Waking up

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Fury had been busy with bringing Bravo team with him around the building making arrests on the sleeper Hydra agents. He had to hold himself back from punching the one that had requested the intel grab mission that you were sent on that morning. They didn't give anyone any time to digest what was happening, however went to each name on the list and grabbed them as if it was for work then would handcuff them sending them for processing. He was having all of them sent to the cells that they had in the basement area. He wanted a hand at interrogating the enhanced that was brought in, he was put in a special cell that was made for circumstances like this, and could withstand a super soldiers strength.
When he came back to check on your progress, he saw that the window was closed so he went in through the door. It took him a moment as Maria had drawn a gun and Tony had his repulsor at the ready.
"The arrests have been made, they are down being processed and being put in their cells for now. We have to wait for their stupid ass court date to transfer them to the prison" he walked towards where you were still in the machine. He looked down at your face and the scratches looked like little white lines that were healing still. He nodded to himself. "Does the team know yet?" he looked to Tony.
"Bucky is on his way" Tony nodded. "I can't tell him no" he added. "I'd keep an eye on your enhanced though, there's a few pissed off avengers that want a chat with him. Me included"
"I'll give you that chance, once I'm done with him" Fury looked up and drew his gun as the door flew open and Bucky and Nat came running in. Maria and Tony again had been ready to fire at them. Nat put up her hands while Bucky just walked past them, uncaring and went to look down at you. You were separated by glass, but he didn't care. He leaned down and kissed where your forehead would be on the glass and stood watching you.
"I want to see the enhanced" Nat demanded.
"Not happening, not yet" Fury shook his head.
"Why not, I'm the best with interrogations, you know this" Nat raised an eyebrow.
"Because I don't trust you not to kill him. He has no remorse; in fact, he was proud of the fact that he almost killed her agent Romanoff" Fury shook his head. "Had she not put her inhibitor on him before getting back to HQ, he might have escaped and killed both Maria and Y/N"
Bucky's eyes glanced down and saw that the inhibitor was back around your neck again. He knew you wouldn't feel safe without it.
"I made sure she got it back" Maria said softly, seeing Nat mirroring Bucky's gaze.
"I'm ordering flowers, Bucky, what kind do you want delivered?" Tony was busy on his phone.
"Blue roses" he whispered to him, not trusting his voice not to break.
"Make mine red, Bruce would want to get her sunflowers. He calls her sunshine behind her back" Nat added in and shrugged.

Doctor Cho came in later in the evening and checked your vitals again. The wounds were all healed, and your skin was back to normal. The bruises had even gone from your stomach. She changed the IV from your arm that was keeping you hydrated, and opened the lid on the regeneration machine. She put a hospital gown on you, telling Maria that the SHIELD uniform wasn't a good idea for now. They placed you on a hospital gurney and secured you in with belts before taking you out to the jet. Doctor Cho made sure that there was enough liquid in the IV to make sure that you make it to the compound where Doctor Joy would be taking over your care. Nat took the file that Doctor Cho had written out that outlined your ongoing treatment for once you woke up, they wanted you to rest for at least a week if not more.
Tony flew the jet with Nat co-piloting while Bucky sat in a seat next to where the bed was watching you closely, hoping that you would just open your eyes. He reached out and held where your hand was secured inside the blanket.
As soon as they landed Doctor Joy came out along with Steve, Sam, Happy, Bruce, and Pepper to meet the jet. Leia, Chewy and Harry were standing back closer to the compound doors seeming to be anxious.
"Did she wake up yet?" Bruce asked, taking the file from Nat before Doctor Joy took it from her. He started reading through the file not moving. "Why isn't she awake yet? She has fast healing" he pointed out.
"She had a few blood transfusions. It might have affected it" Tony helped Bucky bring you towards the compound. Leia started barking and whining and trying to jump up onto the bed. Chewy and Harry whined and howled while they wheeled you by. Leia finally made it on top of the bed, and she lay down against you flat, gazing up at your face. They brought you into the main compound hospital room and unbuckled you.
"Is she going to be okay?" Happy looked worried while Pepper went to hold Tony.
"She's in the safest place possible, she's going to be fine" Steve clapped him on the shoulder.
Bruce put the file down, and Doctor Joy picked it up quickly starting to read it silently while Bruce went over and pulled down the blanket and pushed your gown to the side to look at your stomach.
"The good news is, there's no bruising but we will have to keep an eye on it to make sure she's not still bleeding internally" he sighed softly.
"Come on, you need some rest. Its almost midnight" Pepper pulled on Tony's hand. "All of you, she's going to be fine"
"I'm not leaving" Bucky pulled up a chair and sat down beside you, taking your hand and giving it a kiss.
"I'll stay with Buck" Steve took another chair and sat beside his best friend. Nat looked to Bruce who nodded softly and followed her out of the room. Sam stayed for a few minutes before he followed the rest. "What are you thinking Punk?" Steve whispered while they watched you sleep.
"I never told her how I felt" he whispered back, clearing his throat. "I thought it was too soon, but someone almost stole her from me"
"She's stronger than you think" Steve clapped him on the shoulder. "I thought about what she did, a lot, while you were gone. She just wanted to save another enhanced, show them there is more to life than what they are being led to believe. You and I both know she only see's the good in people"
"She could have died Steve" Bucky spared him a quick glance.
"But she didn't, she survived. I'll bet you a hundred dollars it was because she wanted to come home to you. I asked you if you would be okay for when she goes on missions. You said you would be. This can sometimes happen; she knew the risk and she went just like you have done hundreds of times" Steve spoke softly.
"I just want to be alone" Bucky started rubbing Chewy behind the ears where he was whining beside Harry. Leia was still laying flat on your legs gazing up at you letting out soft whimpers. Steve started petting Harry and leaned back in his chair.
"I'm with you to the end of the line pal" he shrugged and didn't move. Harry jumped up on his lap and whimpered looking at you.

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