Official Avenger

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After supper at a high-end restaurant, the five of you headed back to the compound that was full of cars everywhere and people were filtering into a separate area that you hadn't explored yet.
"That's where we hold the parties, we don't want anyone in the private quarters" Pepper quickly explained while you all went inside and up the stairs to Wanda's room to get ready. You pulled out the white lingerie with beige thigh high stockings. Thankfully you had remembered to get the bra as a strapless, that Wanda helped you put on since it was your first time really putting on something so elegant for an event. Pepper put on a red satin gown that was floor length and a pair of black heels. Nat went with a black short dress and black heels. Wanda went with a short red dress and red heels grinning excitedly while you put on your blue dress. You looked in the mirror to take in the finished product and blanked out. You couldn't have imagined yourself looking like this in a million years. Even you thought you looked good, but felt nervous as to what the others would think. Especially Bucky. Taking a few lessons from Nat on how-to walk-in heels, you practiced around the room for a few minutes until you got the hang of it. You did like how your legs looked with the black stilettos, but were terrified of breaking an ankle.
"We look fantastic" Wanda grinned to herself.
"Can you take a photo of me?" you handed Nat your phone. She took a quick picture and you sent it to Maria as promised. You shoved your phone into your bra as you all made your way towards the door and down the stairs. The stairs were trickier than you thought they would be, but Nat held one of your arms as you went down with as much grace as you could muster.

