Unsaid declaration

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Bruce brought you and Bucky in breakfast after everyone had cleared out finally. Bucky put an extra pillow behind you so you could sit up a bit, and Happy brought you and Bucky both a coffee which you happily sipped. Bruce sat in the chair beside you and ate silently. This went on for three days, while Doctor Joy would check on you consistently, if Bruce didn't join you and Bucky it was another member of the team or Happy. Happy would come in during the afternoons and put on his shows for you to watch with him, and in the evenings Bucky would watch a movie with you while you rested most of the day's and nights. You felt exhausted and your body was taking longer than usual to heal. You had a feeling it had to do with the blood transfusions that you had endured. By the fourth morning, you had had enough of being in bed all the time. You were sore, and tired of being catered to every moment of the day. You couldn't even go to the washroom without someone waiting outside the door while you did your business.
When you woke up on the fourth day, you were still encircled in Bucky's arms. You would never tire of waking up to him, but you had made up your mind. Today Doctor Joy was going to let you go back to your bedroom. Leia, Chewy and Harry had barely left the room, and Lily was now a permanent resident at the end of Bucky's bed. You had been listening to the same song for the entirety of the last few days, thinking of Bucky and the words you so badly wanted to say to him. You had nearly lost your chance because of trying to help Soldier 23, and you were smart enough to know that had Maria not taken you directly to HQ, you may not have made it this time. When you had been wounded as badly as this, they had pulled you into surgery immediately, not waited for you to let go of your powers. Hey frankly didn't care about anything besides saving their asset so they could experiment further.
Doctor Joy came into the room to check your morning vitals on the computer screens, and nodded approvingly.
"Doc, this has been a few days coming, but I need to get out of this bed" you whispered to her.
"You almost died" she shook her head.
"Speedy healer, I need to move around. Please, discharge me and let me sleep in my own bed for a change. Let me go take a shower, I feel disgusting" you begged.
"Will you come in three times a day for me to check your vitals, until I'm satisfied?" she sighed heavily. "Because I don't know that this is a good idea"
"Hydra never gave me this much downtime and I've been injured before. This is bordering on babysitting and you know it" you wiggled a bit in Bucky's arms and he gave you a kiss on the cheek before letting you go.
"Good morning doll" he whispered, having been awake for most of the exchange.
"As long as you keep resting. I don't want you working out in the gym yet, or pushing yourself. You need a few more days" she finally nodded her head. You went to jump out of bed, but Bucky pulled you back to him quickly.
"Go" he kissed your cheek "slowly" he kissed you on the tip of your nose "or else" he leaned forward and gave you a soft kiss on the lips.
"Good morning" Happy walked in with both of your coffee's and you smiled happily at him. Doctor Joy went to sign off the paperwork in her office while you slipped off the bed and took a few unsteady steps towards Happy.
"Good morning Happy" you smiled gratefully taking the coffee. Bucky was close behind you taking his as well. "Thank you Happs"
"Thank you Happy" Bucky smiled and took a sip of his coffee.
"I'm free, kind of" you grinned and took as sip of your latte, moaning appreciatively.
"Doc, is she telling me the truth?" Happy called into the office.
"I'm emailing Cho now, she's still supposed to continue resting, but I wont force her to stay in here for that anymore" she called out. Bucky took your free hand and pulled you to him so he could give you another soft kiss on the lips.
"Lets go get you in a shower doll" he pulled the back of your hospital gown closed in the back. "In fact..." he handed you his coffee and you took it with a raised eyebrow. He leaned down and picked you up like a princess and started heading out the doors with all four of your fur babies following closely behind. You started giggling at his antics while he strode forward.
"What are you two doing?" Steve was walking by with Tony.
"Y/N still supposed to be resting, but she's been released" Bucky gave the biggest grin. "I'm taking her to go take a shower before breakfast"
"Good, glad to hear that you can start getting back on your feet Kitten. Happy will be babysitting to make sure you keep resting. Steve needs Tin man for sparring this morning" Tony nodded approvingly.
