Spa before the wedding

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With the four of you piled into the car, Pepper made a point to go to Starbucks first to get you your caffeine free latte and they all got their preferred drinks before she headed to a spa that you had never seen before. The building was large, and looked more upscale. Wanda was sitting in the backseat with you and held your hand for a moment before the four of you got out of the car.
"Now don't forget this is the full treatment today. Nails, hair, facials, full body rubdowns, its going to be the best of treats. They have a lunch prepared for us while we are here so we don't have to worry about a thing" Pepper announced taking your hand and leading you inside. She told them she was Pepper Stark, and you saw them go and lock the doors and turned the open sign to closed quickly before you were ushered to separate rooms. You saw the lockbox for your jewelry and put everything but your inhibitor inside before taking the key and putting it around your wrist and getting fully undressed. You put on the fluffy pink robe that was provided and slippers before walking out into the hallway to see Nat was waiting for you. She led you to the first room and smiled giving you a small smack on the butt as you walked towards one of the tables. The masseuse closed the blinds all around so you could take off your robe and slip under the blanket. They never missed a beat even giggled a little when she saw the kiss marks that your body was littered with while she did the full body massage, starting with your back, then doing the front. She used oils on you that smelled divine, and you reveled in feeling so spoiled. Next came a mud bath, which you were not sure about at all. The girls were already in theirs and you took off your robe slipping in, feeling self conscious of your belly showing a bit.
"Looks like Barnes is as thorough as ever" Nat giggled.
"Did he really get my back too?" you flushed.
"You better believe it" Wanda giggled. "I think its fantastic you wore him out last night"
"Its normally the other way around" you admitted.
"That's something to be proud of" Pepper chuckled. "He's in for a surprise, I read it only gets worse soon"
"I wonder if he will say he has a headache?" you giggled a little.
"Doubtful, I could feel his contentment this morning. He's pleased" Wanda updated you. "I could feel it through the walls when I walked by"
"What was the whipped cream for?" Nat teased you.
"First it was for cookies, then we found new uses for it" you blushed. "Only problem is, it gets sticky so we have to take a shower after"
"That doesn't seem to be too much of a problem" Wanda winked at you.
"To be honest, no, not really" you giggled again.
"After this is facials, lunch, and then a few more treats for us" Pepper warned. "They are also doing some hair care things"
"We are getting spoiled today" Nat giggled.
"Naturally, its well needed" Pepper relaxed more into her mud bath.

Bucky was still tired from you last night, but tried like hell not to let it show. Steve chuckled as they sat in the car with Sam and Clint in the back seat.
"How are you feeling Buck?" Steve finally asked.
"Like a million bucks, punk" Bucky smiled and gave a small yawn.
"Hate to tell you this, but it gets worse from here on out" Clint put his hand on Bucky's shoulder and he looked at him curiously. "Every time Laura hit that stage, she had a lot more energy than I did. I don't have super soldier serum. You gotta just take advantage of it for now"
"Its normally me that keeps her up" Bucky flushed.
"Say goodbye to that" Clint chuckled. "Her hormones are going to speak for themselves. Just do yourself a favor and keep her happy as possible. The meltdowns are the worst"
"Let's stop for coffee, someone looks like he needs it" Sam grinned from the back seat.
"More like a pound of coffee" Bucky chuckled.
"I'll add espresso to yours" Steve grinned. "Can't keep up with your dame anymore" he shook his head chuckling.
"There was barely even a nap" Bucky admitted red faced. "I can keep up" he argued. "Its just a surprise"
"Tomorrow is the big day, so we are headed out tonight anyways. You wont have to worry" Clint reminded him.
"At least this is the last of the shopping" Bucky sighed as Steve pulled into the Starbucks drive thru.
"Tony has the list, he just texted me that they are there" Sam announced. "Happy pre-ordered the gifts for the guests already, and he has confirmation that most of the guests are already enroute to the location or already there"
"We need to pick up Morgan and the rest of the family tonight" Steve reminded. "I think Tony's taken care of that, he's going to take one of the jets out and meet them at the cabin"
"I'm excited to see Y/N's face when she see's how much work we all put into this" Clint grinned from the backseat. "I have never seen Loki so much in his prime. He's loving taking over and pointing out things she likes"
"At least none of it has surprised me" Bucky admitted gently. "She's going to be so surprised" he smiled happily.
"Don't forget that the jet will be ready for you two to go on the honeymoon as soon as the night is over, so save some energy" Steve reminded him.
"At least I'll get some sleep tonight" Bucky sighed. "I'll have to take the time to shave in the morning" he thought aloud.
"We all do, need to look our best" Sam grinned. "My sister is so excited about the mini paid vacation, its all she's texted me about"
"I hope its her dream wedding" Bucky whispered.
"I think her dream is just to be married to you at this point" Clint pointed out. "She looks at you like you are her whole world"
"Oh, about the whipped cream..." Sam trailed off and everyone started laughing. "Happy is putting a case in the jet for you two"
"I can't believe she admitted to it" Bucky flushed. "It was pretty fun to use though"
"Doesn't it get sticky?" Steve asked.
"That's what shower sex is for after" Clint piped up. "Laura liked it too when she was pregnant with our second one" Sam took to laughing seeing the look on Steve's face, and the flush that went across his cheeks.
"Loki is texting me" Sam announced. "Apparently he's displeased we are running late, and Thor is annoying him so we need to hurry before he gets stabby"

