Shopping trip**

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That night when Bucky made love to you, he was sweet and slow. He took his time and was so gentle. It was like he was cherishing you, and when he was done, he laid his head on your stomach, peppering it with kisses. He pulled you close after, holding you from behind with one hand securely over your stomach. You relished in the moment, wondering how you could feel so full of love. It almost felt like it was going to overwhelm you, but it wasn't. It felt so right.
When you got up in the morning, you rushed to the bathroom and Bucky wasn't far behind you. He rubbed your back, and sat on the floor beside you while you were sick. He was trying to be attentive to everything you might need. You felt embarrassed that he was there while you were sick, but at the same time it felt nice to have your back rubbed. You sat there for a long time, with your head on the toilet seat wishing for a cooler temperature. You finally double tapped your inhibitor and called on the frost butterflies to cool yourself down and Bucky chuckled from behind you.
"I'll never get tired of seeing you do that, doll" he whispered softly. Once you felt cool enough you tapped the inhibitor again. You flushed the toilet and he helped you up while you went to go brush your teeth. You started to struggle putting a hairbrush through your hair and huffed. Bucky didn't miss a beat and took the hairbrush, starting to brush your hair for you. Once he was done, he put it away and you gave him a shy smile.
"You're spoiling me James" you blushed a little.
"Not enough, doll. You've been doing this a month without me and I have lots of time to make up for. Next time, I want to be with you every step of the way" he took your hand leading you out to go to the closet to put some clothes on. You picked out dark blue undergarments, with a pair of black jeans and a white low-cut shirt. Bucky automatically handed you one of his hoodies to wear on top and you flushed but put it on quickly. "While you're out, can you text me at least once an hour to let me know you're safe?" he finished putting on a mirroring outfit of black jeans and a white long-sleeved shirt.
"Yes, I'll text you. I'll try to remember to as often as possible" you nodded as he leaned in to give you a soft kiss on the lips. You went to put on a pair of winter boots once he pulled back, but he got down on his knee and helped you put on your boots. "Bucky, I can do things for myself. I'm not that far along" you giggled.
"Let me take care of you" he zipped up the side and went to work on the other boot.
"Can you make sure that if Frost doesn't eat his kibble that he gets some human food? He liked tuna yesterday, but I don't know how long we will be gone, and he's so thin as it is" you bit your bottom lip and Bucky stopped to look at you before breaking out in a smile.
"Anything for you doll. Did you spoil Lily this much?" he leaned up giving you another kiss.
"No, she always ate whatever I gave her" you were honest about it.
"Let's go see doc before we go for breakfast" he took your hand and kissed the back of it. You loved how affectionate he was being.

Doctor Joy checked your vitals again, and you saw that she was so excited to really be documenting the results of everything. You told her how you planned to go shopping that day, and she reminded you that when you got home you might be tired, so not to be afraid to take a nap. She cleared you to start working out in the gym again, however wanted you to take things slowly. You were also cleared for working in the lab as well. You had wanted to start working on the bullet proof under clothes for the team.
Breakfast was a flurry of excitement while the three dogs were enjoying their toasts that were being handed under the table and Bucky wordlessly got up and gave Frost and Alpine some scrambled eggs. Tony raised an eyebrow but he just shrugged in response. He kissed the back of your hand as he sat back down and you flushed when you saw there were a few curious glances in your direction.
"You are so whipped man" Scott finally said it to Bucky.
"Happily, whipped" Bucky responded easily and gave you a kiss on the cheek. "I'm the luckiest guy in the world"
"Hey Kung Foo, you're sparring me tomorrow. Try not to say anything that will make me make it harder for you" you giggled when he shook his head and rolled his eyes.
"You sure sparring is a good idea?" Bucky looked at you worriedly.
"Of course, it is, we will take it easy. I need to stay in shape" you leaned over and kissed his cheek, then went back to focusing on eating.
"So where to first?" Nat asked and you blushed a bit.
"Victoria's secret, it seems to be tradition" you saw Bucky grin from beside you. "I have a few things that need to be replaced" you admitted softly.
"Yes, I heard one of your corsets got a bullet hole" Nat looked at you skeptically. "Which one?"
"The black one, which is a shame. I really liked it. It fit perfectly under the dress, which is also ruined" you pouted a little.
"Please say you have a picture of it at least" Nat grinned.
"Right here" Bucky took out his phone and handed it to Nat. It was his background picture when he went to unlock his phone.
"Oh, you looked good" Nat grinned again. "Nice background there Barnes"
"She looks beautiful, as always" Bucky shrugged taking his phone back. "I'll never get tired of it" he took your hand kissing the back of it again.
"I'm so excited that we are going shopping. I have so many stores I want to visit" Wanda perked up.
"I did a lot of my shopping online" Pepper admitted. "But there's always ones I seem to forget"
"Yelena will be here for Christmas by the way. She will stay in our spare room" Nat announced.
"I'm adding her to my list" Pepper picked up her phone immediately.

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