"I'll make sure Bruce knows not to bring you breakfast" Steve smiled and waved while Bucky started walking back to your bedroom again. You giggled again as he almost kicked your door open and finally set you back on your feet. You felt weak still, but you badly wanted to take a shower. You set your latte down, and handed Bucky his coffee. You took a few steps to the docking station for your phone and put it in place hearing the same song starting to play again. It was called "Put me in my place" by Muscadine Bloodline. You turned up the music a little while you felt Bucky's eyes watching you from across the room. You slowly turned to look at him in the eyes as the course came on saying "The chance is yours to take, my heart is yours to break... so put me in my place". You held his gaze for a moment making sure that he was hearing you without words. He put his coffee down, and slowly walked to you and placed a finger under your chin while he leaned down capturing your lips with his. He took his time with this kiss, moving his lips sweetly against yours. Slowly his arms wrapped around you as he pulled you closer to kiss you more deeply while his tongue delved into your mouth. You had missed this, missed feeing him kiss you like it was the first time and with such hunger. You both unintentionally moaned, having spent days being closely monitored the entire time and not being able to kiss more than small little pecks here or there. He brought one hand up behind your head, pulling a bit on your hair to angle your head more. You felt his nose brush against yours as he pressed in more to you. Slowly he pulled back so you could both have an intake of air.
"My place is next to you doll" he whispered against your lips. "That's not going to ever change" he shook his head and leaned down to kiss you again. You leaned into him again feeling a few tears fall down your face. You hoped he understood what you were really saying to him. You hoped even more that he was saying that he loved you too. You were too scared to say the words yet, but you wanted him to know that no matter what, this is how you felt. "Let me help you take a shower" he took your hand and led you into the bathroom. You pulled off the hospital gown and put it in the laundry hamper, his eyes watching you closely. You walked to the shower and turned on the water as hot as you could handle it. You heard rustling and saw Bucky getting undressed as he headed towards you.
"No funny stuff this time, your still recovering" he smirked as he saw your eyes travel up and down his figure.
"But I like the funny stuff" you giggled getting under the water. He stepped in behind you and waited for your hair to get wet enough before grabbing the shampoo bottle and started washing your hair for you. You leaned back against his chest just enjoying the moment. He leaned down and gave your shoulder a quick kiss before pushing you lightly forward back under the nozzle to rinse out your hair. You grabbed the facecloth and grabbed the Japanese Cherry Blossom soap and started with washing your face and shoulders before you felt the cloth taken from your grasp and Bucky started washing your back, kissing the side of your neck. He reached around and started washing your front as well before he did both of your legs. You grabbed the conditioner and put it through your hair, letting out a contented sigh. He stood up and started washing himself quickly, and putting shampoo through his hair. You reached up timidly and started massaging his scalp to make sure that he was getting at least somewhat the same treatment. He stood under the water with you and rinsed before pulling you forward so he could kiss you again. He seemed to really take his time, memorizing your lips with his own. He ran his hands through your hair an pulled on it slightly so you would tip your head more for him. You gave a small moan and he moved to kiss down your neck again.
"We need to get to breakfast before someone comes looking for us" he made his way back to your lips again.
"I just wanted a moment alone with you" you admitted. "And, admittedly a shower" you turned off the water and pulled a towel around yourself, handing Bucky another one. He started drying himself off quickly and took a hand towel to start drying your hair for you. "You can't keep spoiling me like this" you closed your eyes contentedly.
"Let me take care of my doll" he chuckled and you felt the vibrations through your body as he continued to dry your hair.
"Are you sleeping with me tonight?" you whispered a little to him.
"I want to sleep with you every night" he kissed the back of your neck once he was satisfied your hair was dried enough. "If you'll have me"
"I'll always have you, as long as you will take me" you licked your lips as you turned to look at him.
"Every day doll" he kissed you softly on the lips again. You leaned into him for a moment, running your hands through his hair. "Come on" he pulled back a little. "Let's get dressed" he led you out, taking your hand and brought you to the closet. You picked out a pair of white lace briefs and bra and heard him groan from behind you. You tried to hold back your giggle as his lips connected with the side of your neck in your favorite spot. "Now all I'm going to be thinking about all damn day is that you're wearing that" he watched as you put your undergarments on.
"What matters is, you get to help me take them off tonight" you gave a sly wink. He bit his bottom lip and groaned looking up at the ceiling.
"You're killing me doll. You need to finish healing" he pulled out a pair of boxers an slipped them on over his massive erection.
"I'm healed" you bit your bottom lip and leaned forward kissing him softly. "Trust me, I'm healed enough to at least be with you"
"Not yet" he kissed you hard on the lips. "Not until we know your fully healed. I can't loose you doll"
"You wont loose me" you shook your head. "I'm fine, just a little tired and a little sore"
"I'll make you a deal, once your cleared for the gym" he looked at you earnestly.
