Knock knock

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Happy brought you to the drug store and walked you in. He shadowed you as you grabbed a small basket and walked up and down the aisles. You were a bit shy to see so many people in the building, but only bit your bottom lip and started grabbing some chocolates then got to get your sanitary napkins as well as some tampons.
"Do you really need that much?" Happy finally broke the silence while you took a moment to look at some of the magazines that were by the front cash.
"Absolutely" you gave a warm smile, and he instantly relaxed. "Its enough for the one month"
"Seriously? A month?" he raised his voice a bit.
"I'm a little heavy" you flushed and bit your lip again. "I'm going to warn you, there will be tears" you grabbed a bottle of Tylenol before going to the cash register.
"Tears?" he repeated. "I didn't sign up for tears" he joked.
You both waited while she rang you up, and you took out your debit card and paid for your items.
"So what convinced you to leave that cozy little cabin?" Happy asked once you were back in the car.
"I think the team as a whole. I had to think about it pretty hard to make sure that I could handle all of..." you gestured to the city that was around you. "This. I'm pretty excited about it now, I feel like I can do a lot of good if I'm given a shot"
"You are being given a shot. You're not being left behind because they don't trust you. They don't trust the location" Happy assured you.
"I just feel like I'd be more qualified, because I might know the location" you admitted. "I know I need more training"
"At least you'll have good company" Happy smirked as he pulled into the Starbucks drive-thru. He ordered two lattes for you and you squealed a little taking a smell of them as they were served. He chuckled as you put it to the side waiting excitedly for it to cool down a bit. "You are really excited for this?" he couldn't help but smile, you were being too cute.
"I've heard people talk about these things at the diner, and I've always wanted to try it" you admitted. "There are so many things I couldn't do before because I was scared, but with these inhibitors and the opportunity that I have with the team, I finally have a chance"
"Once we get back to the compound, I'm going to introduce you to sushi. Then we are going to try a few different foods until they get back" Happy grinned to himself.
You squealed in excitement while he gave a laugh. You pulled out your phone and took a photo of your drink and sent it to Nat telling her about going out with Happy. She messaged back with a photo of Bucky sleeping beside Steve while they were travelling. You smiled like a fool, showing it quickly to Happy who just gave you a small smile.
"I'm excited to try the sushi, I've read about it" you broke the silence.
"You should download Pinterest. It has a lot of stuff to do with food, clothes, stuff like that. I think you'd like it" Happy gave a small grin. You quickly opened up the play store and downloaded it while he continued to drive.

"Oh my goodness Happy! Look at this!" you were both watching tv in the living room waiting for supper to arrive. "These puppies are so cute!" you cooed showing him your phone.
"That's the tenth picture of puppies you have shown me in a row" he laughed. "Your interrupting my stories" he pointed at the drama playing on the tv.
"I'm sending it to Bucky" you decided, sending him the photo. You got up and took some more Tylenol, double checking the couch that there weren't any marks left behind. Your phone went off with a notification from Bucky.

Bucky: They're cute doll
You: I want one
Bucky: You have three dogs
You: But there's so much space here, and I have so much love to give
Bucky: Baby, we are going to land soon. I won't be able to text much soon.
You: Be careful my sweet James <3

"If you could smile any wider your face would split in half" Happy chuckled.
"I'm so happy you showed me this app" you admitted. You watched as Happy got a notification on his phone and he paused his show to go to the door. You sighed heavily and continued scrolling through your phone. You hadn't heard from Maria, Penelope, or Morgan today, and it was nagging on you that they hadn't said anything. You even sent Maria a few snaps that were never opened up yet. You tried to tell yourself they were probably up at the cabin winterizing it but it didn't make you worry any less.
"Sushi" Happy announced coming back in the room. You happily skipped into the dining room and sat across from him. He explained what each piece was, and you tried one of everything settling on some of your favorites for the rest of the meal. Every time you liked a piece you would do a little dance, and Happy would chuckle at your antics.
"I'm making waffles for breakfast" you announced. "Since clearly you have good taste on supper meals" you winked at him.
"You sure you were a hermit for eight years?" he laughed.
"Hey Friday, play my ABBA playlist" you called out dancing in your seat while continuing to eat.
"You gotta be kidding me" he rolled his eyes and you let out a giggle.
"Remember, you volunteered to be stuck with me" you continued to dance a bit in your chair.

Once the jet landed, Tony and Steve led the team out. They were about a mile out from the base, and the heat signatures were pretty high still from the readings they got while flying overhead. Bruce had agreed to stay on the jet until a code green was called out through the comms. Natasha gave him a hug and a quick kiss before moving out. The team fanned out through the tree's heading towards the base. Bucky stayed on Steve's right, while Sam kept his left. There was a bit of snow on the ground and the forest was dense. It was eerily quiet, not even the birds were singing.
"Be careful, there's a trip line" Nat called out while stopping right before almost stepping on one.
"I'm going to go get this party started" Tony announced from above, and sent off missiles towards the base. "Knock, knock" he chuckled a bit to himself.
"Always got to make an entrance, don't you Tony?" Steve sighed walking over the trip wire. Sam took quickly to the skies along with Wanda and Vision as they all neared the base.
Hydra agents started to fan out of into what looked like a fenced in court yard and Pietro zipped over to barricade the door before knocking half of them to the ground avoiding bullets. He looked down at the ground and saw what looked like burnt pavement in the center of the court yard. Wanda soon landed in front of her brother and threw her energy at taking the guns and throwing them on the other side of the fencing. The door blasted outwards as Pietro ran to grab Wanda and Vision landed. Within moments there was bullets flying as Steve, Bucky, Peter, Scott and Rhody made their way over. Tony saw there was nearly an army coming out with his heat vision and landed with the team.
"Code green" he yelled into the comms and a few moments later a roar filled the air.
Nat slipped into the side door heading directly towards the security room that was not as well guarded as the front. She could hear Hulk making his way through the throngs of Hydra that was attacking the team, and trying to get further into the building. She shot the few agents that came at her, and she took a moment to take a look at the camera footage and saw there were a few scientists trying to clear out of the building with their data. She started hacking into the servers and taking a closer look at some of the rooms. She recognized one of the rooms from the video footage that she had seen from your file. She could still see the chains hanging and rusty colored walls. She started downloading the data that she could get from the computer in the room.
"Scientists are heading off with data, and packages. We need backup in the east wing, they are headed south" Nat spoke into her comm.
"We are getting heavy fire out here" Rhody responded.
"I'm making my way in" Peter announced, making his way past part of the barricaded doors. He started swinging his way through and webbing some of the agents to the walls on his way. Nat watched carefully on the camera's while she continued to download information.
"Watch your six" she reminded him, seeing someone reach for a gun, just in time for Pietro to speed in after Peter and grabbing the gun. "Never mind, Pietro is with you"

Peter and Pietro made it to find three scientists before they got to the helicopter. At least one helicopter was making it's way away. Peter webbed them to the ground, while Pietro took the data and the boxes they were carrying.
"Tony, they are getting away" Pietro called out.
"On it" Tony and Rhody announced at the same time.
"Redwing, track him down" Sam's voice came through the comms and he took off from the front. Bucky and Steve started making their way into the base together.
"Looks like this might be over faster than we thought" Peter saw the three of them fly over him.
"Kid, its never that easy" Tony warned him while throwing a device at the helicopter which made it stop midflight. Rhody and Sam flew through the center of the helicopter grabbing the scientists and their data.
"I'm collecting the data from the computer room" Vision spoke through the comms.
"Be careful my love" Wanda whispered. "There's still a lot of agents here"

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