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The sun was just starting to rise, when you woke up screaming again. Leia whined from behind you, but you needed a moment to get out of the nightmare. Hydra's experiment on you, the same one as the night before. This time you felt a knife wound flaring up as the memories came back.
"Hey, its okay baby girl" Steve was suddenly beside you. "Your safe" he started rubbing your arm. It took a minute to realize that he wasn't hydra, and you weren't scared to move again. "Its okay, come on. You're safe" he kept saying over and over again. You finally calmed down enough; the memories kept coming to the forefront of your mind.
"I'll hurt you" you cried, feeling your face was wet already.
"You won't. Besides, the devices are working. See? No frost" he pointed out for you. "Its just you, and me and the dogs" he kept a soothing voice.
"I keep seeing their faces" you sobbed.
"Who's faces?" he asked.
"Hydra's... the other kids... the memories keep coming back. I wish they would have succeeded in the experiment. I'd go back and destroy them. They need to be brought to justice for what they did to all those children" you kept sobbing. "I wish the government would just arrest all of them, and put them where they could never hurt anyone ever again"
"We've been trying, base by base, we have been trying baby girl" Steve assured you. "You know, you could help us, if you wanted to"
That caught you off guard. "How?" you stopped crying. "I don't remember much about the base, I barely escaped. I faked my own death"
"Lets talk about it after you've calmed down a bit" Tony came out. "Clint's already making breakfast since we had an alarm clock"
"Oh my goodness, I'm so sorry" you started.
"There's nothing to apologize for" he shrugged. "I don't sleep much either" he sat down beside Steve. "Point is, you finally almost had a full night's sleep. Which is an improvement already" he grinned. Steve shyly smiled at you, and looked up as Sam came out.
"I guess I felt safer with the cuffs on" you bit your bottom lip, keeping the fact that they made you feel safe to yourself.
"Good, because we need to work on the next prototype, but we need to run some more tests" Tony accepted a cup of coffee from Sam, as did Steve.
"More blood?" you sat up, making Leia grunt and jump down.
"No, this one your not going to like. I need to scan you while you use your powers. You don't need to full out use them, just a little to give me an idea. I would need you at the avengers compound to get all the data I need, and get you to full out use your powers there" he seemed so sure of himself.
"Will it hurt?" you whispered softly.
"You won't feel the scans" he replied carefully.
"But the cuffs have to come off?" you whispered a little louder.
"Yes" he nodded.
"Can we wait until the flashbacks stop?" you tried to sound hopeful, but it wasn't coming out.
"If that's what you want, yes" he smiled, and patted your arm standing up.
"I have an idea, baby girl" Sam smirked at you. "It always helps me when the flashbacks are bad" he held out a hand for you to take. You hesitated for barely a second, but took his hand. "Go get some sneakers on" he twirled you in a circle, and pushed towards the door. "Put on something to run in"

You didn't waste much time, feeling badly that you were always having to go into your room when Nat or Bruce were in there. Today was only Nat. She raised an eyebrow at you when you grabbed a pair of shorts and just a sports bra. You looked at her, but she only closed the door with a shrug. You were getting used to her seeing you naked. You changed quickly, putting your shirt back on over your sports bra, and then added some shoes.
"Where do you think your going before breakfast?" she asked as you went towards the door.
"I don't know yet" you gave a small smile and walked out trying not to let the memories take over again. You saw Bucky watching you from the table with his cup of coffee, and you nodded with a slight flush. You still couldn't believe he carried you last night.
"There's my girl" Sam took your hand, and pulled you through the door.
"Where are you taking her?" Clint asked a little sharply.
"To where she needs to be. Don't follow me. Especially you tin man" he grinned cockily at Bucky, pulling you out the door. You followed Sam to the riverside where you always went.
"What...?" you looked at him confused.
"Don't tell me this isn't your normal jogging trail" he crossed his arms. You bit your bottom lip and nodded. "That's right, now lets get to it. It always helps clear my mind too. I'll follow you"
"I'm slow" you tried to argue.
"Good, so am I" he let go of your hand, and pushed you a little forward. You started down your normal path with Sam right behind you. You could hear the dogs following behind, yipping in the tree line and being boisterous. You kept running until you felt your mind starting to clear, jumping over some of the fallen tree's and different debris that came from the riverside. When it got to your favorite part, you launched yourself over a rock outcropping, doing a forward flip.
"Show off" Sam laughed breathlessly from behind you. You giggled a little bit, but kept charging forward. It was like time didn't matter anymore, your whole life of fear didn't exist. You were free, and it felt amazing. You had forgotten how much you enjoyed your runs. You hadn't been on one in weeks. Mostly because you had been going downhill again with the flashbacks, and then you had company and it didn't seem like the time. You had so many struggles since they arrived, but you also overcame them. It was weird to know that they had touched your life so drastically in such a short period of time. Maybe you didn't have to keep hiding. Maybe someday you really could go home.
"Baby girl, we should start heading back. Its been an hour" Sam was huffing behind you. "Nat's going to be first in line to bust my ass if you don't eat breakfast" he continued. You slowly stopped your pace, then did a few stretches looking at him with a smirk.
"You were right Sam, this helped" you picked up a rock, and skipped it across the water. "I felt like I couldn't breathe earlier"
"Yeah, that happens to me too. All of us really, if I'm going to be honest. We all deal with it differently, I thought this might help. Get those sexy legs working" he teased again and you started turning a bright red. "There it is" he put an arm over your shoulders.
"I'll race you back" you stretched your calves again for effect.
"Oh you think you gonna win sexy legs?" he teased starting to jog back.
"How are my legs sexy?" you grumbled following him, and trying to run past him. You both went back and forth for a while before arriving back at the cabin. It ended with you just barely getting past him and you both collapsing at the steps leading up to the door where everyone was sitting on the porch.
"I won" you said gleefully before you both started laughing.
"Sexy legs, I let you win. I was just enjoying the view" Sam countered and your face turned red again.
"Do not tell me that Sam Wilson, when I saw you clearly trying to overtake me several times. I won fair and square" you giggled.
"If we are counting by who got here first, Y/N won" Bruce offered.
"Now, get inside and go eat" Nat was sitting on your swing beside Bruce. Bucky walked back into the cabin and put plates on the table for you and Sam, and he sat in the middle while sipping his coffee. You followed his direction and sat down to eat your eggs, bacon and toast. It was a little cold, but you worked up a hunger. Sam sat down and seemed to be having a staring contest with Bucky which you watched with curiosity. After a few minutes Sam grinned ear to ear, and only then did Bucky look away.
"Is that a bro thing you two just did?" you asked, honestly wondering.
"Its asserting dominance" Sam quipped.
"Who won?" you took a sip of coffee.
"Doesn't matter, just know that tomorrow morning we are going for another run, sexy legs" Sam clapped you on the shoulder while putting his dishes in the sink. You shrugged, and headed to go wash the dishes not committing to it yet. You weren't sure if they would even be here tomorrow, although Sam seemed sure they would.
"No, not today. It's my turn to do dishes" Steve came in taking the washing rag from you. "I was just waiting for you guys to finish"
"My house, I can do dishes" you tried to argue.
"You are coming with me, my dear" Tony called through the door. You huffed a little, when Steve tapped you on the shoulder and you gave in following the sound of his voice.

The failed experiment (Bucky x reader)Where stories live. Discover now