiss you softly on the lips.
"The best of good mornings" you giggled returning the kiss. "Did I wake you?"
"I was just enjoying my morning cuddle. I was awake for a few minutes" he admitted.
"You looked so peaceful" you nuzzled yourself under his chin, kissing his neck.
"You make me feel peaceful" he easily responded.
"We have to get up soon, don't we?" you asked after a few minutes.
"Unless you want Nat coming in again" he chuckled.
"At least no one interrupted last night" you flushed against his skin.
"I would have killed someone" he laughed a bit. "There's only so many interruptions a man can take" he admitted.
"Is that what you wanted to do..." you started to ask.
"I was working towards it" he nodded.
"I'd kill someone too... or at least freeze them for a bit" you giggled.
"We have tonight" he pulled back and gave you a wink. "Save me a dance at the party"
"I'll save you every dance" you grinned happily.
"I'll go get changed, I'll meet you at the door" he went to stand up and you started giggling again. He had love bites all over his neck and shoulder.
"Before you see it, I'm sorry" you said quickly, and he gave a grin.
"I'm not" he winked and walked out the door.
You pulled yourself out of bed, and sauntered into the bathroom to brush your teeth and hair. You stood in front of the mirror shocked for a moment seeing you were peppered in love bites from last night. You knew they would be gone by tonight, but you were still stunned you hadn't even felt them. You looked at your breasts and saw them there too. Deciding the best course of action would be to leave your hair down you went into your closet and put on a pair of ripped black jeans and a tight white t-shirt with your red sneakers and light makeup, before going to the bedroom door to see Bucky waiting. You bit your bottom lip looking up at him seeing he was wearing black jeans and a black t-shirt. His marks were clear as day and he didn't seem to care.
"Distracting doll" he leaned down kissing you softly. "Lets go eat"
"I'm not that hungry for food" you whispered to him returning the kiss. He groaned, and pushed you against the door deepening the kiss.
"Come on love birds" Nat's voice broke you both apart. You saw she was standing with Bruce who was flushing a bit.
"You leaving your hair down?" Bucky asked as he took your hand pulling you towards the dining room.
"Yes" you nodded with a blush. "I'm pretty sure you marked your territory thoroughly"
"Good" he licked his top lip and grinned.

