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Bucky continued to make love to you throughout the entire night. You would sleep a little, but then would wake up to kisses that would snowball quickly. When you finally woke in the morning you had run out of time to have that "talk" you had tried to have with him during the night. He had one focus, and that was making love to you to make up for the month he was away. You were deliciously sore, but nauseous. You pulled away from him quickly and ran into the bathroom slamming the door and vomiting into the flush.
"Doll?" you heard him sounding confused. You continued to give your morning offerings to the toilet when he came in and started rubbing your back.
"You have a fever" he touched your forehead. "I thought you felt warm last night"
"Its not what you think" you tried to get the words out. "Just give me a minute" you didn't mean it to sound so harsh, but he continued to rub your back. You laid your head on the toilet seat, taking in the coolness for a moment.
"We need to get you to Doctor Joy" he decided. "I'll get you a change of clothes"
"She already knows" you felt tears on your face. This wasn't how you imagined telling him something that was going to change his life drastically.
"Is this why you're on bedrest? Because you have the flu?" he asked softly.
"It's not the flu, James" you finally felt the nausea blow over after a few moments of silence, and flushed the toilet before going to brush your teeth.
"Baby, you need to talk to me" he came over and held you close to him.
"We need to put clothes on" you sniffed, feeling stuffed up.
"Whatever it is, you need ta tell me doll" he followed you into the closet and he took out a pair of boxers while you put on your panties and bra. You grabbed a pair of leggings and put on a t-shirt while he put on a pair of jeans and a white Henley. You finally sat on the top of the dresser and looked at him, while he gazed at you worriedly.
"Do you remember when we went to the cabin?" you finally breathed out.
"Some of my best memories are at the cabin" he grinned.
"I had run out of birth control the week before, but then we had that big fight and I had to wait to come back to see Doc about getting more. The point is, things happened with us" you were trying to think of the words carefully. "I'm pregnant"
His face went completely blank for a moment, until he broke out into a huge grin. "Are you sure doll?" he touched your cheek.
"Very sure" you nodded, waiting to see his reaction.
"I'm going to be a father?!" he pulled you in for a sweet kiss, that he instantly deepened before pulling back. "We are going to be a family" he grinned in spite of himself.
"You took that better than expected" you smiled as he kissed you again.
"It's all I wanted with you" he stopped for a moment. "Wait, how long have you known?"
"For sure? A few days" you bit your bottom lip.
"You went on a mission and got shot..." he lined it up.
"My last mission for a while, yes" you nodded. "I knew when I went in, so when they went to put me in the regeneration machine I freaked out"
"Doll, you can't do that. You shouldn't have been on so many missions, you have to think of our baby" he looked upset, touching your cheek.
"Babies" you corrected him. "There's two"
"Oh my God, I'm going to be a father to twins" he bent over, putting his head between his legs trying to breathe.
"They look like little beans right now" you admitted.
"Wait, we can see them?!" he stood up to his full height.
"Yeah, well, kinda. Its two little beans and two little heart beats" you flushed.
"Doll, why didn't you tell me last night? This is amazing news" he leaned down to kiss you again. "Can I see them or hear them?"
"I have to go see Doc now, and I was trying to tell you, but we were a little busy" you blushed more, and the realization dawned on him.
"Can we still..." he started.
"Yes, we can still have sex, that's healthy" you rolled your eyes and giggled a little.
"Can I come with you?" he kept kissing you.
"Of course" you nodded.
"Oh my God I'm going to be a father" he stopped in his tracks. "What are we going to do doll? There's still a bounty on your head, they will want our kids!"
"There's no safer place than right here, or the cabin. Depending on what happens when Tony and Steve find out" you bit your bottom lip again.
"We gotta tell them, they need to take you off active duty" he started.
"No, I can still work" you argued. "Just light duty"
"Doll, there's no arguing this one" his voice got super firm.
"I can still do recons" you crossed your arms.
"Let them decide, after we tell them" he sighed.
"If they don't kick me off the team" you pouted.
"They won't kick you off the team" he pulled you close. "Now come on, let's go" he picked you up.
"I can walk" you laughed as you grabbed at the door handle, trying to wiggle out of his grasp.
"Let me take care of my dame" his voice was firm again, and you realized there was no arguing with him.

The failed experiment (Bucky x reader)Where stories live. Discover now