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A few hours later you were done in the regeneration machine, and Doctor Joy removed the stitches from your skin. It was well into the night already, but you were hungry. Wanda had waited up to check on you as you came out. You had your pre-natal vitamins in your hand feeling a little awkward, also being told you were strictly supposed to rest for the next few days. You weren't fighting her this time, you knew had that bullet been more centered, you might have hurt the babies.
You couldn't get over that thought. You were so deep in thought you nearly walked into a wall, and Wanda pulled on your arm to avoid it. She put her hand on your stomach and nodded to you that they were fine. Doctor Joy wanted you back in the following morning for another ultrasound since you were an enhanced, and nobody knew what was going to happen. Especially where the father was a super soldier.
"Lets go grab some of the leftover supper" Wanda led you to the kitchen. You sniffed at the fridge when she opened the door, and pulled out some of Happy's famous ribs, starting to eat them cold.
"Oh my God these are so good" you relished in the flavor.
"You don't want to warm them up?" she seemed surprised.
"Oh, yeah I guess I should. I'm just hungry" you flushed a bit. She took the plate and put it in the microwave while you buttered some bread and munched on that while you waited on your ribs. Wanda pulled out a fruit salad and put it into two bowls.
"How long have you suspected it?" she broached the subject.
"A few weeks, if I'll be honest. At first I thought it was a flu and I was just exhausted from all the recon missions. Then I couldn't ignore the fact that it wasn't going away and the evenings were better" you admitted. "Yesterday I took the test, and then... well, you know the rest" you shrugged as you felt Alpine rubbing himself around your legs. You saw Frost was watching you both curiously from the corner of the room. "Thank you for grabbing me a change of clothes" you gestured to the nightgown you were wearing.
"Its no trouble" she shrugged taking the ribs out for you both and you both carried everything to the dining room to eat. "Are you going to tell Bucky?"
"I'm worried about telling him, but I know I have to. Its not like I can go back to my cabin until this part is over" you bit your bottom lip.
"I think he will be over the moon" she smirked at you.
"You don't think it's a bit early for all this?" you asked worriedly.
"In normal relationships, maybe. But this isn't exactly normal for any of us anymore, you both lived most of your lives not being able to have the simple things in life. Its something to celebrate for both of you" she smiled at you.
"I feel like I should wait for the first trimester to finish before I say anything" you started in on your fruit salad.
"He's going to know before that happens. You need to tell him" she shook her head.
"I will" you gnawed on your bottom lip again. "We still have that big base to take down"
"You can't do that, you know you can't go for that one" Wanda shook her head. "Tonight was a close enough call" You stayed silent after that. You didn't want to let the team down, which is what you felt like you would be doing if you didn't go. You knew Jeanette would be there, and she was the one you had to worry about the most.
"You're falling asleep in your food, Kitten" Wanda giggled at you.
"I'm just tired all the time" you admitted.
"Come on, I'll clean up. You go to bed" she shooed you away.
"Thank you Wanda" you stood up with a yawn and started padding your way to your suite. You waited for Alpine and Frost to catch up before going in and heading right for a quick shower before you snuggled into the bed for a good nights sleep. You felt Frost lay above you head while Leia snuggled into your stomach. Lily and Alpine took the unicorn stuffy to sleep together on.

You barely made it to the bathroom the next morning before you started vomiting. You had been in a deep sleep to your surprise. Normally you would have nightmares, but last night it was almost like a spell was keeping you asleep and nightmare free. You didn't think much of it, where you really couldn't think of anything besides being sick to your stomach.
Once you managed to get yourself off the bathroom floor you cleaned up and brushed your teeth and hair. You put your hair in a bun, since it was all you had the energy for and you rushed into the closet to put on a pair of leggings and a t-shirt. You decided with the Christmas decorating, you would also do laundry today. You snuck across the hall to Doctor Joys office and she waved you in before closing the door. She patted the bed and you slipped on top of it.
"How long are you into this do you think?" she whispered.
"I think 7 or 8 weeks?" you admitted shyly.
"That's what I was thinking" she nodded and started putting the lube on your stomach. "That means we can probably hear the heart beat" she paused for a moment. "There wont be much of a picture right now, but in another few weeks we might be able to see something" she forewarned. You nodded slightly.
"Will I get kicked off the team for this?" you asked worriedly.
"Benched until maternity leave is up is the more likely outcome" she shook her head at you. "You ready?" she asked gently and you nodded. You watched her turn up the speaker and she started using the wand on your stomach. You looked at the screen and saw two little beans on the screen. "Hear that?" she asked you and you could hear two little heartbeats that brought tears to your eyes. "There's two, and they sound perfect"
"As perfect as their daddy" you wiped at your eyes.
"I told Tony and Steve you are on bedrest for a few days. Happy is going to be your babysitter again I think" she warned you.
"I read in a book I'm supposed to still exercise" you frowned a little.
"You will be, but after yesterday I want you resting" she wiped off your stomach, putting the equipment away. "Take your vitamins, and take advantage of the naps. I'm sure you've been wanting them"
"All the time" you admitted and gave her a quick hug before leaving. "Thank you!"
"Don't forget my cookies" she called back to you.

The failed experiment (Bucky x reader)Where stories live. Discover now