Once breakfast was over, it was a flurry of excitement from Pepper, Wanda and Nat. You stopped by your room to get your purse and gave Bucky a quick kiss on the cheek before leaving. You knew this was going to be another part of your new life and had to get used to it. Happy was the bodyguard for the four of you again today, as well as the chauffeur. He insisted on taking the SUV leaving you, Nat and Wanda all in the backseat while Pepper worked while he was driving to Victoria's secret.
"I promise, I'll stop working once we are there" she called over her shoulder.
"You say that every time" Wanda teased.
"Stark Industries takes a lot of work" Pepper sighed heavily. "I tried to get it all done before we left, but there are few emails that still need to be reviewed" she admitted.
"Your really hands on, that's admirable" you pipped up from the back seat.
"Thank you, Kitten," she smiled back at you. "You are going to go with Kitten, right? After that picture Tony sent, I can't see you as anything else" she teased.
"I've been thinking about it, strongly. It's a new life I'm starting, right?" you bit your bottom lip.
"So, how are things with Bucky?" Wanda gave you a knowing smile.
"Good" you started blushing thoroughly.
"They can barely keep their hands off each other. I'd say its better than good" Nat teased and you looked down biting your bottom lip.
"He's a good man, and he has such a good heart" you whispered. "He's patient with me. Sometimes it feels like its too good to be true"
"I've seen in his mind. It's real what he feels" Wanda rolled her eyes. "I thought that way with Vision too, but our love is undeniable. He's a good man too. I can't imagine my life without him" she had this look on her face full of love and adoration. You secretly admired her for being so strong, and so open about her love for him. You knew deep down you were falling quickly and hard for Bucky but you weren't ready to say that. Not for a while. You wanted to wait until you were 100% sure that this was a forever love, not just lust and attraction.
"I see Bruce is starting to take more breaks from work, good job Nat" Pepper looked over her shoulder with a sly grin.
"The man needs a break. He works too hard, just like Tony" Nat shrugged, giving a smile.
"Oh, that I can agree with" Pepper nodded while Happy parked the car. "Alright ladies, today is on me"
"I brought money" you started to argue as Nat slipped out of the car.
"This is team building, therefore its on the corporate account" she grinned. "Don't hold back" she warned you.
"We will make sure of it" Wanda promised. "I'll be in your head if I have to" she giggled taking your hand. You quickly put on one of your headphones, leaving one ear open and let the music start to calm you down as you followed them into the store.
You grabbed more lace varieties of matching lingerie, trying them on and making sure they fit. You still couldn't get over how much better your skin looked. You studied the love bites that Bucky left on you and flushed slightly again at the memory of the night before. You also went for a few full sets that included the garter belts and knee-high stockings, wondering if Bucky would appreciate them. Nat saw them in your basket and gave a knowing smirk and a wink while you flushed again. You saw Nat had a few similar items as well, and you grinned at her without saying a word. You went and picked out a few robes to put on, and some longer nightgowns since it was getting colder. Pepper didn't even baulk at the price, however only insisted that everyone's bags were separated, and labelled so that there was no mistaking them once you got back to the compound. Happy seemed to take care of that immediately with a sharpie, as if he was anticipating it and brought your bags out before you even made it to the door.
Next you headed to the mall where you went directly to a high end shoe store that also carried purses and wallets. Before you could react, the girls were throwing purses and wallets at you to decide on. You tried to argue, but one look from them and you shut your mouth. You ended up with three large purses and matching wallets. One brown, one black and one red. You were lucky they let you stop them there. Hey picked out matching shoes to go with it, all of them heels which again you grumbled at. Wanda loved spikey heels and found a bunch of her own, while Nat also went for the elegant heels with Pepper. Nat advised you quickly to get used to the heels because you were going to start training in them soon. You paled at the idea, since you couldn't walk very well in them.
"Don't worry, they make your legs look great" Wanda teased when you were standing in a pair of red heels staring in the mirror.
"I guess I should wear these tonight" you bit your bottom lip.
"Red shoes seems to be your favorite" Pepper observed.
"I'm like Dorothy, there's no place like home" you joked and they laughed appreciatively. Nat grabbed a few clutches for you to have for party nights that would match your shoes and added them to the cart. You found a few pairs of cute socks and went to leave without them but Wanda threw them into the cart for you. You rolled your eyes and giggled a little. It was getting easier to relax around them.
The next store you headed to was the dress store. You saw the dress you wanted before you even walked in and Wanda grabbed your hand excitedly pulling you in. Pepper and Nat gave curious looks, but Wanda promised they would see.
You only needed to try on the one dress. It was a dark blue satin underneath, with a powder blue that went on top. It was a halter dress, where the satin went a few inches past your butt, and the lace rested an inch or two down. It clung easily to your skin, but it wasn't uncomfortable. You modeled in front of the mirror trying to decide what color shoes would look good with it. You were starting to think about putting it back when Nat opened the door unannounced with the girls peering in to see what the dress looked like and you flushed.
"It's a bit short, and I don't know what shoes to wear with it" you admitted.
"Its perfect!" Pepper squealed from the door and came in to look at you from all angles. "It suits you" she decided for you.
"You took the longest, and we already decided on our dresses for tonight" Wanda announced. "You look perfect. Wear the black heels"
"But then I wont be Dorothy" you gave a smirk.
"Its cute you think your only getting the one dress. We need this in the red and white too" Nat walked out of the room and your jaw dropped.
"Bucky likes blue" you started to argue, and put your hand over your mouth surprised that you said that out loud.
"He will love the other colors too. Your booty looks great in that" Wanda giggled, already knowing where your mind had gone.
"Come along ladies, the spa is waiting" Happy announced as you started getting changed back into your jeans and t-shirt.
"Spa?" you opened the door and looked at Pepper who was waiting outside the door. She took your dress and handed it to the cashier. Nat had put the two other colors of the dress with your bag, and you spied at least three or four dresses per bag.
"Spa, where we get messuages, nails done, they do our makeup and hair. It's a good pampering" Wanda grinned happily.
"They wont make me take off the inhibitor, right?" you felt concerned all of the sudden.
"No, it's a necklace. They wont make you take it off" Pepper promised putting her arm around your shoulder while Happy took the bags back to the car. She led you all through the mall to a large store that seemed to be a little closed off and the four of you walked in. You barely had time to react once they heard the Stark name the four of you were steered towards four different rooms and given robes to wear but told to take everything else off. You tried to hold back your panic attack while you stripped down and put on the fluffy white robe and slippers. When you came out you saw the girls waiting and they led you to a room where there were curtains separating messuage tables. You each took one, and made small talk while waiting for someone to come to see you. You learned quickly why the robe was necessary. This was a full body rub down with essential oils, followed by a soak in a hot tub. You didn't even want to complain, it was hard at first to relax with having someone touch you so much. You tried to keep it in the forefront of your mind that you were safe and this was part of your life now. You had to turn your music up and kept checking the inhibitor while you got used to it. You finally warmed up to it as you felt your muscles relaxing under their expert fingers.

