Christmas Eve Eve**

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When you woke up in the morning, you were still naked and tangled up in Bucky's arms. The nausea was already hitting you hard, but you didn't want to move yet. You tapped your inhibitor and called on the frost butterflies trying to hold out for a little longer. You felt Bucky move from behind you and pick you up automatically and brought you into the bathroom. You scurried to the toilet since the movements made the nausea worse, and you heard him sit down beside you and start rubbing your back again. You felt him get up and heard him move around for a moment before he came back and he waited for you to take a break from vomiting. He pulled you up by the hips and slid a carpet for under your knees before letting you back down. You looked at him gratefully, and he gave a small smirk.
"I wanted cuddles this morning" you finally flushed the toilet, and tapped the inhibitor to stop the butterflies.
"Come on, lets brush our teeth and then we can talk about cuddles" he grinned in spite of himself. You both went and brushed your teeth. Bucky helped you brush your hair, giving you a kiss on the back of your shoulder then he led you back into the bedroom. "Your choice doll, I'm all yours" he held you from behind and you reached down, holding his hands closer to your body.
"Snuggles" you decided. "Also, I'm still close to a bathroom this way" you admitted. You lay back down on the bed, and Bucky slid in behind you and held you close to him, giving you soft kisses on the back of your shoulder and neck. He let you snuggle in closer, and put his free arm over your stomach protectively. You got up twice to go be sick again, and Bucky would join you to rub your back. You found it soothing that he would continue to do that. He even used his free hand to hold back your hair. When you were done, he would wait for you to brush your teeth, then would carry you back to the bed and hold you closely again.

When you heard a knock at the bedroom door, you were just starting to doze off again from exhaustion.
"Buck, Y/N, you're both late for breakfast" it was Happy sounding concerned.
"Just give me a minute to hold my girl" Bucky called back.
"You've had all morning. Come on, before someone else comes to check on you" Happy chuckled. You slipped out of bed and Bucky followed you to go get changed. You went with sweatpants and one of Bucky's shirts again. He smirked to himself while putting on a mirroring outfit.
"I have to go out for a few hours tomorrow morning" Bucky warned you. "But I'll be home in time for us to have our celebration in the living room"
"Where are you headed?" you raised an eyebrow.
"I can't tell ya" he shook his head with a smirk.
"You can't be seriously going on a mission on Christmas eve" you glared at him. "Tony promised no more missions until the new year"
"It's a personal mission, and I promise you'll love it" he leaned down to give you a kiss on the forehead. You rested your forehead on his chest for a moment feeling anxiety creeping up, and he wrapped his arms around you. "Why don't we have a movie night tonight?" he whispered into the top of your head. "We can have Steve over and watch some old movies that you like"
"Like White Christmas?" you looked up at him expectantly.
"Whatever you want" he grinned leaning down to kiss you softly on the lips.
"I'd love that Bucky" you smiled and held him close for a moment. He held your hand as you both walked out of the bedroom to see Happy sitting and waiting, while petting Alpine and Frost. Leia and Lily had already gone for their breakfast.
"About time, I thought I'd have to knock again" Happy grinned while you picked up Frost and Bucky picked up Alpine while Happy led the way out.

"Tony, you are taking the day off to help me wrap gifts and that's final" you heard Pepper before you made it to the dining room.
"Honey, we can wrap them tonight" Tony seemed to be pleading. "We are still studying the bullets from the last mission. They are alien in design, and we need to find out how they got the materials"
"No, you're helping me" Pepper shook her head while Bucky pulled out your chair for you. "Bruce took the day off to help Nat, you can do the same"
"That will leave Kitten alone in the lab all day" Tony was grasping at straws.
"Actually Tony, I'm okay with that. I wanted to go over some old data" you admitted. "I also planned to go to the gym if I'm not too tired after"
"I can help you in the lab" Peter offered.
"I've got it, but I might ask you for some help later if that's okay?" you gave a smile. "I wanted to see if there's a way to get our hands on some Kevlar vests that we can modify slightly and see how they fit under a suit. Kevlar already works, why not implement it instead of trying to make a new material"
"We have the material, you can design it and have Friday print it" Tony offered. "If you need my help..." he started.
"Tony" Pepper gave a warning glare.
"We will have to wait until tomorrow" he winced, afraid of her wrath.
You took a few pancakes and buttered them before loading them with fruit and pouring yogurt over them like you would syrup. Nat chuckled and Bruce started typing into his phone. Bucky grabbed his own pancakes and got some actual syrup to put on his, leaning over to give you a chaste kiss on the cheek.
"The living room is already overflowing with presents" Wanda gave a small giggle. "I'd hate to see how much more is going to be added"
Pepper and Nat looked at each other and grinned. You had a feeling they went overboard just like you did.
"Its going to be a big Christmas this year" Tony shrugged.
"Do we know if Thor or Loki are coming?" you asked gently.
"If they do, they don't exactly give us a warning" Bruce shrugged. "You'll learn to just accept it"
"Thor seemed really nice, and I'm sure his brother is too" you gave a genuine smile, but only received deadpan looks from around the room.
"He tried to take over the world, he killed a lot of people" Tony reminded you.
"Under mind control" you bit your bottom lip. "I know what that feels like, and it isn't nice. Can't hold that against him"
"He's crazier than a bag of cats, if you ever meet him you'll understand why we don't mind that he doesn't visit" Bruce shook his head.
"Regardless, I hope he visits" you raised your chin a bit. "I'll make my own opinion" you shrugged and felt Frost jump up on your shoulder with ease. You took a scoop of scrambled eggs from the center of the table and put it in the palm of your hand to feed him.
"Doll, you can just put that in his dish. You need to eat too" Bucky reminded you.
"He doesn't take long to eat" you gave a shy smile. Bucky gave a grin and stood up to get the cat dish and put all the food in Lily's dish before coming over and putting a few scoops of eggs in it. He then picked up Frost and put him back on the table the cats were allowed to eat on and gave him the dish.
"Now eat your breakfast" he gave a wink and you flushed a bit, digging back into your pancakes.
"Aunt May said she will be here tomorrow and will spend the night till Christmas morning" Peter spoke up after a few minutes. "She's just going to stay in my room Mr Stark"
"Nonsense, she can have one of the extra bedrooms on the second floor. We have the room" Tony gave a small smile. "It'll be nice to have her around" you saw Happy flush a bit and you grinned to yourself.
"She should have the room next to Happy" Pepper offered. "He's always great with helping her out"
"That's a great idea" you piped in and saw Happy focusing on his food more than normal, his ears were even red. "Happs is the best with people"
"Aunt May will love that" Peter nodded, not catching on.
"I have this for you" Pietro handed over a large photo to you, and you smiled in spite of yourself.
"I knew it was you in the woods last night" you flushed seeing the photo of Bucky dancing with you, staring in your eyes and you were both smiling. "You're a great photographer"
"I'm putting it up before hitting the gym. The spare frames still in the drawer in the kitchenette?" Bucky took the photo from you and you nodded with a grin.

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