"No way" you shook your head. "That's not fair. That's punishment"
"Fine, once your not sore anymore but you have to be honest" he groaned as you rubbed your hand against the front of his boxers.
"You have my word" you kissed his chest and leaned back grabbing a pair of leggings and your pink t-shirt with the black kitten on the front. He quickly dressed in his sweat pants and a Henley. You pulled on a pair of thick fluffy pink socks as you watched him start with his sneakers. He picked you up quickly and you started giggling again. He stopped long enough by the door for you two grab both of your coffee's and he carried you to the breakfast table.

"Look who it is!" Nat jumped up as Bucky brought you in. He set you down by your chair and pulled it out for you to get in. Nat reached over and gave you a kiss on the cheek. "About time you got out of there. We thought we would need a search party when you were supposed to just be taking a shower"
"It was my first shower in a few days, I needed to wash my hair" you flushed, knowing that she could tell Bucky took a shower with you.
"Glad you can join us Sunshine" Bruce smiled at you ruffling your hair.
"I'm going to bring all your flowers out, do you want some in your room?" Happy smiled from across the table at you.
"The blue roses, please" you nodded as Bucky set your plate in front of you with flourish. "But can we have some in the living room. I really loved all of them"
"Bucky knows his doll best" Steve grinned, knowing that Bucky chose the blue roses.
"You look a lot better than you did" Pepper smiled at you kindly. "There's more color back in your cheeks"
"Was it that bad?" you scrunched your nose a little, and Bucky frowned a little.
"You scared us sexy legs" Sam nodded. "The rest of the team was already told what happened. Most of them offered to come back, but we knew you wouldn't want that"
"No, I'd rather they didn't come back for something like this. I really have been through worse" you shook your head.
"Once your cleared for training again, we will be working you a little harder" Nat warned you. "We are going to start taking you on more missions, just with us as a team instead"
"I wasn't alone on my missions" you shrugged. "I need to work on my report today, so I can get it handed in"
"You can do that from the living room while the rest of us train. Pepper will be in her office, and Happy will be watching you" Steve advised you softly.
"Tony and I will be in the lab" Bruce added. "We have a few things to work on"
"Can I come in and learn how to do stuff in the lab?" you asked, feeling a little lost that they really were going to make you rest.
"Not for a few days. Your allowed in the living room, dining room, kitchen and your bedroom. No physical activities, no powers, nothing until you've been cleared" Bruce shook his head.
"What about dancing? You can't take that away from me" you pouted.
"Tell you what Kitten, you stay on that couch all day and don't fight us and you can have a slow dance before bed" Tony grinned mischievously.
"Deal" you nodded and smiled at Bucky.
"I already know the song" Bucky blushed a little, thinking back to the song that you played just then while you were both in the shower. He got the message loud and clear of what you were trying to say to him without words. He wanted to make sure you knew he felt the same way. He didn't think there would be enough words in the English language to describe how he felt about you.
You all ate in relative silence before Bucky gave you another soft kiss on the lips when he took your plate to go to the kitchen.
"Can I do dishes?" you asked softly.
"Nope, couch" Tony pointed to the living room where Leia, Chewy, and Harry followed you. Everyone went to do their own thing while you worked on your report for the team and for Fury about the last mission. You detailed how when you walked in you didn't register that there was anyone in there at first, and the battle that you had with Soldier 23. You gave all your observations and how things had gone downhill when he got out of your ice spears. You described the base to the best of your memory, and about telling Maria not to come to help you until you secured the enhanced. You had vivid flashbacks of when he stabbed you through the stomach with his claws as you wrote, and tried to hide the tears coming down your cheeks. You remembered you had wanted so badly to help him, but you supposed not everyone wanted to be saved.
Happy came in and out of the room bringing vases upon vases of flowers that had been in the infirmary. He finally sat down after a while, and turned on the TV while you continued on your report. You shivered slightly and had barely registered that he stood up and left before you felt a cashmere blanket thrown over your shoulders. You looked up and smiled at him softly.
"Thank you Happy" you felt grateful he was so intuitive.
"Want to start that Harry Potter marathon?" he quirked an eyebrow.
"What about your stories?" you put your finished report to the side.
"I have them recording in my new room" he admitted and you grinned at him.
"Yes please then" you laid back and felt the three dogs jump up on top of you and around you. Lily came in and lay right above where your head rested on one of the couch pillows.

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