Girls day

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You loved how relaxing it was here on the balcony. You could feel the wind coming through the tree's and see that there was a running path close by. There wasn't a lot of traffic here, making it a lot less frightening. The fall colors were really coming through, and the crisp air felt like heaven. The sky was nearly cloudless, with the exception of a few wisps here or there. Bucky continued to rock the swing for you while you focused on keeping your powers to yourself.
"I forgot to put the inhibitors back on" you finally whispered.
"I'll get them when we go back in doll. Just rest for now" he looked over at you a little shyly. "What you did in there, was really powerful. I liked the butterflies" he grinned.
"I hadn't tried doing both at the same time before" you admitted with a giggle. "It made a pretty pattern on the wall though"
"I think Tony needs to replace some of the walls in there now, they weren't expecting that" he chuckled before continuing "You should've see his face when you turned all that ice into flames"
"It was easier this time, I thought about the last week and it made me feel really hopeful" you admitted.
"You hurt yourself this time though" he turned more to look at you, motioning at your arms and legs.
"I was preparing to release more power to be honest, if I would have released it, it might not have been as bad" you admitted sheepishly.
"You should have let it out" he frowned a little. "I hate to see ya like that"
"Mr Barnes, are you seriously worrying over little old me? I can take care of myself" you giggled.
"I prefer it when you called me Bucky, and yes. I'm allowed to worry" he grinned. "I wouldn't have slept on the porch if I didn't"
"Is that the only reason that you slept on the porch?" you bit your bottom lip looking at him from under your eyelashes. It was his turn to blush and look away.
"Pizza's here" Nat came out with a smirk. "And then we are going shopping"
"Nat..." you started to whine.
"No, we are going shopping. Tony gave me his credit card, and you are getting a new wardrobe. I also want to show you something he's been working on. How are those blisters coming?" she spoke with such finality you knew you already lost the argument.
"Its down enough that I can move if you need me to" your eyes wandered back to Bucky who was still blushing.
"Good, follow me" she reached for your hand, so you got up and let her lead you away.

"That's my room at the end, the next one is Bucky's, Steve is across the hall next to Bruce. That's Clints room for when he's here, and this room is going to be yours" Nat opened a door.
"I don't understand" you looked at her confused. "Only Avengers live here, don't they?"
"You could be one" she shrugged. "But its yours regardless. Its under construction, since Tony wanted to make sure that you had a bed that could swing, but still be soft. He also wanted to make sure that you had a balcony that had a way down to the ground for the dogs"
"Wait, what?" you were so confused, and couldn't believe what you were seeing. "When did this happen?"
"Tony decided the day of the carnival to have the renovations done. He's made a few different changes to the flooring plans with you in mind" she brought you to the balcony to see some of the construction that was already happening.
"But why would you guys want me? You'll get tired of me" you shook your head looking around.
"We won't get tired of you. We want you because you have a good heart, and your capable of helping us with missions, not just with Hydra but with any threat that comes our way"
"But my trigger words..."
"Can be gotten rid of"
"What about my cabin?"
"You can keep it to go back to if you need it"
"Don't you have to have someone else approve me coming here? Being apart of this?" your voice raised a little bit. You were exasperated, she had an answer for everything and your anxiety was getting triggered. You felt your hands starting to shimmer, and that scared you. "What about this? I can't control it that easy"
"We will train together, and have inhibitors for when you can't. As far as the director goes, he wont say no because we have footage of what you can do. If you turn us down, you can always go back to your cabin, and I'll delete the footage" Nat touched your cheek looking into your eyes.
"Can I think about it?" you bit your bottom lip. "This is a lot to ask, I mean, I've been free for years. If its public knowledge, my family will be in danger. My friends back home will be in danger, and it's a lot to risk"
"No one will know your real identity, we will keep your family safe. Are they alive?" she looked at you curiously.
"Last I checked online. I haven't checked in years. I didn't want to risk Hydra knowing I lived" you whispered.
"We can keep them safe. Do they know your alive?" she asked, and you shook your head.
"Its not worth the risk" you finally found your voice.
"I think you are. I know the rest of the team thinks you are" she rubbed your shoulder and pulled you into a hug. You remained stiff in her arms, but eventually wrapped your arms around her waist.
"Let me think about it, okay?" you pulled back.
"Sure, but Tony isn't as patient as I am" Nat grinned leading the way to the dining room.

The failed experiment (Bucky x reader)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя