Bringing Frost back

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You didn't sleep much that night, you both continued to make love the entire night continuously telling each other how you felt about the other. You were deliciously sore by morning, and wondering where Bucky found the stamina to keep going all night. His recovery time was amazing. Both of you were guilty of waking the other throughout the night with kisses or the intent of making love again.
As the sun crept into the bedroom you both were nothing but smiles for the other. You heard the dogs come in during the night, but they smartly stayed away from the bed as it barely stopped moving the entire night. The last time you woke up you looked kissed Bucky on the arm and stretched slightly feeling him pull you closer to his body.
"Good morning my love" you sighed happily, even knowing it was almost time for Happy to arrive.
"Good morning gorgeous" he kissed the back of your neck. "Its almost time to go see Doc" he started kissing towards the side of your neck.
"That means coffee though" you whispered hopefully.
"Don't forget you promised lots of cookies today" he reminded you while he started kissing along your collarbone. You moaned in response, pushing your ass towards him feeling he was already hard and ready to go again.
"Do you think we have time?" you turned in his arms and you saw him seriously think about it for a moment.
"I can make it quick" he grinned pulling you into a breath-taking kiss. You felt his hand start to move towards your hip when a sharp knock came at the door, and you let out a giggle as Bucky let out a long groan.
"Good morning" Happy called through the door.
"Good morning Happy" you called back and started to sit up, you let out a squeal when Bucky pulled you back down on the bed.
"Doctor Joy is waiting; I'll have your coffee at the table you two. Breakfast is almost ready" you heard Happy chuckling to himself as he started moving away from the door.
"See, we have time" he kissed you on the back of your shoulder.
"No, we are out of time. We will have to wait until tonight" you flushed and moved away regretfully. He pulled you back to him, and lifted you off the bed and you let out another squeal and giggle again. He carried you into the closet and couldn't stop grinning to himself.
"You might want to wear your shirt all day" you let your gaze rake over his entire body seeing all the love bites you left all over him.
"I could say the same" he grinned proudly. You looked down and saw your body was peppered. You giggled again grabbing a powder blue set of panties and bra putting them on quickly while you watched him slip on his boxers. He pulled you in for a quick kiss before he went to put on his pants and t-shirt. You pulled out a powder blue shirt and a pair of dark blue jeans and a pair of fluffy socks you had come to love. He waited for you to finish and he took your hand leading you to the door before opening it for you, then leading you to the infirmary.

"Good morning love birds" Doctor Joy grinned as you came in. "How is my favorite patient?" she patted the bed for you to jump up. Bucky went to lean against the wall close by, and crossed his arms while he gazed at you with a flirty grin.
"I'm much better, in fact I think you should clear me for the gym" you let her hook you up to a few monitors while she took your pulse manually.
"In your dreams" she laughed. "How are your powers?"
"My frost isn't back, not yet" you admitted and she nodded to herself. "The flames are working good though"
"Give it time, you held the frost form for a long time before you passed out. Maybe your brain is scared to bring that forward again since the last time you had so much trauma" she seemed to really think on it. "You need to continue with resting, but I'm not against you still working on your powers with monitoring. You can go for a walk, but no jogs. No swimming yet either. Let me see your stomach"
"Oh, that's okay, you don't need to check it" you flushed and Bucky grinned even more.
"You two are incorrigible" she lifted your shirt, then looked at Bucky with a glare. He looked away innocently, trying to keep back a chuckle. "James Barnes, she is supposed to be healing" she sassed him.
"I was a willing participant" you defended him, and she turned her glare on you. You flushed again, and pulled down your shirt. Bucky couldn't seem to wipe the grin off of his face, seeming proud of himself.
"I'll come see you at lunch" Doctor Joy sighed heavily.
"Sorry Doc, I was just marking my territory" Bucky finally said and you giggled getting off of the bed and she huffed behind you both.
"Try keeping your hands off my patient for a few days" Doctor Joy couldn't help but let out a chuckle.
"Don't really need to use my hands" Bucky grinned, giving your butt a squeeze as you both walked out.
"No, just that really talented mouth" you whispered to him and he winked at you still grinning. He leaned down and gave you a quick kiss.

The failed experiment (Bucky x reader)Where stories live. Discover now