After the mud bath you felt completely relaxed, and enjoyed the hot shower to clean up, using the expensive soaps and shampoos to clean up. You thought about Bucky, and wondered if he would have time for a quickie before he headed out tonight. Just the thought of having him and him alone for the rest of your life was so appealing to you. You made your way out in a towel, and went to the sauna to sit with the girls, just taking in the heat. It started to be a bit much for you, and you tapped your inhibitor to call on some of the ice butterflies in the room to cool it down a notch.
"That's so cold" Wanda felt one touch her.
"It feels so much better" you moaned letting them touch your skin.
"I'll never get tired seeing you do that though" Nat grinned. "They always look so pretty"
"Our Kitten is talented" Pepper nodded, leaning back and soaking up the heat.
"Do we eat soon?" you asked after a few minutes. "I could murder a cheeseburger with extra pickles"
"They have a light lunch prepared for us, I doubt there's going to be a cheeseburger" Nat giggled. "We can pick one up on the way home.
"Thank goodness, its all I can think about. I want one of Ma and Pop's ones, with the extra bacon on top" you leaned back trying to allow yourself to just relax.
"Next is the hair treatment, and they will be doing manicure and pedicures" Pepper reminded you.
"I hope my hair doesn't go frizzy for tomorrow" you cringed. "I want to look perfect for Bucky"
"He thinks you look perfect no matter what. Even when you have bedhead, and drool on your chin" Wanda announced quickly. "It's a visual I got from him once I wasn't anticipating. He even thinks you look perfect when you have food on your face before you had the chance to wipe it off. He's madly in love with you" she added.
"I can't wait to spend the rest of my life with him" you sighed happily. "You should have seen him this morning, he was even snoring a little bit. I've never seen him so tired, but it was so adorable" you sighed again with a smile.
"Are you going to give him the playlist you made for him before he goes tonight?" Wanda asked with a smile and you flushed a bit.
"I was thinking about sending it to him, so he would have something to listen to while we are apart for the night. I made it all love songs that make me think of him. Some of them he sent to me, some of them I found on my own" you admitted.

When you got out of the sauna, you turned on your inhibitor again. They had cucumber sandwiches and tea for lunch and you were sorely disappointed however nibbled on them regardless.
"We will get you your cheeseburger" Nat promised as you finished your sandwich and you gave her a relieved smile. You followed the girls into the next room and when you sat down they immediately started putting a mask through your hair and you relaxed into the motions. It kind of reminded you of when Bucky played with your hair. You felt them start to work on your feet and hands at the same time. You could hear even Wanda was relaxing with a few soft sighs coming from the girls as the woman worked on the four of you.
You ended up all getting the same color of soft blue for nails on your hands and feet. Nat insisted that you all had to match, then bought a bottle of it to make sure Penelope and Maria matched as well. You tried really hard not to ask for details on the wedding, but you were getting anxious about it. You were so curious what the team had been up to putting it together. You only wanted to make sure it was an outdoor wedding, but with it being winter, you couldn't imagine that would be a possibility. You knew instinctively whatever they chose, it was going to be beautiful and perfect.
As soon as you were done at the spa, you hurriedly put your jewelry back on and then your clothes before rushing out the door excitedly. You couldn't wait to see Bucky, even if it was only for a few hours before he left.
On the way home they stopped at a drive thru and got you two cheeseburgers to tide you over until you got home. You were glad they added the extra pickles.
"What are you craving now?" Pepper giggled seeing your satisfied smile.
"Pickle pizza" you admitted. "That hit the spot for now though, I suppose" you sighed.
"I'll text Tony to order pizza in for tonight" she gave a smile. "And make sure you get your pizza" she added with a wink.
"Can you imagine the look on the boy's faces when they see how she digs into that?" Wanda giggled.
"Its not that bad" you flushed.
"No, of course not" Nat grinned. "Its just a surprise how much you like it" she winked over her shoulder at you.  

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