The four of you headed into the party, with you walking in last. You saw Tony come over the moment Pepper walked into the room and leave all the people behind him. You looked up and saw a huge banner that said "Welcome to the Avengers Kitten", and standing below it was a majority of the team. You tried to be as conscious of your steps as you walked forward trying to remain steady in your heels. Your gaze flickered across the room as Bucky's eyes rose up to meet yours and he just stopped in his tracks. He stood out in his full black suit, with no tie. Even his shirt was black, and you found him memorizing. He was the most beautiful man you had ever seen, and it still astonished you every time you saw him. His gaze went from your face down to your toes and you felt a flush grace your face. He licked his bottom lip as he slowly brought his gaze up to your face again and the biggest smile brightened up the room. You bit your bottom lip and took another step into the room towards him. He started making his way towards you, bumping into people by accident like he wasn't even paying attention. He had one focus, and it was you.
"Y/N" he breathed as he got closer to you, and pulled you to him with a quick kiss making you blush again. "You look beautiful doll" he whispered against your lips.
"I do believe my man promised me a dance" you giggled, as he pulled you closer to him.
"Okay love birds" Tony grabbed your hand pulling you from Bucky's grasp. "Time to do the announcements and to mingle"
"Announcement?" you echoed.
"Yes, big announcement" Tony led you to the front of the room, and you felt all eyes on you. "Everyone, I'd like to welcome you all to the official announcement party for our newest member Y/N Y/L/N, or better known to us as Kitten" he grinned pulling you up to the podium with him. You saw camera flashes, and tried to smile having been taken completely off guard. The rest of the team came to stand beside you in support, while you felt Bucky stand closest to you putting a hand in the small of your back.
"We fortunately met Y/N after a recon mission, and she graciously agreed to join us. We are excited to have her as part of the team" Steve added to the crowd of people.
"I don't have to say anything do I?" you whispered to Bucky.
"No doll" he shook his head. "Just smile for the photos, and mingle after"
"I don't mingle, I avoid" you sighed with a smile.
Tony went on to give a long speech about the up's and down's of life, and the importance of team work etc. Once he was done, the press were escorted out slowly while you went down to say hello. A few of the Bravo team members glared at you but you held your smile and tried to avoid it. The music started playing again once the press was gone.
"Y/N" a familiar voice called over and you turned to see Trevor come over while Bucky was getting a drink with Steve at the bar.
"Hello" you gave a shy smile.
"I got here early for the try outs. We get to stay in their area of the compound. Its pretty exciting" he gave a smile.
"That's great" you looked around for Nat. "You must be excited" you added lamely.
"Since I'm here early, why don't we spar sometime" he took a step closer. You took a step back unintentionally.
"I don't see why not, as long as its just for fun" you shrugged.
"You look beautiful tonight by the way" he took another step towards you.
"Hey doll" Bucky was there at your side. "Who's this?" he put a hand on your lower back and you immediately started to relax.
"This is Trevor, Nat and I met him at SHIELD headquarters" you introduced. "Trevor, this is Bucky"
"Nice to meet you" Trevor shook his hand and they seemed to hold gazes for a moment.
"James, I believe you promised me a dance" you touched his hand to get his attention.
"Come on doll" he smirked and pulled you to the dance floor. You watched your feet trying to focus on not tripping again. He was graceful as he swayed you back and forth across the floor being careful to make sure not to go too fast. You gazed lovingly into his eyes and almost found yourself almost tripping once when he put you into a turn. He pulled you back quickly and fully against his chest lifting you slightly off your feet twirling you in a circle with him.
"Nice recovery" you flushed wrapping both arms around his shoulders with a giggle.
"This dress, looks amazing on you" he whispered to you. "You can't imagine what I'm thinkin" he added with a lust filled eyes. You decided you didn't care about propriety and gave him a soft kiss on the lips since he still was holding you slightly up off the ground.
"Is this like a fourth date?" you giggled as he started to put you back down on the ground.
"Definitely, because I'm only here with you doll" he led you off the dance floor to the bar. You ordered a strawberry daiquiri while he ordered another whisky. He led you to a couch where a bunch of the team were already seated watching you both with light in their eyes.
"I take it this was the public announcement and you didn't tell me because I would have been too anxious?" you looked at Tony.
"Exactly, see she gets it" he looked to Pepper who seemed like she was going to slap him silly.
"You should have warned the rest of us" Pepper rolled her eyes.
"I warned Steve, right before it started" he admitted guiltily.
"Yeah, not sure that's how it was supposed to work Tony" Steve chuckled. "The press is going to have a field day with the pictures they got tonight. They are going to want answers, and the phones are going to go off the hook"
"I have nothing to hide" you spoke up. "I just didn't realize I was being put in the spotlight so soon" you flushed again and felt Bucky rub your back. You looked at him with a soft smile and saw over his shoulder Nat and Bruce were slow dancing on the floor. You wanted to go dance again since the music was so good, but your feet were killing you. Some of the higher ups that were from SHEILD came and introduced themselves and you shyly made small talk before they moved on.
"How about another dance?" Clint came over to you giving a small smirk. You gave a nod, and took his hand standing up shakily. "I'm stealing your girl Barnes" he teased while you both went to the dance floor.
"In your dreams bird man" he retorted while you giggled following Clint to the dance floor. He was a pretty good lead, but nothing compared to your Bucky in your eyes. Your steps started to falter a few times but he would put you in a turn when you would making your stumble seem more graceful.
"This place is clearing out, why don't you take off your shoes" he asked after a few minutes. You bit your bottom lip and kicked them off to the side of the room. Immediately you got more energetic in your dancing with Clint and giggling as you both swayed across the room. The song was more upbeat than the one that you were dancing with Bucky to earlier. When the song was done, you grabbed your shoes and went back to the couch. You went to take the space between Bucky and Steve but a metal hand reached out and pulled you on Bucky's lap and you giggled a bit. You reached down and tried to make sure your dress wasn't riding up. You looked at him surprised and he shrugged wrapping his metal arm around your waist, securing you to him tightly. You looked down at your lap and saw a portion of the garter belt was showing and flushed again. Bucky's eyes followed your gaze and licked his lips, then bit his bottom lip. He discretely pulled down on your dress to hide it for you.
"Baby girl, are you having fun yet?" Sam came to join you all.
"This is a lot of fun" you nodded, leaning more into Bucky's chest.
"Do I get a dance?" he teased.
"If you want to?" you felt unsure.
"I'll save it for later" he winked, and took a seat. You all sat together enjoying the music and shooting the breeze for a while. Wanda and Vision barely left the dancefloor while Nat and Bruce had already made a discrete exit. You felt someone watching you and turned to see Bravo team were standing there talking to the side with Trevor and a few other agents. A few of them kept looking over at where you were sitting and you moved uncomfortably.
"What's wrong doll?" Steve caught onto your change in demeanor quickly.
"I feel like I'm being watched" you admitted.
"This whole night is about you Kitten, of course your being watched" Tony announced.
"How about we give them something to see then" Bucky picked you up with him as he stood and he headed to the dance floor. You giggled as he swept you across the floor in twirls, spins and dips. He danced with you for at least an hour straight, changing his pace with the music. When he slowed down eventually you gave him a soft kiss on the cheek feeling almost exhausted.
"Are you getting tired doll?" he chuckled.
"It's been a very long day James" you sighed, leaning more against him. "I was looking forward to showing you what I bought today"
"I saw a sneak peek, I'm looking forward to that too" he kissed you on the side of the neck while still swaying to the music.
"Can we go back to our rooms yet?" you batted your eyes at him. "I want snuggles, and out of these heels"
"I think I can sneak you out" he pulled you along with him and headed towards the door. You couldn't help another giggle as you got outside that he picked you up and started running back to the living quarters.

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