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For the next few days you were successful in making Happy laugh, and be terribly uncomfortable. Every night, he would have to come downstairs to remind you that you were safe after a nightmare, and every morning would wake you with a pumpkin spice latte. You spent mornings making breakfast, before going to workout in the gym. In the afternoon you would bake and watch movies. Since no one was really there to tell you what to do, or what to work on you took the time to do the things you liked to do. Happy started complaining on day 3 that you were going to make him go up a few sizes with the amount of sweets you kept baking. By day 4 the freezer was full of containers of sweets, and you had finished all your books and the ones that Tony and Bruce had lent you.
Today was the fifth day, you had texted Bucky daily however he had yet to text you back. None of the team had. You knew they were busy with storming a base and investigations. You had heard back from Morgan, Penelope and Maria, and they had told you to stop worrying about them so much. You had been practicing walking around the compound in heels for the last two days trying to get used to them.
"You're going to drive yourself crazy" Happy saw you doing at least the tenth lap through the compound. "You're driving me crazy" he sighed, having followed you through the compound. You had found different area's you hadn't known existed, including a room with a pool table and various games. You finally also found where the pool was, and had decided you were going to go for a swim later to add to your exercise regime.
"Fine, I'll go practice my powers" you slipped off the heels feeling far more comfortable walking in them.
"Don't forget we are watching the Greatest Showman tonight, you'll love the soundtrack" Happy reminded you while you went into your bedroom to change into a pair of sneakers. "Maybe you'll stop finally playing ABBA, or those sad love songs for a bit" he started following you outside. "I'm ordering in some Butter chicken and rice for supper"
"I saw that one on Pinterest" you opened the door for the dogs to go as well while you both walked towards the lake. "It looked divine"
"Oh it tastes even better" he assured you. You doubled tapped your inhibitor and handed your phone to Happy to hold onto. "I'll let you know if you get any messages" he assured as you started walking onto the lake creating ice beneath you. You summoned your fire and started dancing while rising up in a bubble. You summoned birds made of ice to fly around the bubble while you started working on your focus. You stayed up in the air, waiting as long as possible trying to see what your limits were before the burn became too much. Eventually you just got tired and started releasing your powers and letting yourself go back down.
"You just got a message from Fury" Happy said as you started walking towards him. "You're going on a recon mission. Maria Hill is flying you out and has the mission details. She'll be here in the morning, so we will still have time for your morning latte" he grinned at you.
"You are spoiling me Happy" you gave a grin, and ruffled his hair.
"I'm just your bodyguard" he grinned.
"And here I was thinking that we are friends" you rolled your eyes.
"Friends, I can work with that" he ruffled your hair back. "You look so much like a kitten its uncanny" he chuckled as you leaned into his hand.
"I'm worried we haven't heard from the team" you whispered to him as you both started heading back inside.
"Its normal that we don't hear from them. They rarely check in, unless they will be gone more than a week" Happy tried to comfort you as you both walked into the compound.
"I have a request, since we are friends" you bit your bottom lip, anticipating that Happy would decline your request.
"What's that?" he followed you into the kitchen while you took out one of the many containers of cookies, taking one out and handing it to him before taking one for yourself.
"I want to get better at dancing with heels. Can you practice with me?" you asked honestly.
"Are you serious?" he sighed, chewing the cookie thoughtfully.
"As a heart attack" you nodded.
He sighed heavily and crossed his arms. "Fine" he waited a few minutes before actually responding. "But no more ABBA. Play something else"
You squealed and ran to your bedroom to grab a pair of stilettos. He couldn't help but laugh a bit to himself. You brought them to the living room and started changing your shoes immediately. You didn't care that you looked a little silly with a pair of shorts and one of Bucky's t-shirts and a pair of elegant shoes. You turned on one of your bedtime playlists since the music was slower and waited expectantly for Happy to join you.
"Just until supper" he came towards you. You took your dancing forms, and he started gliding you around the room. A few times you started to stumble but he would pull you back into the proper stance. You both went for at least an hour before supper was delivered and Friday announced it was at the door. "You did good, better at the end" he smiled at you going to the front door. You picked up your phone and texted Bucky that you were going to try butter chicken for the first time, and that you wished he was home. You wanted to tell him you were headed out on a mission the following day, but decided against it. If he was able to see the messages, it might worry him.

The failed experiment (Bucky x reader)Where stories live. Discover now