Once you were done washing after the hot tub, you were led to a small room where you all were served a small lunch of finger sandwiches and lemon water. You saw even Pepper looked like she was finally relaxing. The conversation was light while you all giggled over small things, and talked about the party that night. You admitted being afraid of making a fool of yourself and only received eye rolls in response.
Shortly after you found yourself being pulled to another room where they gave you a facial and started working on your hair while also working on your nails at the same time. Nat came in and instructed them how to paint your nails so it would match your dress, much to your surprise before she was ushered out and led to her own room for the same pampering. Once the facial was done, they did makeup that would compliment your dress as per Nat's instructions, and a bold red lipstick. They left your hair down however curled it expertly so it bounced as you walked. With the amount of product they put in it, you figured your hair would stay that way for a few days, or at least until you washed it.

By the time you all were done, you were so relaxed you didn't even worry about the inhibitor anymore. Pepper and Wanda had gone with up-do's while Nat had her hair down like yours and styled with curls as well. You barely recognized yourself in the mirror, and realized they all looked so stunning.
"So do you" Wanda whispered to you. You flushed, studying your face in the mirror.
"I hear someone needs a bikini?" Pepper asked as you all walked out.
"Who?" you looked at Nat with a dark look. She looked away innocently.
"We have a large pool, and I think you need a swimsuit" Pepper shrugged.
"Next girls day I'll get a new one. I brought one with my comfort clothes" you admitted. "It fits"
"I don't trust you" Nat announced.
"I'll use one of the SHEILD ones" you shrugged. "I know I have to start working out inside, and swimming is a good idea"
"Lets just go get a few swim suits" Pepper grabbed your hand and dragged you into another store.

You were surprised at how much energy the girls had, and your social battery was almost maxed out. You ended up with three bikini's and two full swim suits before leaving the one store, and for a treat you all stopped for coffee. The girls had sent Happy back to the car with more and more bags as you had gone through the mall. You even found yourself getting a pair of earrings that were tear dropped and looked like diamonds, but they were just cubic zirconia. Pepper frowned that you wanted nothing fancy, but you insisted you weren't used to wearing earrings much, and didn't think it was worth the expense. The last store you all visited was the book store. You did the same as last time, grabbing several and then finding a quiet corner to sit while you decided on the ones you wanted the most. You had a stack of romance novels and some more books on computer science, biology science etc. You wanted to learn more, and they seemed like easy reads. Happy was the one to find you again and sighed taking all of the books, much to your argument that you didn't need them all, and he brought them to the cash register where the others were waiting on you both.
"We should just put a library in the compound" Pepper chuckled at Happy carrying your large stack.
"I was still deciding" you crossed your arms.
"We need to get going. We are grabbing supper, then going to Nat's room to change for the party" Pepper announced. "The boys are already going to be waiting for us there"
"What about all our stuff?" you were surprised.
"I'm taking care of it" Happy announced. "You just need to take the clothes out that your going to wear, and I'll put the rest in your closet" he promised. You softly nodded heading back to the car.

The failed experiment (Bucky x reader)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