Cookies and secrets

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"Good morning, you two" Tony greeted you as you both walked in. Everyone was almost done breakfast, but it was still on the table, so you sat down and excitedly started filling your plate. "Structural integrity warning came out of your room again this morning, we knew you would be late" he chuckled to himself. Your face flushed, while Bucky grinned to himself.
"How the heck are you breaking the structure?" Steve looked over, and Nat almost spit out her coffee. Wanda started giggling, and there were a few confused looks around the room.
"You don't want to know Punk" Bucky flushed a little, and you concentrated on your food. "I really liked the lace nightgown" he finished and there was a flash of recognition on a few peoples faces. Steve still looked slightly confused.
"She's already pregnant, you trying to put triplets in her?" Sam laughed and you hung your head a little bit.
"Next time" Bucky shrugged and Steve seemed to realize what had happened and flushed. "We already agreed on a baseball team" he chuckled as your face was still red. He leaned over and kissed your cheek.
"Is there any yogurt in the fridge?" you perked up seeing the cut up fruit on the table.
"Of course, we started stocking extra for you Kitten" Pepper smiled as you got up quickly to go to the kitchen, and came back with a half empty container. You just filled the rest of the container with fruit and started digging in. Bucky reached over and put extra bacon on your plate for you, and you stopped eating your yogurt long enough to eat it.
"What did you want for lunch?" Happy grinned at you.
"Butter chicken, I've been craving it for a week" you admitted.
"You have a few food cravings, any aversions to some yet?" Bruce asked curiously.
"None so far" you shrugged.
"Do you have another appointment with Doctor Joy soon?" Steve asked looking at you with a smile.
"Not for a few days" you shook your head.
"We were thinking, as a team, since today is our last day on base... do you mind if we go see Doctor Joy so we can all see them and hear the heart beats" Scott asked politely. "We are all excited for you two, and we just wanted to see them too"
"Doctor Joy is okay with it" Tony told you quickly, so you knew he already have her a heads up. Bucky took your hand and squeezed it slightly.
"I'm okay with it" you smiled and felt Frost jump up on your lap and make his way to your shoulder. Bucky gave a huge grin and leaned over kissing your cheek again. "Did you..." you whispered to him and he grinned and nodded. "No comments on my stomach please" you added for good measure.

When you got to Doctor Joys office, she grinned seeing the entire team filter in behind you. Bucky came over and sat next to the table that you always laid on and held your hand.
"I hear that we are just doing a check in" she gave a knowing smile. "I am turning up the volume on their heartbeats" she warned you. She lifted your shirt and you had a bunch of kiss marks showing brightly against your skin. You heard a few giggles and chuckles around the room. Steve blushed, as did Happy. She put the gel across your stomach and you hissed a little at the cool sensation. She took out the wand and you immediately could hear their little heartbeats and Bucky squeezed your hand. You knew he never got tired of this part, and neither did you. You saw them come up on the screen when Tony went to the window and called out to Friday to put the footage on the window. You could suddenly see it enlarged quite a bit where he was standing. You could see them with their little fingers and the shape of their ears.
"Is it normal for them to be that big at 11 weeks with twins?" Bruce asked looking at the screen curiously.
"If it was a normal pregnancy, I'd say no. They should be a little smaller, but still just as well defined" Doctor Joy admitted.
"I can't believe we are fighting for these two little things. They seem so small" Peter seemed memorized looking at the screen. "Why would anyone want something so innocent this badly?"
"The potential of what they will become" Tony put his hand on Peter's shoulder. "That's why its important to protect them"
"Hydra might start trying to experiment on them while they are still inside of her, that's the last thing we want" Steve added.
"Should one or two of us stay behind on this mission?" Sam asked gently. "Just in case this is all a plan to get to her"
"This is the safest place to be my friend, no one will be able to touch them here" Thor reassured him.
"I also have a protocol put in place for the four of them, and the pets in case something happens. They all know the phrase to call out, and a suit each will take them to an undisclosed location until we can get to them. I'll be alerted as soon as it's put in place, and I will let you know as well. We will take the jet to them right away"
"The new safe house, or one of Tony's mansions is the better wording, is already fully ready for us for an extended stay. As soon as the protocol is called out, there will be a grocery order put out and delivered before we even get there. There's clothes in our sizes and everything" Pepper added.
"Our mansions" Tony corrected her, giving her a loving kiss. "Alright everyone, lets get to work" Tony went to being all business all of the sudden. Steve stood in front of the screen for a little bit longer, while a few of the others took a long last look before leaving.
"Stevie?" you asked gently.
"They are beautiful" he looked at you and Bucky with a smile. "I can't wait to meet them in person"
"I'd better get going doll" Bucky leaned over and gave you a kiss, while Doctor Joy started cleaning you up and the image disappeared.
"Wait for me jerk" Steve grinned and the two of them walked out. You felt Frost jump on your chest and meow at you.
"Yes, its time" you smiled, giving him a scratch behind the ears.
"Time for what?" Doctor Joy caught you off guard.
"To put on my overalls, we are going to be doing some baking" you grinned at her, and slid off the bed, taking Frost with you back to your suite.

The failed experiment (Bucky x reader)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora